4935 TIRSHATHA -A title of Persian governors #EZR 2:63; NE 7:65,70; 8:9 4936 TIRZAH -1. A daughter of Zelophehad #NU 26:33; 36:11; JOS 17:3 .Special legislation in regard to the inheritance of #NU 27:1-11; 36; JOS 17:3,4 -2. A city of Canaan .Captured by Joshua #JOS 12:24 .Becomes the residence of the kings of the northern kingdom (Israel) #1KI 14:17; 15:21,33; 16:6,8,9,15,17,23 .Royal residence moved from #1KI 16:23,24 .Base of military operations of Menahem #2KI 15:14,16 .Beauty of #SO 6:4 4937 TITHES -Paid by Abraham to Melchizedek #GE 14:20; HEB 7:2-6 -Jacob vows a tenth of all his property to God #GE 28:22 -Mosaic laws instituting #LE 27:30-33; NU 18:21-24; DE 12:6,7,17-19; 14:22-29; 26:12-15 -Customs relating to #NE 10:37,38; AM 4:4; HEB 7:5-9 -A tithe of tithes for the priests #NU 18:26; NE 10:38 -Stored in the temple #NE 10:38,39; 12:44; 13:5,12; 2CH 31:11,12; MAL 3:10 -Payment of, resumed in Hezekiah's reign #2CH 31:5-10 -Under Nehemiah #NE 13:12 -Withheld #NE 13:10; MAL 3:8 -Customary in later times #MT 23:23; LU 11:42; 18:12 -Observed by idolaters #AM 4:4,5 -See TAX » 4832 4938 TITLE, TO REAL ESTATE -See LAND » 2990 4939 TITUS -(A faithful Greek companion of Paul) -Paul's love for #2CO 2:13; 7:6,7,13,14; 8:23; TIT 1:4 -With Paul in Macedonia (see postscript to 2Co) #2CO 7:5,6 -Affection of, for the Corinthians #2CO 7:15 -Sent to Corinth #2CO 8:6,16-22; 12:17,18 -Character of #2CO 12:18 -Accompanies Paul to Jerusalem #GA 2:1-3 -Compare #AC 15:1-29 -Left by Paul in Crete #TIT 1:5 -To rejoin him in Nicopolis #TIT 3:12 -Paul writes to #TIT 1:1-4 -With Paul in Rome, with the postscript to #2TI 4:10 -Goes to Dalmatia #2TI 4:10 4940 TOAH -See NAHATH, number two » 3496 4941 TOB -A district in Syria #JUD 11:3,5 -Called ISH-TOB #2SA 16:6,8 4942 TOB-ADONIJAH -A Levite sent by Jehoshaphat to instruct the people in the law #2CH 17:8 4943 TOBIAH -1. Ancestor of a family of Babylonian captives #EZR 2:60; NE 7:62 -2. An enemy of the Jews in the time of Nehemiah .Opposes the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem #NE 2:10,19; 4:3,7,8 .Conspires to injure and intimidate Nehemiah #NE 6:1-14,19 .Subverts nobles of Judah #NE 6:17,18 .Allies himself with Eliashib, the priest #NE 13:4-9 4944 TOBIJAH -1. A Levite sent by Jehoshaphat to instruct the people in the law #2CH 17:8 -2. A captive in Babylon #ZEC 6:10,14 4945 TOCHEN -A city in the territory of the tribe of Simeon #1CH 4:32 4946 TOE -Anointed in consecration #EX 29:20; LE 8:23,24 -In purification #LE 14:14,17,25,28 -Of prisoners of war cut off #JUD 1:6,7 -Six, on each foot #2SA 21:20; 1CH 20:6 4947 TOGARMAH -Son of Gomer #GE 10:3; 1CH 1:6 -Descendants of #EZE 27:14; 38:6 4948 TOHU -See NAHATH, number two » 3496 4949 TOI -Also called TOU -King of Hamath #2SA 8:9,10; 1CH 18:9,10 4950 TOLA -1. Son of Issachar #GE 46:13; NU 26:23; 1CH 7:1,2 -2. A judge (leader, hero) of Israel #JUD 10:1,2 4951 TOKEN -A sign #EX 3:12 -Sun and moon for time and seasons #GE 1:14 -The mark of Cain #GE 4:15 -Rainbow, that the earth would never be destroyed by a flood #GE 9:12-17 -Circumcision, of the covenant of Abraham #GE 17:11 -Presents #GE 21:27,30 -Miracles of Moses, of the divine authority of his missions #EX 4:1-9 -Blood of the Passover lamb #EX 12:13 -The Passover #EX 13:9 -Consecration of the firstborn #EX 13:14-16 -The Sabbath day #EX 31:13,17 -A fringe #NU 15:38-40 -Scarlet thread #JOS 2:18,21 -Cover of the altar #NU 16:38-40 -Aaron's rod #NU 17:10 -Memorial stones #JOS 4:2-9 -Dew on Gideon's fleece #JUD 6:36-40 -Prayer for tokens of mercy #PS 86:17 -See MIRACLES » 3387 4952 TOLAD -See ELTOLAD » 1616 4953 TOLERATION -Religions #MIC 4:4,5; MR 9:38-40; LU 9:49,50; AC 17:11; 28:31; RO 14; 1CO 10:28-32 -See INTOLERANCE » 2535 4954 TOLL -See TRIBUTE » 4994 -See TAX » 4832 4955 TOMB -See BURIAL » 0917 4956 TOMBSTONE -At Rachel's grave #GE 35:20 -See PILLARS » 3870 4957 TONGS -General scriptures concerning #EX 25:38; NU 4:9; 1KI 7:49 4958 TONGUE -Language #GE 10:5,20; ISA 66:18; RE 7:9 -Confusion of #GE 11:1-9 -Gift of #AC 2:1-18,33; 10:46; 19:6; 1CO 12:10,28,30; 14 -Loquacious #PR 10:8,19 -Restrained by wisdom #PR 17:27; 21:23; EC 3:7 -Hasty #PR 29:20 -An evil .See SPEAKING, EVIL » 4661 -See SLANDER » 4611 4959 TONGUES (the gift) -The miraculous gift granted to some early Christians #1CO 12:10,28,30; 13:8; 14:2-19,21-28,39 4960 TOOLS -See IMPLEMENTS »(n/a) 4961 TOPAZ -A precious stone #EZE 28:13; RE 21:20 -In the breastplate #EX 28:17; 39:10 -Ethiopian, celebrated #Job 28:19 4962 TOPHEL -A place in the wilderness of Sinai #DE 1:1 4963 TOPHET -Also called TOPHETH -A place in the valley of the sons of Hinnom #2KI 23:10 -Jewish children passed through the fire to the god Molech in #2KI 23:10; JER 7:31,32; 19:6,11-14; 32:35 -See also #2CH 28:3; 33:6 -Destroyed by Josiah #2KI 23:10 -Horror of #ISA 30:33 4964 TOPOGRAPHY -Of Canaan #JOS 13:15-33; 15; 18:9 4965 TORMENTS -Of the wicked #LU 16:23-28; RE 14:10,11 -See WICKED, PUNISMENT OF » 5141 4966 TORTOISE -General scriptures concerning #LE 11:29 4967 TOTAL ABSTINENCE -See ABSTINENCE » 0058 4968 TOU -See TOI » 4949 4969 TOW -(A piece of string) #JUD 16:9; ISA 1:31 -See FLAX » 1850 4970 TOWEL -General scriptures concerning #JOH 13:4,5 4971 TOWER -Of Babel #GE 11:1-9 -Of Edar #GE 35:21 -Of Penuel #JUD 8:8,9,17 -Of Shechem #JUD 9:46,49 -Of Meah #NE 3:1; 12:39 -Of Hananeel #NE 3:1; 12:39; JER 31:38; ZEC 14:10 -Of David #SO 4:4 -Of Syene #EZE 29:10 -Of Siloam #LU 13:4 -In the walls of Jerusalem #2CH 26:9; 32:5; NE 12:38,39 -Of other cities #2CH 14:7 -In the desert #2CH 26:10 -For watchmen (sentinels) #2KI 9:17; 18:8 -As fortress #MT 21:33 -Parable of #LU 14:28,29 -See FORTS » 1878 -FIGURATIVE .Of divine protection #2SA 22:3,51; PS 18:2; 61:3; 144:2; PR 18:10 4972 TOWN -See CITY » 1118 4973 TOWN CLERK -General scriptures concerning #AC 19:35 4974 TRACHONITIS -A part of the tetrarchy of Philip #LU 3:1 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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