2652 JAMBRES -An Egyptian magician EX 7:11; 2TI 3:8 2653 James -1. An apostle. Son of Zebedee and Salome MT 4:21; 27:56; MR 15:40; 16:1 .Brother of John and a fisherman LU 5:10 .Called to be an apostle MT 4:21,22; 10:2; MR 1:19,20; LU 6:14; AC 1:13 .Surnamed Boanerges by Jesus MR 3:17 -(An intimate companion of Jesus, and present with him) .At the great catch of fish LU 5:10 .At the healing of Peter's mother-in-law MR 1:29 .At the raising of the daughter of Jairus MR 5:37; LU 8:51 .At the transfiguration of Jesus MT 17:1; MR 9:2; LU 9:28 .In Gethsemane MT 26:37; MR 14:33 .Asks Jesus concerning his second coming MR 13:3 .Bigotry of LU 9:54 .Civil ambitions of MT 20:20-23; MR 10:35-41 .Present at Lake Tiberias when Jesus revealed himself to the disciples after his resurrection JOH 21:2; 1CO 15:7 .Martyred AC 12:2 -2. An apostle .Son of Alphaeus MT 10:3; MR 3:18; LU 6:15; AC 1:13; 12:17 .Brother of Jesus MT 13:55; 27:56; MR 6:3; LU 24:10; GA 1:19; 2:9,12 .The brother of Judas LU 6:16; Jude 1:1 .The brother of Joses MR 15:40 .Witness of Christ's resurrection 1CO 15:7 .Addresses the gathering at Jerusalem in favor of liberty for the Gentile converts AC 15:13-21 .Disciples sent by, to Antioch GA 2:12 .Hears of the success attending Paul's ministry AC 21:18,19 .Epistle of JAS 1:1 -3. Brother of Jesus MT 13:55; MR 6:3; GA 1:19 2654 JAMIN -1. Son of Simeon GE 46:10; EX 6:15; NU 26:12; 1CH 4:24 -2. Descendant of Hezron 1CH 2:27 -3. A priest who expounded the law to the exiles who returned to Jerusalem NE 8:7 2655 JAMLECH -Descendant of Simeon 1CH 4:34 2656 JANNA -Ancestor of Joseph LU 3:24 2657 JANNES -An Egyptian magician EX 7:11; 2TI 3:8 2658 JANOAH -A city of the tribe of Naphtali 2KI 15:29 2659 JANOHAH -A city on the border of the tribe of Ephraim JOS 16:6,7 2660 JANUM -A city of the tribe of Judah JOS 15:53 2661 JAPHETH -Son of Noah GE 5:32; 6:10; 9:18; 10:21 -His life preserved at the time of the great flood GE 7:13; 9:18 -Prudence of, on the occasion of Noah's drunkenness GE 9:23,27 -Descendants of GE 10:2-5; 1CH 1:5-7 2662 JAPHIA -1. King of Lachish JOS 10:3 -2. A town of Zebulun JOS 19:12 -3. A son of David 2SA 5:15; 1CH 3:7; 14:6 2663 JAPHLET -Grandson of Beriah 1CH 7:33 2664 JAPHLETI -A place whose location is unknown JOS 16:3 2665 JAPHO -A city of the tribe of Dan JOS 19:46 2666 JARAH -Son of Ahaz 1CH 9:42 2667 JAREB -King of Asshur HO 5:13; 10:6 2668 JARED -1. Also called JERED .A descendant of Seth GE 5:15,16,18,19,20; 1CH 1:2 -2. An ancestor of Jesus LU 3:37 2669 JARESIAH -Son of Jeroham 1CH 8:27 2670 JARHA -An Egyptian 1CH 2 2671 JARIB -1. Son of Simeon 1CH 4:24 -2. A chief among the captivity EZR 8:16 -3. A priest who married an idolatrous wife EZR 10:18 2672 JARMUTH -1. A city in the territory of the tribe of Judah JOS 10:3,5,23; 12:11; 15:35; NE 11:29 -2. A Levitical city in Issachar JOS 21:29 2673 JAROAH -A descendant of Gad 1CH 5:14 2674 JASHEN -Father of one of David's heroes 2SA 23:32 2675 JASHOBEAM -1. One of David's warriors 2SA 23:8; 1CH 11:11; 27:2 -2. A Korhite Levite 1CH 12:6 2676 JASHUB -1. Son of Issachar NU 26:24; 1CH 7:1 .Called Job in GE 46:13 -2. Of the family of Bani EZR 10:29 2677 JASHUBI-LEHEM -A descendant of Shelah 1CH 4:22 2678 JASIEL -One of David's warriors 1CH 11:47 2679 JASON -A Christian at Thessalonica AC 17:5,6,7,9 -Probably Paul's kinsman, mentioned in RO 16:21 2680 JASPER -A precious stone, set in the high priest's breastplate EX 28:20; 39:13 2681 JATHNIEL -Son of Meshelemiah 1CH 26:2 2682 JATTIR -A Levitical city JOS 15:48; 21:14; 1SA 30:27; 1CH 6:57 2683 JAVAN -1. Son of Japheth GE 10:2,4; 1CH 1:5,7 -2. A city in Arabia in which the Phoenicians traded EZE 27:13,19 2684 JAVELIN -A heavy lance EZE 39:9 -Used by Goliath (R. V.) 1SA 17:6 -Used by Saul 1SA 18:11; 19:9,10 2685 JAZER -1. A city of refuge east of the Jordan River JOS 21:39 .Taken from the Amorites NU 21:32; 32:1,3,35; JOS 13:25 -2. Sea of JER 48:32 2686 JAZIZ -A shepherd 1CH 27:31 2687 JEALOUSY -General scriptures concerning PR 6:34; 27:4; EC 4:4; SO 8:6 -Law concerning, when husband is jealous for his wife NU 5:12-31 -Image of EZE 8:3,4 -Attributed to God EX 20:5; 34:13,14; NU 25:11; DE 29:20; 32:16,21; 1KI 14:22; PS 78:58; 79:5; ISA 30:1,2; 31:1,3; EZE 16:42; 23:25; 36:5,6; 38:19; ZEP 1:18; 3:8; ZEC 1:14; 8:2; 1CO 10:22 -See ANTHROPOMORPHISMS » 0314 -An envious spirit RO 10:19; 11:11 -See EMULATION » 1635 -See ENVY » 1664 -FIGURATIVE 2CO 11:2 -INSTANCES OF .Cain, of Abel GE 4:5,6,8 .Sarah, of Hagar GE 16:5 .Joseph's brothers, of Joseph GE 37:4-11,18-28 .Saul, of David 1SA 18:8-30; 19:8-24; 20:24-34 .Joab, of Abner 2SA 3:24-27 .Nathan, of Adonijah 1KI 1:24-26 .Ephraimites, of Gideon JUD 8:1 .Of Jephthah JUD 12:1 .The brother of the prodigal son LU 15:25-32 .Sectional, between Israel and the tribe of Judah 2SA 19:41-43 2688 JEATERAI -Descendant of Gershom 1CH 6:21 2689 JEBERECHIAH -Father of Zechariah ISA 8:2 2690 JEBUS -Also called JEBUSI -See JERUSALEM » 2763 2691 JEBUSITES -One of the tribes of Canaan DE 7:1 -Land of, given to Abraham and his descendants GE 15:21; EX 3:8,17; 23:23,24; DE 20:17; EX 33:9; 34:10,11 -Conquered by Joshua JOS 10; 11; 12 -And JOS 24:11 -Conquered by David 2SA 5:6-9 -Jerusalem within the territory of JOS 18:28 -Not exterminated, but they intermarry with the Israelites JUD 3:5,6; EZR 9:1,2; 10:18-44 -They pay taxes to Solomon 1KI 9:20,21 2692 JECAMIAH -Son of Jeconiah 1CH 3:18 2693 JECHOLIAH -Also called JECOLIAH -Mother of Azariah 2KI 15:2; 2CH 26:3 2694 JECONIAH -See JEHOIACHIN » 2714 GOTO NEXT LIST - NAVE'S TOPICAL BIBLE INDEX & SEARCH

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