0315 ANTICHRIST -General scriptures concerning MT 24:5,23,24,26; MR 13:6,21,22; LU 21:8; 2TH 2:3-12; 1JO 2:18,22; 4:3; 2JO 1:7 -To be destroyed RE 19:20; 20:10,15 0316 ANTIOCH -1. A city of Syria .Disciples first called Christians in AC 11:19-30 .The congregation in AC 13:1; 14:26,27 .Barnabas and Paul make second visit to AC 14:26-28 .Dissension within the congregation of AC 15:22; with 15:1-35 .Paul and Peter's controversy at GA 2:11-15 -2. A city of Pisidia. Persecutes Paul AC 13:14-52; 2TI 3:11; AC 14:19-22; 18:22 0317 ANTIPAS -A martyr RE 2:13 0318 ANTIPATRIS -A city in Samaria AC 23:31 0319 ANTOTHIJAH -A Benjamite 1CH 8:24 0320 ANUB -Son of Coz 1CH 4:8 0321 ANVIL -General scriptures concerning ISA 41:7 0322 ANXIETY -See CARE » 0978 0323 APE -In Solomon's zoological collections 1KI 10:22; 2CH 9:21 0324 APELLES -A disciple in Rome RO 16:10 0325 APHARSACHITES -General scriptures concerning EZR 5:6; 6:6; with 2KI 17 0326 APHARSATHCHITES -General scriptures concerning EZR 4:9; with 2KI 17 0327 APHARSITES -General scriptures concerning EZR 4:9; with 2KI 17 0328 APHEK -1. A city of the tribe of Asher JOS 19:30 .Called APHIK JUD 1:31 -2. A city of the tribe of Issachar .Philistines defeat Israelites at 1SA 4:1-11 .Saul killed at 1SA 29:1 .Probably the same city as mentioned in Joshua as a royal city of the Canaanites JOS 12:18 -3. A city between Damascus and Palestine .Ben-hadad defeated at 1KI 20:26-30 0329 APHEKAH -A city in the mountains of Judah JOS 15:53 0330 APHIAH -A Benjamite 1SA 9:1 0331 APHIK -See APHEK, number one » 0328 0332 APHRAH -A city MIC 1:10 -Perhaps identical with OPHRAH 1CH 4:14 0333 APHSES -A governor of the temple 1CH 24:15 0334 APOLLONIA -A city of Macedonia AC 17:1 0335 APOLLOS -An eloquent, Christian convert at Corinth AC 18:24-28; 19:1; 1CO 1:12; 3:4-7 -Refuses to return to Rome 1CO 16:12 -Paul writes Titus about TIT 3:13 0336 APOLLYON -Angel of the bottomless pit RE 9:11 0337 APOSTASY -Described DE 13:13; HEB 3:12 -Caused by persecution MT 24:9,10; LU 8:13 -Caused by worldliness 2TI 4:10 -Guilt and punishment of ZEP 1:4-6; HEB 10:25-31,39; 2PE 2:17,20-22 -Cautions against HEB 3:12; 2PE 3:17 -Shall abound in the latter days MT 24:12; 2TH 2:3; 1TI 4:1-3 -See ANTICHRIST » 0315 -UNCLASSIFIED SCRIPTURES RELATING TO DE 32:15; 1CH 28:9; ISA 1:28; 65:11-16; JER 17:5,6; EZE 3:20; 18:24,26; 33:12,13,18; MT 13:20,21; 24:10,12; MR 4:5-17; LU 8:13; 11:24-26; JOH 15:6; AC 7:39-43; 1CO 9:27; 2TH 2:3,11,12; 1TI 4:1,2; 2TI 3:1-9; 4:3,4; HEB 6:4-8; 10:26-29; 2PE 2:1,15,17,20-22; 3:17; Jude 1:4-6 -INSTANCES OF .Israelites EX 32; NU 14 .Saul 1SA 15:26-29; 18:12; 28:15,18 .Amaziah 2CH 25:14,27 .Disciples JOH 6:66 .Judas MT 26:14-16; 27:3-5; MR 14:10,11; LU 22:3-6,47,48; AC 1:16-18 .Hymenaeus