3096 LOVEFEASTS -Assemblies of Christian fellowship 2PE 2:13; Jude 1:12 3097 LOVERS -INSTANCES OF .Isaac for Rebekah GE 24:67 .Jacob for Rachel GE 29:20,30 .Shechem for Dinah GE 34:3,12 .Boaz for Ruth RU 2; 3; 4 3098 LOYALTY -Enjoined EX 22:28; NU 27:20; EZR 6:10; 7:26; Job 34:18; PR 24:21; EC 8:2; 10:4; RO 13:1; TIT 3:1 -Enforced EZR 10:8; PR 17:11 -Disloyalty 2PE 2:10 -See PATRIOTISM » 3760 -INSTANCES OF .Israelites JOS 1:16-18; 2SA 3:36,37; 15:23,30; 18:3; 21:17; 1CH 12:38 .David 1SA 24:6-10; 26:6-16; 2SA 1:14 .Uriah 2SA 11:9 .Ittai 2SA 15:21 .Hushai 2SA 17:15,16 .David's soldiers 2SA 18:12,13; 23:15,16 .Joab 2SA 19:5,6 .Barzillai 2SA 19:32 .Jehoiada 2KI 11:4-12 .Mordecai ES 2:21-23 3099 LUBIMS -Inhabitants of northern Africa 2CH 12:3; 16:8 -The region they inhabited was called PHUT in EZE 27:10; NA 3:9 -See PHUT » 3854 -Called LIBYA AC 2:10 3100 LUCAS -Fellow-laborer of Paul PHM 1:24 -See Luke » 3106 3101 LUCIFER -Nebuchadnezzar called by this name ISA 14:12 3102 LUCIUS -1. A Christian at Antioch AC 13:1 -2. A relative of Paul RO 16:21 3103 LUD -A son of Shem GE 10:22; 1CH 1:17 3104 LUDIM -1. Son of Mizraim GE 10:13; 1CH 1:11 -2. Descendants of Ludim GE 10:13 .Warriors ISA 66:19; JER 46:9; EZE 27:10; 30:5 3105 LUHITH -A city of Moab ISA 15:5; JER 48:5 3106 Luke -(A disciple) -A physician COL 4:14 -Wrote to Theophilus LU 1:1-4; AC 1:1,2 -Accompanies Paul in his tour of Asia and Macedonia AC 16:10-13; 20:5,6 -To Jerusalem AC 21:1-18 -To Rome AC 27; 28; 2TI 4:11; PHM 1:24 3107 LukeWARMNESS -FIGURATIVE JER 9:3; EZE 13:5; 16:30; HO 6:4; 10:2; HAG 1:2,4-11; 2:15,16; MT 26:41; RE 2:4; 3:2,15,16 .See BACKSLIDING » 0563 .See BLINDNESS, SPIRITUAL » 0831 -INSTANCES OF .The Reubenites, when Deborah called on them to assist Sisera JUD 5:16 .The Jews under Nehemiah NE 3:5; 13:11 .A congregation at .Pergamos RE 2:14-16 .Thyatira RE 2:20-24 .Sardis RE 3:1-3 .Laodicea RE 3:14-16 3108 LUNACY -See INSANITY » 2516 -See DEMONS » 1383 3109 LUST -Evil desire GE 3:6; EX 20:17; Job 31:9-12; PS 81:12; PR 6:24,25; MT 5:28; MR 4:19; JOH 8:44; 1CO 9:27; 10:6,7; EPH 4:22; 1TI 6:9; 2TI 2:22; 4:3,4; TIT 2:12; JAS 1:14,15; 4:1-3; 1PE 2:11; 4:3; 2PE 2:18; 3:3; 1JO 2:16,17; Jude 1:16,18 -See ADULTERY » 0121 -See COVETOUSNESS » 1255 -See INCEST » 2492 -See LASCIVIOUSNESS » 2999 -See SENSUALITY » 4332 -See SODOMY » 4636 3110 LYCAONIA -(A province of Asia Minor) -Paul visits towns of AC 14:6-21; 16:1,2 3111 LYCIA -A province of Asia Minor -Paul visits AC 27:5 3112 LYDDA -Also called LOD -A city of the tribe of Benjamin 1CH 8:12; EZR 2:33; NE 11:35 -Peter heals Aeneas in AC 9:32-35 3113 LYDIA -1. A woman of Thyatira, who with her household was converted through the preaching of Paul AC 16:14,15 .Entertains Paul and Silas AC 16:15,40 -2. Incorrectly put for LUD EZE 30:5 3114 LYING -Lying spirit from God 1KI 22:21-23; 2CH 18:20-22 -See FALSEHOOD » 1789 -See HYPOCRISY » 2442 3115 LYSANIAS -A tetrarch LU 3:1 3116 LYSIAS -Chief captain of Roman troops in Jerusalem AC 24:7,22 -See CLAUDIUS LYSIAS » 1128 3117 LYSTRA -One of two cities of Lycaonia, to which Paul and Barnabas fled from persecutions in Iconium AC 14:6-23; 2TI 3:11 -Congregation of, elders ordained for, by Paul and Barnabas AC 14:23 -Timothy a resident of AC 16:1-4 3118 MAACHAH -1. Son of Nahor GE 22:24 -2. Also called MAACAH .Mother of Absalom 2SA 3:3; 1CH 3:2 -3. Also called MAOCH .Father of Achish 1SA 27:2; 1KI 2:39 -4. Also called MICHAIAH .Mother of Abijam and grandmother of Asa 1KI 15:2,10-13; 2CH 11:20-23; 13:2; 15:16 -5. Wife of Machir 1CH 7:15,16 -6. Concubine of Caleb 1CH 2:48 -7. Wife of Jehiel 1CH 8:29; 9:35 -8. Father of Hanan 1CH 11:43 -9. Father of Shephatiah 1CH 27:16 -10. Also called MAACAH and MAACHATHI .A small kingdom east of Bashan DE 3:14; JOS 12:5; 2SA 10:6,8; 1CH 19:6,7 3119 MAADAI -A returned exile EZR 10:34 3120 MAADIAH -A priest NE 12:5 3121 MAAI -A priest NE 12:36 3122 MAALEH-ACRABBIM -An acclivity on the southern border of the territory of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:3 -See AKRABBIM » 0200 3123 MAARATH -A city of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:59 3124 MAASEIAH -1. A Levite musician 1CH 15:18,20 -2. A captain of hundreds 2CH 23:1 -3. An officer of Uzziah 2CH 26:11 -4. Son of Ahaz. killed by Zichri 2CH 28:7 -5. Govenor of Jerusalem 2CH 34:8 -6. The name of a number of priests of the exile EZR 10:18,21,22; NE 8:4,7; 12:41,42; JER 21:1; 29:25; 37:3 -7. A returned exile EZR 10:30 -8. Father of Azariah NE 3:23 -9. One who sealed the covenant NE 10:25 -10. A descendant of Pharez NE 11:5 -11. A Benjamite NE 11:7 -12. Father of a false prophet JER 29:21 -13. An officer of the temple JER 35:4 -14. Grandfather of Baruch JER 32:12; 51:59 3125 MAASIAI -A priest 1CH 9:12 3126 MAATH -An ancestor of Jesus LU 3:26 3127 MAAZ -A son of Ram 1CH 2:27 3128 MAAZIAH -1. A priest 1CH 24:18 -2. A priest who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah NE 10:8 3129 MACEDONIA -(A country in southeastern Europe) -Paul has a vision concerning AC 16:9 -Preaches in, at Philippi AC 16:12 -Revisits AC 20:1-6; 2CO 2:13; 7:5 -The congregation in, sends contributions to the poor saints in Jerusalem RO 15:26; 2CO 8:1-5 -Timothy visits AC 19:22 -Disciples in AC 19:23; 27:2 3130 MACHBANAI -A Gadite warrior 1CH 12:13 3131 MACHI -A Gadite NU 13:15 3132 MACHIR -1. One of the sons of Manasseh GE 50:23 .Father of the Machirites NU 26:29; 36:1 .The land of Gilead allotted to NU 32:39,40; DE 3:15; JOS 13:31 .Certain cities of Bashan given to JOS 13:31; 17:1 -2. A man of Lo-debar who took care of Jonathan's lame son, Mephibosheth 2SA 9:4,5; 17:27 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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