V.1 The burden 4853 of the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 for Israel, 3478 saith 5002-7 the LORD, 3068 which stretcheth forth 5186-6 the heavens, 8064 and layeth the foundation 3245-5 of the earth, 776 and formeth 3335-6 the spirit 7307 of man 120 within 7130 him.

12:2 Behold, I will make 7760-6 Jerusalem 3389 a cup 5592 of trembling 7478 unto all the people 5971 round about, 5439 when they shall be in the siege 4692 both against Judah 3063 [and] against Jerusalem. 3389

12:3 And in that day 3117 will I make 7760-4 Jerusalem 3389 a burdensome 4614 stone 68 for all people: 5971 all that burden 6006-6 themselves with it shall be cut 8295-11 in pieces, 8295-2 though all the people 1471 of the earth 776 be gathered 622-8 together against it.

12:4 In that day, 3117 saith 5002-7 the LORD, 3068 I will smite 5221-55 every horse 5483 with astonishment, 8541 and his rider 7392-6 with madness: 7697 and I will open 6491-4 mine eyes 5869 upon the house 1004 of Judah, 3063 and will smite 5221-55 every horse 5483 of the people 5971 with blindness. 5788

12:5 And the governors 441 of Judah 3063 shall say 559-1 in their heart, 3820 The inhabitants 3427-6 of Jerusalem 3389 [shall be] my strength 556 in the LORD 3068 of hosts 6635 their God. 430

12:6 In that day 3117 will I make 7760-4 the governors 441 of Judah 3063 like an hearth 3595 of fire 784 among the wood, 6086 and like a torch 3940 of fire 784 in a sheaf; 5995 and they shall devour 398-1 all the people 5971 round about, 5439 on the right hand 3225 and on the left: 8040 and Jerusalem 3389 shall be inhabited 3427-1 again in her own place, [even] in Jerusalem. 3389

12:7 The LORD 3068 also shall save 3467-52 the tents 168 of Judah 3063 first, 7223 that the glory 8597 of the house 1004 of David 1732 and the glory 8597 of the inhabitants 3427-6 of Jerusalem 3389 do not magnify 1431-4 [themselves] against Judah. 3063

12:8 In that day 3117 shall the LORD 3068 defend 1598-55 the inhabitants 3427-6 of Jerusalem; 3389 and he that is feeble 3782-12 among them at that day 3117 shall be as David; 1732 and the house 1004 of David 1732 [shall be] as God, 430 as the angel 4397 of the LORD 3068 before 6440 them.

12:9 And it shall come to pass in that day, 3117 [that] I will seek 1245-17 to destroy 8045-53 all the nations 1471 that come 935-6 against Jerusalem. 3389

12:10 And I will pour 8210-1 upon the house 1004 of David, 1732 and upon the inhabitants 3427-6 of Jerusalem, 3389 the spirit 7307 of grace 2580 and of supplications: 8469 and they shall look 5027-52 upon me whom they have pierced, 1856-1 and they shall mourn 5594-1 for him, as one mourneth 4553 for [his] only 3173 [son], and shall be in bitterness 4843-53 for him, as one that is in bitterness 4843-53 for [his] firstborn. 1060

12:11 In that day 3117 shall there be a great 1431-4 mourning 4553 in Jerusalem, 3389 as the mourning 4553 of Hadadrimmon 1910 in the valley 1237 of Megiddon. 4023

12:12 And the land 776 shall mourn, 5594-1 every family 4940 4940 apart; 905 the family 4940 of the house 1004 of David 1732 apart, and their wives 802 apart; the family 4940 of the house 1004 of Nathan 5416 apart, and their wives 802 apart;

12:13 The family 4940 of the house 1004 of Levi 3878 apart, and their wives 802 apart; the family 4940 of Shimei 8097 apart, and their wives 802 apart;

12:14 All the families 4940 that remain, 7604-12 every family 4940 4940 apart, and their wives 802 apart.


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