and Alexander 1TI 1:19,20 .Phygellus and Hermogenes 2TI 1:15 .See ISRAEL, BACKSLIDING OF » 2581 0338 APOSTLE -An title(name) of Jesus HEB 3:1 -See APOSTLES » 0339 0339 APOSTLES -A title distinguishing the twelve disciples, whom Jesus selected to be intimately associated with himself LU 6:13 -Names of MT 10:2-4; MR 3:16-19; LU 6:13-16; AC 1:13,26 -Selection of MT 4:18-22; 9:9,10; 10:2-4; MR 3:13-19; LU 6:13-16; JOH 1:43 -Commission of MT 10; 28:19,20; MR 3:14,15; 6:7-11; 16:15; LU 9:1-5; 22:28-30; JOH 20:23; 21:15-19; AC 1; 2; 10:42 -Unlearned MT 11:25; AC 4:13 -Miraculous power given to MT 10:1; MR 3:15; 6:7; 16:17; LU 9:1,2; 10:9,17; AC 2:4,43; 5:12-16; 1CO 14:18; 2CO 12:12 -Authority of .See COMMISSION OF, above and MT 16:19; 18:18; 19:28 -Inspiration of MT 10:27; 16:17-19; LU 24:45; AC 1:2; 13:9 -Duties of .See COMMISSION OF, above, and LU 24:48; JOH 15:27; AC 1:8,21,22; 2:32; 3:15; 4:33; 5:32; 10:39-41; 13:31; 2PE 1:16,18; 1JO 1:1-3 -See MINISTERS » 3381 -Moral state of, before Pentecost MT 17:17; 18:3; 20:22; LU 9:54,55 -Slow to receive Jesus, as Messiah MT 14:33 -Forsake Jesus MR 14:50 -Fail to comprehend the nature and mission of Jesus, and the nature of the kingdom he came to establish MT 8:25-27; 15:23; 16:8-12,21,22; 19:25; MR 4:13; 6:51,52; 8:17,18; 9:9,10,31,32; 10:13,14; LU 9:44,45; 18:34; 24:19,21; JOH 4:32,33; 10:6; 11:12,13; 12:16; 13:6-8; 14:5-9,22; 16:6,17,18,32; 20:9; 21:12; AC 1:6 -See BARNABAS » 0602 -See MATTHIAS » 3241 -See MINISTERS » 3381 -See PAUL » 3764 -FALSE 2CO 11:13; RE 2:2 .See TEACHERS, FALSE » 4833 0340 APOSTROPHE -To death and the grave HO 13:14; 1CO 15:55 0341 APOTHECARY -A compounder of drugs EX 30:25,35; 37:29; 2CH 16:14; NE 3:8 -Ointment of EC 10:1 0342 APPAIM -Son of Nadab 1CH 2:30,31 0343 APPEAL -Paul makes, to Caesar AC 25:10,11,21-27; 26:32; 28:19 -See CHANGE, OF VENUE » 1030 -See COURTS, SUPERIOR » 1251 -See COURTS, INFERIOR » 1251 0344 APPETITE -Kept in subjection DA 1:8-16; 1CO 9:27 -See TEMPERANCE » 4860 0345 APPHIA -A Christian at Colossae PHM 1:2 0346 APPII-FORUM -A market town in Italy AC 28:15 0347 APPLE -A fruit PR 25:11; SO 2:3,5; 7:8; 8:5; JOE 1:12 0348 AQUILA AND PRISCILLA -Christians at Corinth AC 18:1-3,18,19,26 -Friendship of, for Paul RO 16:3,4 -Paul sends salutations to 2TI 4:19 0349 AR -A city of Moab NU 21:15; DE 2:9,18,24,29 -Destruction of NU 21:26-30; ISA 15:1 0350 ARA -Son of Jether 1CH 7:38 0351 ARAB -A city of Judah JOS 15:52 0352 ARABAH -See BETH-ARABAH » 0727 0353 ARABIA -Tribute to Solomon 2CH 9:14 -Tribute to Jehoshaphat 2CH 17:11 -Exports of EZE 27:21 -Prophecies against ISA 21:13; JER 25:24 -Paul visits GA 1:17 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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