4745 SUPPER -See FEASTS » 1810 -See EUCHARIST » 1726 4746 SUR -Gate of the temple #2KI 11:6 4747 SURETY (GUARANTEE) -General scriptures concerning #GE 44:32; EX 22:26,27; DE 24:10-13; PR 6:1-5; 11:15; 17:18; 20:16; 22:26; 27:13; EZE 18:7,12; 33:15; AM 2:8 4748 SURFEITING -See DRUNKENNESS » 1481 -See GLUTTONY » 2036 4749 SUSANCHITES -The inhabitants of Samaria #EZR 4:9,10 4750 SUSANNA -A woman who ministered to Jesus #LU 8:3 4751 SUSI -A Manassite #NU 13:11 4752 SUSPICION -See ACCUSATION, FALSE » 0065 4753 SWADDLE -(Wrapping, bundling) .Of children #Job 38:9; LA 2:22; EZE 16:4; LU 2:7,12 4754 SWALLOW -Builds its nest in the sanctuary #PS 84:3 -Chattering of, figurative of the mourning of the afflicted #ISA 38:14 -Migration of #JER 8:7 4755 SWAN -Forbidden as food #LE 11:18; DE 14:16 4756 SWEARING -See BLASPHEMY » 0825 -See GOD, NAME OF NOT TO BE PROFANED » 2043 -See OATH » 3612 4757 SWEAT -General scriptures concerning #GE 3:19 -An offense in the sanctuary #EZE 44:18 -Of great drops (like bleeding) #LU 22:44 4758 SWEET INCENSE -Made of spices #EX 25:6 -See INCENSE » 2491 4759 SWINE -(Pigs) -Forbidden as food #LE 11:7; DE 14:8 -Used for food #ISA 65:4; 66:17 -For sacrifice #ISA 66:3 -Wild boar #PS 80:13 -Jewels in the nose of #PR 11:22 -Viciousness of #MT 7:6 -Jesus sends demons into the #MT 8:28-32; MR 5:11-14; LU 8:32,33 -Feeding of #LU 15:15,16 -Sow returns to her wallowing #2PE 2:22 4760 SWORD -Used by .Gideon #JUD 7:20 .Goliath #1SA 21:9 .Peter #MT 26:51; JOH 18:10 -David's army equipped with #1CH 21:5 -To be beaten into plowshares #ISA 2:4; MIC 4:3 -Made of plowshares #JOE 3:10 -Two-edged #HEB 4:12; RE 1:16; 2:12 -FIGURATIVE .Of war #GE 27:40 .Of judgments #DE 32:41; PS 17:13; HO 11:6; ZEC 13:7 .Of the malicious tongue #PS 57:4; PR 25:18 -SYMBOLICAL #GE 3:24; JOS 5:13; RE 1:16 4761 SYCAMINE -A tree #LU 17:6 4762 SYCHAR -See SHECHEM, number two » 4421 4763 SYCHEM -See SHECHEM, number one and number three » 4421 4764 SYCAMORE -(A tree) -Abundant in the land of Canaan #1KI 10:27; 2CH 1:15; 9:27; ISA 9:10 -Groves of, cared for #1CH 27:28 -Destroyed by frost #PS 78:47 -Care of #AM 7:14 -Zacchaeus climbs into a #LU 19:4 4765 SYENE -A city in Egypt #EZE 29:10; 30:6 4766 SYMBOLS AND SIMILITUDES -Trees of life and knowledge #GE 2:9,17; 3:3,24; RE 22:2 -Rainbow #GE 9:12,13 -Circumcision, of the covenant of Abraham #GE 17:11; RO 4:11 -Passover, of the sparing of the firstborn, and of the atonement made by Christ #EX 12:3-28; 1CO 5:7 -Of the divine presence, the pillar of cloud #EX 13:21,22; 14:19,20; 19:9,16 -Thunder on Mount Sinai #EX 19:9,16 -Darkness, of God's inscrutability #EX 20:21; LE 16:2; 1KI 8:12; PS 18:11; 97:2; HEB 12:18,19 -The rock that was struck, of Christ #EX 17:6; 1CO 10:4 -The sprinkled blood, of the covenant #EX 24:8 -Wine, of the atoning blood #MT 26:27-29; MR 14:23-25; LU 22:17,18,20 -The bronze serpent, of Christ #NU 21:8,9; JOH 3:14 -Sacrificial animals #GE 15:8-11; JOH 1:29,36 -Waving the wave offering and lifting up the heave offering #EX 29:24-28; LE 8:27-29; 9:21 -The whole system of Mosaic rites #HEB 9:9,10,18-23 -Tabernacle #PS 15:1; EZE 37:27; HEB 8:2,5; 9:1-12,23,24 -Sanctuary #PS 20:2 -Canaan, of the spiritual rest #HEB 3:11,12; 4:5 -Salt #NU 18:19 -Offering water to drink #GE 24:13-15,42-44 -Lapping water #JUD 7:4-8 -Invitation to approach #1SA 14:8-12 -Bow-Shot .By Jonathan #1SA 20:21-37 .By Joash #2KI 13:15-19 -Men meeting Saul #1SA 10:2-7 -Rain and thunder #1SA 12:16-18 -The torn altar #1KI 13:3,5 -The tearing of the curtain in the temple #MT 27:51; MR 1:38; LU 23:45 -Wounding #1KI 20:35-40 -Praying toward the temple #1KI 8:29; DA 6:10 -Harvest #2KI 19:29 -Isaiah's children #ISA 8:18 -Nakedness #ISA 20:2-4 -Almond rod #JER 1:11 -Sticks and staves #EZE 37:16,17; ZEC 11:7,10,11,14 -Food #2KI 19:29; ISA 37:30 -Shadow on Ahaz' sun-dial #2KI 20:8-11; ISA 38:7,8 -Cooking #JER 1:13; EZE 4:9-15; 24:3-5 -Belt #JER 13:1-7; AC 21:11 -Bottles #JER 13:12; 19:1,2,10 -Breaking of a potter's vessel #JER 19 -Good and bad figs #JER 24 -Basket of fruit #JER 24:1-3; AM 8:1,2 -Wine #JER 25:15-17; MT 26:27; MR 14:23; LU 22:17 -Yokes #JER 27:2,3; 28:10 -Jeremiah's deeds of land #JER 32:1-16 -The book thrown into the Euphrates River #JER 51:63 -Being mute #EZE 3:26,27; 24:27; 29:21; 33:22; LU 1:20-22,62-64 -A siege #EZE 4:1-3 -Posture #EZE 4:4-8 -Ceremonially unclean food #EZE 4:9-17 -Ezekiel's beard #EZE 5:1-4 -Change of domicile #EZE 12:3-11 -Eating bread with alertness #EZE 12:17-20 -Eating and drinking in fear #EZE 12:18 -A vine #EZE 15:2; 19:10-14 -Death #EZE 24:16-19 -A boiling pot #EZE 24:1-5 -Mourning forbidden #EZE 24:15-18 -Two sticks #EZE 37:15-28 -Handwriting on the wall #DA 5:5,6,16-28 -The plumb-line #AM 7:7,8 -Marrying a whore #HO 1:2-9; 3:1-4 -Roll #ZEC 5:2-4 -Ephah #ZEC 5:6-11 -Jonah #MT 16:4; LU 11:29,30 -The star in the east #MT 2:2 -The rock that was struck #1CO 10:4; EX 17:6 -Salt #COL 4:6 -Bread #MT 26:26; MR 14:22; LU 22:19 -Childhood #MT 18:3; MR 10:14,15; LU 18:16,17 -Manna #JOH 6:31-58 -OF THE HOLY SPIRIT .WATER #JOH 3:5; 7:38,39 .Cleansing by #EZE 16:9; 36:25; EPH 5:26; HEB 10:22 .Vivifying #PS 1:3; ISA 27:3,6; 44:3,4; 58:11 .FIRE #MT 3:11 .Purifying #ISA 4:4; MAL 3:2,3 .Illuminating #EX 13:21; PS 78:14 .Searching #ZEP 1:12; with 1CO 2:10 .WIND #SO 4:16 .Incomprehensible #JOH 3:8; 1CO 12:11 .Powerful #1KI 19:11; with AC 2:2 .Sensible in its effects #JOH 3:8 .Reviving #EZE 37:9,10,14 .OIL #PS 45:7 .Healing #ISA 1:6; LU 10:34; RE 18:13 .Comforting #ISA 61:3; HEB 1:9 .Illuminating #ZEC 4:2,3,11-13; MT 25:3,4; 1JO 2:20,27 .Consecrating #EX 29:7; 30:30; ISA 61:1 .RAIN AND DEW #PS 72:6 .Fertilizing #EZE 34:26,27; HO 6:3; 10:12; 14:5 .Refreshing #PS 68:9; ISA 18:4 .Abundant #PS 133:3 .Imperceptible #2SA 17:12; with MR 4:26-28 .A DOVE #MT 3:16 .A VOICE #ISA 6:8 .Speaking #MT 10:20 .Guiding #ISA 30:21; with JOH 16:13 .Warning #HEB 3:7-11 .A SEAL #RE 7:2 .Impressing #Job 38:14; with 2CO 3:18 .Earnest #EPH 1:13,14; 4:30; 2CO 1:22 .CLOVEN TONGUES (like split, lashing, projections of fire) #AC 2:3,6,11 .Ablutions, a symbol of purity .See ABLUTIONS » 0051 .See PURIFICATIONS » 4001 .For symbolisms of color .See COLORS » 1159 .See also ALLEGORY » 0212 .See INSTRUCTION, BY SYMBOLS » 2525 .See INSTRUCTION, OF CHILDREN » 2525 .See INSTRUCTION, IN RELIGION » 2525 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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