3579 NICOLAS -A proselyte of Antioch, and servant (Greek: diakonos) of the congregation at Jerusalem AC 6:5,6 3580 NICOPOLIS -(A city of Thrace) -Paul lives in TIT 3:12 3581 NIGER -(Means "black") -The surname of Simeon AC 13:1 3582 NIGHT -General scriptures concerning GE 1:5,16,18 -Meditations in PS 19:2; 77:6; 119:148; 139:11 -Worship in PS 134:1 -Jesus prays all night LU 6:12 -No night in heaven RE 21:25; 22:5 -Divided into watches EX 14:24; JUD 7:19; 1SA 11:11; NE 12:9; PS 63:6; 119:148; LA 2:19; MT 14:25; LU 12:38 -Divided into hours AC 23:23 -Used figuratively ISA 15:1; 21:11,12; JOH 9:4; RO 13:12; 1TH 5:5 3583 NIGHT HAWK -Forbidden as food LE 11:16; DE 14:15 3584 NILE -Called THE RIVER ISA 11:15; 19:5-10; EZE 29:4; AM 8:8 -Called SIHOR ISA 23:3; JER 2:18 3585 NIMRAH -A city in the territory of the tribe of Gad NU 32:3 3586 NIMRIM -Waters on the borders of the tribe of Gad and the country of Moab ISA 15:6; JER 48:34 3587 NIMROD -Son of Cush -"A mighty hunter before the Lord," GE 10:8,9; 1CH 1:10 -Founder of Babylon -See BABYLON » 0560 3588 NIMSHI -Father of Jehu 2KI 9:2,20 3589 NINEVEH -Capitol of the Assyrian Empire GE 10:11,12 -Contained a population of upwards of one-hundred and twenty thousand people, when Jonah preached JON 4:11 -Extent of JON 3:4 -Sennacherib in 2KI 19:36,37; ISA 37:37,38 -Jonah preaches to JON 1:1,2; 3 -Nahum prophesies against NA 1; 2; 3 -Zephaniah foretells the desolation of ZEP 2:13-15 3590 NISAN -The first month in the Jewish calendar -See MONTH » 3429 3591 NISROCH -An idol 2KI 19:36,37; ISA 37:37,38 3592 NITRE -A chemical, (soda, R. V., margin) PR 25:20 -(Lye, R. V.) JER 2:22 3593 NO -A city on the Nile River JER 46:25; EZE 30:14-16; NA 3:8 3594 NOADIAH -1. A Levite who assisted in weighing the silver, gold, and vessels of the temple which were brought back from Babylon EZR 8:33 -2. A false prophetess NE 6:14 3595 NOAH -1. Son of Lamech GE 5:28,29 .Builds an ark (ship) and saves his family from the great flood GE 6:14-22; 7; 8; MT 24:38; LU 17:27; HEB 11:7; 1PE 3:20 .Builds an altar and offers sacrifices GE 8:20,21 .Receives the covenant from God that no flood would ever again visit the earth; the rainbow instituted as a token of the covenant GE 8:20,22; 9:9-17 .Intoxication of, and his curse upon Canaan GE 9:20-27 .His blessing upon Shem and Japheth GE 9:26,27 .Dies at the age of nine-hundred and fifty years GE 9:28,29 -2. A daughter of Zelophehad, special legislation in regard to the inheritance of NU 26:33; 27:1-7; 36; JOS 17:3-7 3596 NOB -A city of the tribe of Benjamin NE 11:31,32 -Called "the city of the priests," 1SA 22:19 -The home of Ahimelech, the priest 1SA 21:1; 22:11 -Probable seat of the tabernacle in Saul's time 1SA 21:4,6,9 -Destroyed by Saul 2SA 22:19 -Prophecy concerning ISA 10:32 3597 NOBAH -An Israelite NU 32:42 3598 NOBLEMAN -General scriptures concerning JOH 4:46-53 3599 NOD -Cain lived in GE 4:16 3600 NOGAH -Son of David 1CH 3:7; 14:6 3601 NOHAH -Son of Benjamin 1CH 8:2 3602 NOLLE PROSEQUI -Of the complaint against Paul AC 18:12-17 3603 NONCONFORMITY -See CHURCH AND STATE » 1108 -See FORM » 1875 -See FORMALISM » 1876 3604 NOPH -A city of Egypt JER 2:16 -Prophecy against Jews in JER 44 -Prophecies against ISA 19:13; JER 46:13-19; EZE 30:13-16 3605 NOPHAH -A city of Sihon NU 21:30 3606 NOSE -Jewels for PR 11:22; ISA 3:21; EZE 16:12 -Mutilated EZE 23:25 3607 NURSE -General scriptures concerning GE 24:59; 35:8; EX 2:7; RU 4:16; 2KI 11:2; ISA 60:4; 1TH 2:7 -Careless 2SA 4:4 3608 NUT -General scriptures concerning GE 43:11; SO 6:11 3609 NYMPHAS -(A Christian of Laodicea) -House of, used as a place of worship COL 4:15 3610 OAK -(A tree) -Grew in Palestine GE 35:4 -Absalom hung in the boughs of 2SA 18:9,14 -Deborah buried under GE 35:8 -FIGURATIVE AM 2:9 3611 OAR -General scriptures concerning ISA 33:21; EZE 27:6,29 3612 OATH -(A solemn qualification) -Used in solemnizing covenants .Between Abraham and the king of Sodom GE 14:22,23 .Between Abraham and Abimelech GE 21:22,23 .Between Isaac and Abimelech GE 26:26-29,31 -Abraham requires oath of his servant Eliezer GE 24:2,3,9 -Esau confirms the sale of his birthright by GE 25:33 -Jacob confirms the covenant between him and Laban by GE 31:53 -Requires Joseph to swear that he would bury him with his forefathers GE 47:28-31 -Joseph requires a similar oath GE 50:25 -Rahab requires an oath from the spies JOS 2:12-14; 6:22 -The Israelites confirm the covenant with the Hivites JOS 9:3-20 -Moses covenants with Caleb by JOS 14:9 -The elders of Gilead confirm their pledge to Jephthah by JUD 11:10 -The Israelites swear in Mizpeh JUD 21:5 -Ruth swears to Naomi RU 1:17 -Boaz swears to Ruth RU 3:13 -Saul swears to Jonathan 1SA 19:6 -Jonathan and David confirm a covenant by 1SA 20:3,13-17 -David swears to Saul 1SA 24:21,22; 2SA 21:7 -Saul swears to the witch of En-dor 1SA 28:10 -David swears not to eat until the sun goes down 2SA 3:35 -Joab confirms his word by 2SA 19:7 -David swears to Bath-sheba that Solomon will be king 1KI 1:28,29 -Solomon confirms his word by 1KI 2:23 -So does Shimei 1KI 2:42 -Elisha seals his vow to follow Elijah by 2KI 2:2 -King of Samaria confirms his word with an 2KI 6:31 -Gehazi confirms his lie by 2KI 5:20 -Jehoida requires an oath from the rulers 2KI 11:4 -Zedekiah violates 2CH 36:13 -Ezra requires, of the Priests and Levites EZR 10:5,19 -So does Nehemiah NE 5:12,13 -Zedekiah swears to Jeremiah JER 38:16 -Gedaliah confirms his word by JER 40:9 -Peter confirms his denial of Jesus by MR 14:71 -ATTRIBUTED TO GOD GE 22:16; PS 89:35; 95:11; 105:9; 132:11; ISA 14:24; 45:23; JER 11:5; 22:5; 49:13; 51:14; LU 1:73; HEB 3:11,18; 4:3; 6:13,14,17; 7:21,28; RE 10:6 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO EX 20:7; 22:10,11; 23:1; LE 6:2-5; 19:12; NU 5:19-24; DE 5:11; 6:13; 10:20; 1KI 8:31,32; PS 15:1,2,4; EC 8:2; ISA 48:1; JER 4:2; 5:2,7; 7:8,9; 12:16; DA 9:11; 12:7; HO 4:15; MT 5:33-37; 14:3-12; 23:18-22; 26:63; MR 6:26; AC 23:12-14; 2CO 1:23; GA 1:20; HEB 6:16; JAS 5:12; RE 10:5,6 .See COVENANT » 1254 .See FALSE WITNESS » 1789 .See GOD, PROFANING HIS NAME » 2043 .See PERJURY » 3806 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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