3650 ON -1. Capitol of lower Egypt GE 41:45; 46:20 -2. A leader of the Reubenites who rebelled against Moses NU 16:1 3651 ONAM -1. A son of Shobal GE 36:23; 1CH 1:40 -2. Son of Jerahmeel 1CH 2:26,28 3652 ONAN -(Son of Judah) -Killed for his refusal to raise seed (offspring) for his deceased brother GE 38:4,8-10; 46:12; NU 26:19; 1CH 2:3 3653 ONESIMUS -A fugitive slave and subsequent convert of Paul COL 4:9; PHM 1:10 3654 ONESIPHORUS -A Christian of Ephesus 2TI 1:16,17; 4:19 3655 ONION -General scriptures concerning NU 11:5 3656 ONO -A town of the tribe of Benjamim 1CH 8:12; NE 6:2; 11:35 3657 ONYCHA -A component of the sacred ointment, made from the shells of a species of mussel, possessing an odor EX 30:34 3658 ONYX -Precious stone Job 28:16; EZE 28:13 -Used in erecting the temple 1CH 29:2 -Seen in the foundations of the city of the New Jerusalem in John's apocalyptic vision RE 21:20 -Exported from Havilah GE 2:12 -Used in the breastplate EX 28:9-12,20; 39:6,13 -Contributed by Israelites for the priests' garments EX 25:7; 35:9 3659 OPHEL -A gate in the wall of Jerusalem near the temple 2CH 27:3; 33:14; NE 3:26,27 3660 OPHIR -1. Son of Joktan GE 10:29; 1CH 1:23 -2. A country celebrated for its gold and other valuable merchandise .Products of, used by Solomon and Hiram 1KI 9:28; 10:11; 2CH 8:18; 9:10 .Jehoshaphat sends ships to, which are wrecked at sea 1KI 22:48 .Gold of, proverbial for its fineness 1CH 29:4; Job 22:24; 28:16; PS 45:9; ISA 13:12 3661 OPHNI -A town of the Benjamites JOS 18:24 3662 OPHRAH -L. A city in territory of the tribe of Benjamin JOS 18:23; 1SA 13:17 .Possibly identical with EPHRAIN 2CH 13:19 .And EPHRAIM JOH 11:54 -2. A city in territory of the tribe of Manasseh; the home of Gideon JUD 6:11,24; 8:27,32; 9:5 -3. Son of Meonothai 1CH 4:14 3663 OPINION, PUBLIC -(Kings influenced by) -See KINGS » 2934 -Jesus inquires about MT 16:13; LU 9:18 -Feared by .Nicodemus JOH 3:2 .Joseph of Arimathaea JOH 19:38 .The parents of the man who was born blind JOH 9:21,22 .Rulers, who believed in Jesus, but feared the Pharisees JOH 12:42,43 .Chief priests, who feared to answer the questions of Jesus MT 21:26; MR 11:18,32; 12:12 .Chief preists, who feared to further persecute the disciples AC 4:21; 5:26 -CONCESSIONS TO .By Paul, in circumcising Timothy AC 16:3 .James and the Christian elders, who required Paul to observe certain rites AC 21:18-26 .Disciples, who urged circumcision GA 6:12 .Peter and Barnabas with others GA 2:11-14 .See PRUDENCE » 3985 -CORRUPT YIELDING TO .By Herod (Antipas), in the case of John the Baptist MR 6:26 .Of Peter AC 12:3 .By Peter, concerning Jesus MT 26:69-75 .By Pilate MT 27:23-27; MR 15:15; LU 23:13-25; JOH 18:38,39; 19:4-14 .By Felix and Festus, concerning Paul AC 24:27; 25:9 3664 OPPORTUNITY -THE MEASURE OF RESPONSIBILITY PR 1:24-33; JER 8:20; EZE 3:19; 33:1-17; HO 5:6; MT 10:14,15; 11:20-24; 23:34-38; 25:1-46; LU 12:47; 13:25-28; 14:16-24; 19:12-27 .See JUDGMENT, ACCORDING TO OPPORTUNITY » 2877 .See RESPONSIBILITY » 4132 3665 OPPRESSION -God is a refuge from PS 9:9 -Prayers against PS 17:9; 44:24; 119:121,134; ISA 38:14 -God's help promised against PS 12:5; 72:4,14; JER 50:34 -God will judge PS 103:6; EC 5:8; ISA 10; JER 22:17; EZE 22:7; AM 4:1; MIC 2:2; MAL 3:5; JAS 5:4 -National, God judges AC 7:7 -National, relieved EX 3:9; DE 26:7; JUD 2:14; 6; 7; 8; 10; 2KI 13; ISA 52:4 -INSTANCES OF .Of Hagar, by Sarah GE 16:6 .Of Israelites, by Egyptians EX 1:10-22; 5 .Rehoboam resolves to oppress the Israelites 1KI 12:14 