4689 STAMMERING -General scriptures concerning #ISA 32:4; 33:19 -Of Moses #EX 4:10 4690 STANDARD -An ensign used by each of the tribes of Israel in camping and marching #NU 1:52; 2:2 -Banners used as #PS 20:5; SO 6:4,10 -Used in war #JER 4:21 -Used .To direct the route to cities which were well defended #JER 4:6 .To call attention to news #JER 50:2; 51:12 -See ARMIES » 0391 -See BANNER » 0587 -See ENSIGN » 1660 -FIGURATIVE #ISA 49:22; 62:10; JER 4:6 4691 STARS -Created by God #GE 1:16; Job 26:13; PS 8:3; 33:6; 136:7,9; AM 5:8 -Differ in splendor #1CO 15:41 -Worship of, forbidden #DE 4:19 -Worshiped #2KI 17:16; 21:3; 23:5; JER 19:13; AM 5:26; ZEP 1:5; AC 7:42,43 -Constellations of #ISA 13:10 -Orion #Job 9:9; AM 5:8 -Serpent #Job 26:13 -Planets #2KI 23:5 -The Morning Star #Job 38:7; RE 2:28; 22:16 -The moon .See MOON » 3431 -Darkening of #Job 9:7; EC 12:2; ISA 13:10; 34:4; JOE 2:10; 3:15; RE 8:11,12 -Comets #Jude 1:13 -Falling of #DA 8:10; MT 24:29; MR 13:25; RE 6:13; 8:10; 9:1; 12:4 -FIGURATIVE .Of the deliverer #NU 24:17 .Seven stars of the seven congregations #RE 1:16,20 .Crown of twelve stars #RE 12:1 4692 STATE -See CHURCH and STATE » 1108 -See GOVERNMENT » 2069 4693 STATECRAFT -Wisdom in #PR 28:2 -School in #DA 1:3-5 -Skilled in -INSTANCES OF .Joseph #GE 47:15-26 .Samuel #1SA 11:12-15 .Nathan #1KI 1:11-14 .Jeroboam #1KI 12:26-33 .Daniel .See DANIEL » 1328 .See GOVERNMENT » 2069 .See KINGS » 2934 .See RULERS » 4199 4694 STAVES (LONG POLES) -Used as weapons #MT 26:47; MR 14:43 -SYMBOLICAL #ZEC 11:7-14 4695 STEADFASTNESS -See DECISION » 1359 -See PERSEVERANCE » 3812 -See STABILITY » 4684 4696 STEALING -See THEFT » 4887 4697 STEEL -Bows of #2SA 22:35; Job 20:24; PS 18:34 -Strength of #JER 15:12 -In each of the above references, the R. V. renders the translation as "brass." 4698 STEPHANAS -A Christian in Corinth, whose household Paul baptized #1CO 1:16; 16:15,17 4699 STEPHEN -(A Christian martyr) -Appointed one of the committee of seven to oversee the daily ministration #AC 6:3,5,6 -Faith and power of #AC 6:5,8-10 -False charges against #AC 6:11-15 -Defense of #AC 7 -Stoned #AC 7:54-60; 8:1; 22:20 -Burial of #AC 8:2 -Gentle and forgiving spirit of #AC 7:59,60 4700 STERILITY -(Of women) -See BARRENNESS » 0604 4701 STEWARD -General scriptures concerning #GE 15:2; 43:19; 1CH 28:1; LU 8:3 -FIGURATIVE .The faithful steward described #LU 12:35-38,42 .The unfaithful, described #LU 16:1-8 .See the parable .Of the pounds #LU 19:12-27 .Of the talents #MT 25:14-30 .Must be faithful #1CO 4:1,2; TIT 1:7; 1PE 4:10 4702 STICKS -Used as cymbals #EZE 37:16 4703 STIFF-NECKED -See IMPENITENT » 2481 -See OBDURACY » 3615 4704 STOCKS -Feet fastened in, as a punishment #Job 13:27; 33:11; PR 7:22 -In prisons #JER 20:2; AC 16:24 4705 STOICISM -(A Greek philosophy, inculcating doctrines of severe morality, self-denials, and inconvenience) -Scripture analogies to .John the Baptist wore camel's hair and subsisted on locusts and wild honey #MT 3:4 .Came "neither eating nor drinking," #MT 11:18; LU 7:33 -Jesus requires self-denial and "crosses," #MT 10:38,39; 16:24; MR 8:34,35; LU 9:23-26; 14:27 -The subordination of natural affection #MT 10:37; LU 14:26 -Paul teaches .That the "law of the mind" is at war with the "law of the members," #RO 7:23; with 7:14-24 .That the body must be kept under subjection #1CO 9:27 .Celibacy #1CO 7:1-9,25,26,32,33,39,40 -School of, at Athens #AC 17:18 -See ASCETICISM » 0427 4706 STOICS -See STOICISM » 4705 -See ASCETICISM » 0427 4707 STOMACHER -An article of dress #ISA 3:24 4708 STONES -Commandments engraved upon #EX 24:12; 31:18; 34:1-4; DE 4:13; 5:22; 9:9-11; 10:1-3 -The law of Moses written upon #JOS 8:32 -Houses built of #ISA 9:10; AM 5:11 -Temple built of #1KI 5:17,18; 7:9-12; MT 24:2; LU 19:44; 21:5,6 -Prepared in the quarries #1KI 6:7 -Hewn (cut) #EX 34:1; DE 10:1; 1KI 5:17; 6:36; 7:9; 2KI 12:12; 22:6; 1CH 22:2; 2CH 34:11; LA 3:9 -Sawed #1KI 7:9 -Hewers (stone-cutters) of #1KI 5:18; 2KI 12:12; 1CH 22:15 -City walls built of #NE 4:3 -Memorial pillars of #GE 28:18-22; 31:45-52; JOS 4:2-9,20-24; 24:25; 1SA 7:12 -Great, as landmarks (Some Hebrew mss. have "Abel") #1SA 6:18 -Ezel #1SA 20:19 -Zoheleth #1KI 1:9 -Thrown upon accursed ground #2KI 3:19,25 -Used .In building altars #JOS 8:31 .For weighing (margin) #LE 19:36 .For closing graves #MT 27:60; MR 15:46; 16:3 -Tombs hewn in #MT 27:60; MR 15:46; 16:3 -idols made of #DE 4:28; 28:36,64; 29:17; 2KI 19:18; ISA 37:19; EZE 20:32 -Great, in Solomon's temple #1KI 5:17,18; 7:9-12 -Magnificent, in Herod the Great's temple #MR 13:1 -Skill in throwing #JUD 20:16; 1CH 12:2 -See SLINGS » 4615 -See ADAMANT » 0088 -See CHALCEDONY » 1018 -See MARBLE » 3206 -See ONYX » 3658 -See PILLARS » 3870 -See PRECIOUS, below -FIGURATIVE #GE 49:24; ZEC 3:9 .Of temptation, "Stone of Stumbling," #ISA 8:14; RO 9:33; 1PE 2:8 .Of Christ, "a Tested Stone,"a Precious Stone,"a Sure Foundation," #ISA 28:16 .Of Christ's rejection, the rejected Conerstone #PS 118:22; MT 21:42-44; MR 12:10; LU 20:17,18; AC 4:11; 1PE 2:4 .The True Foundation #ISA 28:16; MT 16:18; 1CO 3:11; EPH 2:20; RE 21:14 .Of Christ, the Water of Life #1CO 10:4 .Of the unrepentant heart #EZE 36:26 .Of the witness of the Spirit, the white stone #RE 2:17 -SYMBOLICAL .Of the kingdom of Christ #DA 2:34,45 -PRECIOUS .In the breastplate and ephod #EX 28:9-21; 39:6-14 .Voluntary offerings of, by the Israelites for the breastplate and ephod #EX 35:27 .Exported from Sheba #1KI 10:2,10; 2CH 9:9,10; EZE 27:22 .Ophir #1KI 10:11 .Partial catalogue of #EZE 28:13 .Seen in the foundation of the New Jerusalem in John's apocalyptic vision #RE 21:19,20 .In the crowns of kings #2SA 12:30; 1CH 20:2 -FIGURATIVE #ISA 54:11,12 .See AGATE » 0134 .See AMETHYST » 0248 .See BERYL » 0716 .See CARBUNCLE » 0975 .See CHRYSOLITE » 1103 .See CHRYSOPRASUS » 1104 .See CORAL » 1229 .See CRYSTAL » 1287 .See DIAMOND » 1403 .See EMERALD » 1626 .See JACINTH » 2627 .See JASPER » 2680 .See LIGURE » 3063 .See RUBY » 4195 .See SAPPHIRE » 4250 .See SARDIUS » 4256 .See SARDONYX » 4257 .See TOPAZ » 4961 4709 STONING -Capital punishment by #EX 19:13; DE 13:10; 17:5; 22:21; HEB 11:37 -Instances of stoning .Sabbath breaker #NU 15:36 .Achan #JOS 7:25 .Naboth #1KI 21:13 .Stephen #AC 7:59 .Paul #AC 14:19; 2CO 11:25 -See WITNESS » 5159 4710 STOOL -General scriptures concerning #2KI 4:10 -FOOTSTOOL .FIGURATIVE .Of the earth #ISA 66:1; MT 5:35; AC 7:49 .Temple #1CH 28:2; LA 2:1 .Sanctuary #PS 99:5; 132:7 .Enemies of Jesus #PS 110:1; MT 22:44; MR 12:36; LU 20:43; AC 2:35; HEB 1:13 4711 STOREHOUSES -See TREASURE-HOUSES » 4988 4712 STORK -Forbidden as food #LE 11:19 -Nest of, in fir trees #PS 104:17 -Migratory #JER 8:7 -FIGURATIVE #ZEC 5:9 4713 STRAIGHT -Name of a street in Damascus #AC 9:11 -FIGURATIVE .Of righteousness, "straight paths," #ISA 40:3,4; MT 3:3; HEB 12:13 4714 STRAIT GATE -(The narrow path toward righteousness) #MT 7:13,14; LU 13:24 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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