3048 LEX TALIONIS -See RETALIATION » 4138 3049 LIARS -All men are liars PS 116:11 -Satan, a deceiver JOH 8:44,55 -Prohibited from the Kingdom of Heaven RE 21:8 -See DECEIT » 1357 -See DECEPTION » 1358 -See FALSEHOOD » 1789 -See HYPOCRISY » 2442 3050 LIBERALITY -General scriptures concerning EX 13:2,12; 22:29,30; 23:15; 25:1-8; 34:20; 35:4-29; 36:3-6; 38:8; LE 19:5; 22:29; NU 35:8; DE 12:11,12,17-19; 14:27-29; 15:7-18; 16:10,17; 18:1-8; 24:19-22; 2SA 24:24; 1CH 22:19; 28:10,20; 29:5; 2CH 15:7,18; EZR 1:2-4; PS 41:1-3; 76:11; 112:5,9; 132:1-5; PR 3:9,10; 11:24,25; 13:7; 14:21; 19:6,17; 21:26; 22:9; 28:27; 31:20; EC 11:1,2; ISA 32:8; 60:7,9,17; HAG 1:8; 2:18,19; MAL 3:10-12; MT 5:42; 6:1-4; 19:21,22; 25:34-40; LU 3:10,11; 6:38; 11:41; 12:33,34; 16:9; AC 10:4; 20:35; RO 12:8,13; 15:27; 1CO 13:3; 16:1-3; 2CO 8:7-9,11-15,24; 9:6-13; EPH 4:28; 1TI 5:16; 6:17-19; PHM 1:14; HEB 6:10; 13:16; 1JO 3:17,18 -See ALMS » 0221 -See BENEFICENCE » 0685 -See CHARITABLENESS » 1038 -See MINISTERS, EMOLUMENTS (BENEFITS) OF » 3381 -See POOR, DUTY TO » 3917 -See RICH » 4164 -See RICHES » 4165 -INSTANCES OF .King of Sodom to Abraham GE 14:21 .Jacob GE 28:22 .Pharaoh to Joseph's people GE 45:18-20 .Israelites at the erection of the tabernacle EX 35:21-29; 36:3-7; 38:8; NU 7; 31:48-54; JOS 18:1 .Reubenites JOS 22:24-29 .David 2SA 7:2; 1CH 17:1; 2SA 8:11; 1KI 7:51; 8:17,18; 1CH 21:24; 22; 26:26; 28:2; 29:2-5,17; PS 132:1-5 .Barzillai and others to David 2SA 17:27-29; 19:32 .Araunah for sacrifice 2SA 24:22,23 .Joab to David 2SA 12:26-28 .Israelites' offerings for the temple 1CH 29:6-9,16,17 .Samuel 1CH 26:27,28 .Solomon 1KI 4:29; 5:4,5; 2CH 2:1-6; 1KI 6; 7:51; 8:13 .Queen of Sheba to Solomon 1KI 10:10 .Asa and Abijam 1KI 15:15 .Elisha toward Elijah 1KI 19:21 .Jehoshaphat 2KI 12:18 .Joash and his people 2KI 12:4-14; 2CH 24:4-14 .David 1CH 16:3 .Hezekiah 2CH 29; 30:1-12; 31:1-10,21 .Manasseh 2CH 33:16 .Josiah 2KI 22:3-6; 2CH 34:8-13; 35:1-19 .Jews after the captivity EZR 1:5,6; 2:68,69; 3:2-9; 5:2-6; 6:14-22; 8:25-35; NE 3; 4:6; 6:3; 7:70-72; 10:32-39; 13:12,31; HAG 1:12-14; 2:18,19 .Cyrus EZR 1:2-4,7-11; 3:7; 5:13-15; 6:3 .Darius EZR 6:7-12 .Artaxerxes EZR 7:13-27; 8:24-36 .The Magi (wise men from the east) MT 2:11 .The centurion LU 7:4,5 .Mary Magdalene LU 8:2,3 .The Good Samaritan LU 10:33-35 .The poor widow LU 21:2-4 .Christians .In Jerusalem AC 2:44,45; 4:32-37 .In Antioch (of Syria) AC 11:29 .In Philippi PHP 4:18 .In Corinth 2CO 8:19; 9:1-13 .In Macedonia 2CO 8:14 .People of Melita (Malta) to Paul AC 28:10 3051 LIBERTINES -Freedmen AC 6:9 3052 LIBERTY -Proclaimed in the year of jubilee LE 25:10; JER 34:8,15-17 -Political JUD 17:6; 21:25; AC 22:28 -See JUBILEE » 