0422 ASAIAH -1. A descendant of Simeon 1CH 4:36 -2. A Levite 1CH 6:30 .Probably identical with a man of same name mentioned in 1CH 15:6,11 -3. A Shilonite 1CH 9:5 0423 ASAPH -1. Father of Joah 2KI 18:18; ISA 36:3,22 -2. Son of Berachiah. One of the three leaders of music in David's organization of the tabernacle service 1CH 15:16-19; 16:5-7; 25:1-9; 2CH 5:12; 35:15; NE 12:46 .Apointed to sound the cymbals in the temple choir 1CH 15:17,19; 16:5,7 .A composer of sacred lyrics 2CH 29:13-30 .See titles of PS 50; 73; 74; 75; 76; 77; 78; 79; 80; 81; 82; 83 .Descendants of, in the temple choir 1CH 25:1-9; 2CH 20:14; 29:13; EZR 2:41; 3:10; NE 7:44; 11:22 -3. A Levite, whose descendants lived in Jerusalem after the exile 1CH 9:15 -4. A Kohath Levite 1CH 26:1 -5. Keeper of forests NE 2:8 0424 ASAREEL -Son of Jehaleleel 1CH 4:16 0425 ASARELAH -One of the temple choir 1CH 25:2,14 -Probably identical with AZAREEL 1CH 25:18 0426 ASCENSION -Of Elijah 2KI 2:1-18 -Of Jesus MR 16:19,20; LU 24:50-53; AC 1:9-12 -Of two witnesses RE 11:12 0427 ASCETICISM -(A philosophy that leads to severe austerities in subordinating the body to the control of the moral attributes of the mind) -Extreme application of .Rebuked by Jesus MT 11:19; LU 7:34 .Rebuked by Paul COL 2:20-23; 1TI 4:1-4,8 -See STOICISM » 4705 -INSTANCES OF THE PRACTICE OF .John the Baptist MT 11:18; LU 7:33 .Those who practiced celibacy "for the kingdom of heaven's sake," MT 19:12 0428 ASENATH -Wife of Joseph GE 41:45,50; 46:20 0429 ASER -See ASHER » 0437 0430 ASH -A tree ISA 44:14 0431 ASHAN -A Levitical city of Judah, later of Simeon JOS 15:42; 19:7; 1CH 4:32; 6:59 -See AIN » 0195 0432 ASHBEA -A descendant of Shelah 1CH 4:21 0433 ASHBEL -Son of Benjamin GE 46:21; NU 26:38; 1CH 8:1 0434 ASHCHENAZ -See ASHKENAZ » 0441 0435 ASHDOD -A city of the Philistines JOS 13:3; 1SA 6:17; AM 3:9 -Anakim inhabit JOS 11:22 -Assigned to Judah JOS 15:47 -Dagon's temple in, where the ark of the covenant was put temporarily 1SA 5 -Conquest of, by Uzziah 2CH 26:6 -Conquest by Tartan ISA 20:1 -People of, conspire against the Jews NE 4:7,8 -Jews intermarry with NE 13:23,24 -Prophecies concerning JER 25:20; AM 1:8; 9; ZEP 2:4; ZEC 9:6 -Called AZOTUS AC 8:40 0436 ASHDOTH-PISGAH -The water courses flowing from Mount Pisgah DE 3:17; 4:49; JOS 12:3; 13:20 0437 ASHER -1. Son of Jacob, by Zilpah GE 30:13; 35:26; 49:20; EX 1:4; 1CH 2:2 .Descendants of GE 46:17; NU 26:44-47 -2. Tribe of: Census of, by families NU 1:40,41; 26:44-47; 1CH 7:40; 12:36 .Station of, in camp NU 2:25,27 .Prophecies concerning .By Moses DE 33:24,25 .By John RE 7:6 .Allotment to, of land in Canaan JOS 19:24-31; EZE 48:2 .Reproached by Deborah JUD 5:17 .Summoned by Gideon JUD 6:35; 7:23 .Join Hezekiah 2CH 30:11 -3. A city of Shechem JOS 17:7; 1KI 4:16 0438 ASHES -Uses of, in purification NU 19:9,10,17; HEB 9:13 -A symbol of mourning 2SA 13:19; ES 4:1,3 -Sitting in Job 2:8 -Repenting in Job 42:6; DA 9:3; JON 3:6; MT 11:21; LU 10:13 -Disguises in 1KI 20:38,41 0439 ASHIMA -An idol 2KI 17:30 0440 ASHKELON -Also called ASKELON -One of the five chief cities of the Philistines JOS 13:3 -Captured by the people of Judah JUD 1:18 -Samson kills thirty men of JUD 14:19 -Emerods (tumors, R. V.) of 1SA 6:17 -Prophecies concerning JER 25:20; 47:5,7; AM 1:8; ZEP 2:4,7; ZEC 9:5 0441 ASHKENAZ -Also called ASHCHENAZ -Son of Gomer GE 10:3; 1CH 1:6 -Descendants of JER 51:27 0442 ASHNAH -Name of two towns in Judah JOS 15:33,43 0443 ASHPENAZ -A prince in Nebuchadnezzars court DA 1:3 0444 ASHRIEL -See ASRIEL » 0459 0445 ASHTAROTH -1. Plural form of ASHTORETH, which see » 0447 -2. The capital city of Bashan DE 1:4; JOS 9:10 .Giants lived at JOS 12:4 .Allotted to Manasseh JOS 13:31; 1CH 6:71 .Possibly identical with ASHTEROTH KARNAIM, mentioned in GE 14:5 0446 ASHTEROTH KARNAIM -An ancient city of Palestine taken by Chedorlaomer GE 14:5 0447 ASHTORETH -An idol of the Philistines, Zidonians, and Phenicians. Probably identical with queen of heaven JER 7:18 -Worshiped by Israelites JUD 2:13; 10:6; 1SA 7:3,4; 12:10; 1KI 11:5,33; 2KI 23:13 -Temple of 1SA 31:10 -High places of, at Jerusalem, destroyed 2KI 23:13 0448 ASHUR -Son of Hezron 1CH 2:24; 4:5 0449 ASHURITES -(Possibly GESHURITES) 2SA 2:9; EZE 27:6 0450 ASHVATH -Son of Japhlet 1CH 7:33 0451 ASIA -Inhabitants of, in Jerusalem, at Pentecost AC 2:9; 21:27; 24:18 -Paul and Silas forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach in AC 16:6 -Gospel preached in, by Paul AC 19; 20:4 -Paul leaves AC 20:16 -The congregations of 1CO 16:19; RE 1:4,11 0452 ASIEL -Grandfather of Jehu 1CH 4:35 0453 ASKELON -See ASHKELON » 0440 0454 ASNAH -Descendants of, return to Jerusalem EZR 2:50 0455 ASNAPPER -A noble Assyrian prince, who colonized the cities of Samaria after the Israelites were taken captive to Assyria EZR 4:10 -See SAMARIA » 4233 0456 ASP -A venomous serpent DE 32:33; Job 20:14,16; ISA 11:8; RO 3:13 -Venom of, illustrates the speech of the wicked PS 140:3; RO 3:13 -Injurious effects of wine DE 32:33; PR 23:32 -Deprived of venom, illustrates conversion ISA 11:8,9 0457 ASPATHA -Son of Haman ES 9:7 0458 ASPHALTUM -See SLIME » 4614 0459 ASRIEL -Also called ASHRIEL, son of Manasseh JOS 17:2; 1CH 7:14 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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