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO EX 22:21-24; DE 23:15,16; 24:14,15; Job 27:13-23; PS 9:9; 10:17,18; 12:5; 62:10; 74:21; 119:134; PR 3:31; 14:31; 22:22; 28:3; 30:14; EC 4:1; 5:8; 7:7; ISA 1:17; 5:8; 33:15,16; 58:6; JER 21:12; EZE 22:29; 45:9; AM 5:11,12; 8:4-6; MIC 2:1-3; HAB 2:5-11; ZEC 7:10; MT 23:2-4; JAS 2:6 3666 ORACLE -The holy place 1KI 6:5; PS 28:2 -The Scriptures are called "oracles," AC 7:38; RO 3:2; HEB 5:12; 1PE 4:11 -See TABERNACLE » 4781 3667 ORATOR -General scriptures concerning ISA 3:3 -INSTANCES OF .Jonah JON 3:4-10 .The apostles AC 2:1-41 .Tertullus AC 24:1 .Apollos AC 18:24-28 3668 ORDINANCE -A decree EX 12:14,24,43; 13:10; 15:25; NU 9:14; 10:8; 15:15; 18:8; ISA 24:5; MAL 4:4; RO 13:2; 1PE 2:13 -INSUFFICIENCY OF, FOR SALVATION ISA 1:10-17; GA 5:6; 6:15; EPH 2:15; COL 2:14,20-23; HEB 9:1,8-10 .See FORM » 1875 .See FORMALISM » 1876 3669 ORDINATION -Of priests .See PRIESTS » 3949 3670 OREB -1. A prince of Midian, overcome by Gideon and killed by the Ephraimites JUD 7:25; 8:3; PS 83:11 -2. A rock east of the Jordan River, where Oreb was killed JUD 7:25; ISA 10:26 3671 OREN -Son of Jerahmeel 1CH 2:25 3672 ORGAN -See MUSIC, INSTRUMENTS OF » 3466 3673 ORION -The constellation of Job 9:9; 38:31; ISA 13:10; AM 5:8 3674 ORNAN -A Jebusite 1CH 21:15-25,28; 2CH 3:1 -Called ARAUNAH 2SA 24:16-25 3675 ORPAH -The less famous daughter-in-law of Naomi RU 1:4,14 3676 ORPHAN -General scriptures concerning EX 22:22-24; DE 10:18; 14:28,29; 16:11,14; 24:17-22; 26:12,13; 27:19; Job 6:27; 22:9; 24:3,9; 29:12,13; 31:16-18,21; PS 10:14,17,18; 27:10; 68:5; 82:3; 94:6; 146:9; PR 23:10; ISA 1:17,23; 10:1,2; JER 5:28; 7:6,7; 22:3; 49:11; HO 14:3; MAL 3:5; JAS 1:27 -See ADOPTION » 0113 -See CHILDREN » 1076 -See WIDOW » 5142 -INSTANCES OF .Lot GE 11:27,28 .Daughters of Zelophehad NU 27:1-5 .Jotham JUD 9:16-21 .Mephibosheth 2SA 9:3 .Joash 2KI 11:1-12 .Esther ES 2:7 .A figure of Zion in affliction LA 5:3 3677 OSEE -Hosea, so called (in A. V.) RO 9:25 3678 OSPREY -A carnivorous bird -Forbidden as food LE 11:13; DE 14:12 3679 OSSIFRAGE -(A carnivorous bird) -Forbidden as food LE 11:13; DE 14:12 3680 OSTENTATION -In prayer and almsgiving MT 6:1; PR 25:14; 27:2 3681 OSTRICHES -General scriptures concerning Job 39:13-18; LA 4:3; ISA 13:21; 34:13; 43:20 -The cry of MIC 1:8 -In A. V. the word "owl" occurs, but in the R. V., it is the word "ostrich," LE 11:16; DE 14:15; Job 30:29; ISA 43:20; JER 50:39; MIC 1:8 3682 OTHNI -Son of Shemaiah 1CH 26:7 3683 OTHNIEL -Son of Kenaz and nephew of Caleb -Conquers Kirjath-sepher, and as reward obtains Caleb's daughter as a wife JOS 15:16-20; JUD 1:12,13 -Becomes the deliverer and leader of Israel JUD 3:8-11 -Death of JUD 3:11 -Descendants of 1CH 4:13,14 3684 OUCHES -Sockets EX 28:11 3685 OVEN -For baking EX 8:3; LE 2:4; 7:9; 11:35; 26:26 -See BREAD » 0884 -FIGURATIVE PS 21:9; HO 7:4,6,7; MAL 4:1; MT 6:30; LU 12:28 3686 OVERCOMING -See PERSEVERANCE » 3812 3687 OVERSEER -General scriptures concerning MT 24:48,49 -See BISHOP » 0811 3688 OWL -(A carnivorous bird) -Unclean LE 11:16,17; DE 14:16 -In R. V. ostrich is substituted LE 11:16; DE 14:15; Job 30:29; ISA 13:21; 34:11,13; 43:20; JER 50:39; MIC 1:8 3689 OX -See BULLOCK » 0910 -See CATTLE » 0997 3690 OZEM -1. Son of Jesse 1CH 2; 15 -2. Son of Jerahmeel 1CH 2:25 3691 OZIAS -A form given to the name of King Uzziah MT 1:8,9 -See UZZIAH » 5063 3692 OZNI -Son of Gad NU 26:16 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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