2869 -FIGURATIVE ISA 61:2; 63:4; LU 4:19; JOH 8:32,33,36; GA 3:28; EPH 6:8; COL 3:11 3053 LIBNAH -1. A station of the Israelites in the desert NU 33:20 -2. A city of the tribe of Judah, captured by Joshua JOS 10:29-32,39; 12:15 .Allotted to the priests JOS 21:13; 1CH 6:57 .Sennacherib besieged; his army defeated near 2KI 19:8,35; ISA 37:8-36 3054 LIBNI -1. Son of Gershon EX 6:17; NU 3:18; 1CH 6:17,20 .Descendants called LIBNITES NU 3:21; 26:58 -2. Grandson of Merari 1CH 6:29 3055 LIBYA -Region north of Egypt EZE 30:5; 38:5; AC 2:10 -Also called LUBIM and PHUT, which see 3056 LIBYANS -The inhabitants of Libya JER 46:9; DA 11:43 3057 LICE -Plague of EX 8:16-19; PS 105:31 3058 LICENTIOUSNESS -See ADULTERY » 0121 -See LASCIVIOUSNESS » 2999 3059 LIFE -MISCELLANY OF MINOR SUB-TOPICS .Breath of GE 2:7 .Called SPIRIT OF GOD Job 27:3 .Tree of GE 2:9; 3:22,24; PR 3:18; 13:12; RE 2:7 -(SACREDNESS OF, an inference from what is taught in the law concerning murder) .See HOMICIDE » 2373 .Long life promised to obedient children EX 20:12; DE 5:16 .To those who keep the commandments DE 4:40; 22:7 .Vanity of EC 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7 .Hated EC 2:17 .To be hated for Christ's sake LU 14:26 .What can a man give in exchange for MT 16:26; MR 8:37 .The one who loses it will save it MT 10:39; 16:25,26; LU 9:24; JOH 12:25 .Weary of .Job Job 3; 7:1-3; 10:18-20 .Jeremiah JER 20:14-18 .Elijah 1KI 19:1-8 .Jonah JON 4:8,9 .See SUICIDE » 4735 .Life of Christ, a ransom MT 20:28; MR 10:45; 1TI 2:6 .See SPIRITUAL, below -BREVITY AND UNCERTAINTY OF GE 18:27; 47:9; 1SA 20:3; 2SA 14:14; 1CH 29:15; Job 4:19-21; 7:6-10,17; 8:9; 9:25,26; 10:9,20,21; 13:12,25,28; 14:1,2; 17:1; PS 22:29; 39:4-6,11; 78:39; 89:47,48; 90:3,5,6,9,10; 102:11; 103:14-16; 144:3,4; 146:4; PR 27:1; EC 1:4; 6:12; ISA 2:22; 38:12; 40:6,7,24; 50:9; 51:8,12; 64:6; JAS 1:10,11; 4:14; 1PE 1:24 .See DEATH » 1350 -EVERLASTING PS 21:4; 121:8; 133:3; ISA 25:8; DA 12:2; MT 19:16-21,29; 25:46; MR 10:30; LU 18:18,30; 20:36; JOH 3:14-16; 4:14; 5:24,25,29,39; 6:27,40,47,50-58,68; 10:10,27,28; 12:25,50; 17:2,3; AC 13:46,48; RO 2:7; 5:21; 6:22,23; 1CO 15:53,54; 2CO 5:1; GA 6:8; 1TI 1:16; 4:8; 6:12,19; 2TI 1:10; TIT 1:2; 3:7; 1JO 2:25; 3:15; 5:11-13,20; Jude 1:21; RE 1:18 .See IMMORTALITY » 2478 -FROM GOD GE 2:7; DE 8:3; 30:20; 32:39,40; 1SA 2:6; Job 27:3; 34:14,15; PS 22:29; 30:3; 68:20; 104:30; EC 12:7; ISA 38:16-20; AC 17:25-28; RO 4:17; 1TI 6:13; JAS 4:15 -LONG .See LONGEVITY » 3083 -SPIRITUAL JOH 3:3-16; 5:24-26,40; 6:27,33,35,40,47; 10:10; 11:25,26; 14:6; 17:2,3; 20:31; RO 6:4,5,8,11,13,22,23; 8:10; 1JO 1:1,2 3060 LIGHT -Created GE 1:3-5; ISA 45:7; 2CO 4:6 -Miraculous MT 17:2; AC 9:3 -FIGURATIVE AND SYMBOLICAL 1KI 11:36; PS 27:1; 119:105,130; PR 6:23; EC 2:13; ISA 8:20; 49:6; 58:8; 60:19,20; MT 4:16; 5:14,16; LU 2:32; 11:34; 16:8; JOH 1:4,5,7-9; 3:19-21; 5:35; 8:12; 9:5; 12:35,36; AC 26:18; EPH 5:8,14; PHP 2:15; 1TH 5:5; 1TI 6:16; JAS 1:17; 1PE 2:9; 2PE 1:19; 1JO 1:5,7; RE 21:23 3061 LIGHTNING -General scriptures concerning Job 28:26; 37:3; 38:25,35; PS 18:14; 77:18; 78:48; 97:4; 135:7; 144:6; JER 10:13; 51:16; EZE 1:13,14; DA 10:6; NA 2:4; ZEC 9:14; 10:1; MT 24:27; 28:3; LU 10:18; RE 4:5; 8:5; 11:19; 16:18 3062 LIGN-ALOE -A tree, not identified by naturalists NU 24:6 3063 LIGURE -A precious stone EX 28:19; 39:12 3064 LILY -The principal capitals of the temple ornamented with carvings of 1KI 7:19,22,26 -Molded on the rim of the molten laver in the temple 1KI 7:26; 2CH 4:5 -Lessons of trust gathered from MT 6:28-30; LU 12:27 -FIGURATIVE .Of the lips of the beloved SO 5:13 3065 LIME -General scriptures concerning ISA 33:12; AM 2:1 3066 LINEN -Exported .From Egypt 1KI 10:28; EZE 27:7 .From Syria EZE 27:16 -Curtains of the tabernacle made of EX 26:1; 27:9 -Vestments of priests made of EX 28:5-8,15,39-42 -Livery of royal households made of GE 41:42; ES 8:15 -Garments .For men made of GE 41:42; EZE 9:2; LU 16:19 .For women made of ISA 3:23; EZE 16:10-13 -Bedding made of PR 7:16 -Mosaic law forbade its being interwoven with wool LE 19:19; DE 22:11 -The corpse of Jesus was wrapped in MR 15:46; JOH 20:5 -FIGURATIVE .Pure and white, of righteousness RE 15:6; 19:8,14 3067 LINUS -A Christian at Rome 2TI 4:21 3068 LION -King of beasts MIC 5:8 -Fierceness of Job 4:10; 28:8; PS 7:2; PR 22:13; JER 2:15; 49:19; 50:44; HO 13:8 -The roaring of PS 22:13; PR 20:2 -Strength of PR 30:30; ISA 38:13; JOE 1:6 -Instincts of, in taking prey PS 10:9; 17:12; LA 3:10; AM 3:4; NA 2:12 -Lair of, in the jungles JER 4:7; 25:38 -The bases in the temple ornamented by mouldings of 1KI 7:29,36 -Twelve statues of, on the stairs leading to Solomon's throne 1KI 10:19,20 -Samson's riddle concerning JUD 14:14,18 -Proverb of EC 9:4 -Parable of EZE 19:1-9 -Kept in captivity DA 6 -Sent as judgment upon the Samaritans 2KI 17:25,26 -Killed by .Samson JUD 14:5-9 .David 1SA 17:34,36 .Benaiah 2SA 23:20 .Saints HEB 11:33 -Disobedient prophet killed by 1KI 13:24-28 -An unnamed person killed by 1KI 20:36 -Used for the torture of criminals DA 6:16-24; 7:12; 2TI 4:17 -FIGURATIVE .Of a ruler's anger PR 19:12; JER 5:6; 50:17; HO 5:14 .Of Satan 1PE 5:8 .Of divine judgments ISA 15:9 -SYMBOLICAL GE 49:9; ISA 29:1 .Margin) EZE 1:10; 10:14; DA 7:4; RE 4:7; 5:5; 9:8,17; 13:2 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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