V.1 O that 5414-4 thou [wert] as my brother, 251 that sucked 3243-6 the breasts 7699 of my mother! 517 [when] I should find 4672-4 thee without, 2351 I would kiss 5401-4 thee; yea, I should not be despised. 936-4

8:2 I would lead 5090-4 thee, [and] bring 935-55 thee into my mother's 517 house, 1004 [who] would instruct 3925-17 me: I would cause thee to drink 8248-55 of spiced 7544 wine 3196 of the juice 6071 of my pomegranate. 7416

8:3 His left hand 8040 [should be] under my head, 7218 and his right hand 3225 should embrace 2263-17 me.

8:4 I charge 7650-52 you, O daughters 1323 of Jerusalem, 3389 that ye stir not up, 5782-55 nor awake 5782-34 [my] love, 160 until he please. 2654-4

8:5 Who [is] this that cometh up 5927-6 from the wilderness, 4057 leaning 7514-102 upon her beloved? 1730 I raised thee up 5782-31 under the apple tree: 8598 there thy mother 517 brought thee forth: 2254-14 there she brought thee forth 2254-14 [that] bare 3205-1 thee.

8:6 Set 7760-3 me as a seal 2368 upon thine heart, 3820 as a seal 2368 upon thine arm: 2220 for love 160 [is] strong 5794 as death; 4194 jealousy 7068 [is] cruel 7186 as the grave: 7585 the coals 7565 thereof [are] coals 7565 of fire, 784 [which hath a] most vehement flame. 7957

8:7 Many 7227 waters 4325 cannot 3808 3201-4 quench 3518-15 love, 160 neither 3808 can the floods 5104 drown 7857-4 it: if [a] man 376 would give 5414-4 all the substance 1952 of his house 1004 for love, 160 it would utterly 936-2 be contemned. 936-4

8:8 We have a little 6996 sister, 269 and she hath no breasts: 7699 what shall we do 6213-4 for our sister 269 in the day 3117 when she shall be spoken for? 1696-29

8:9 If she [be] a wall, 2346 we will build 1129-4 upon her a palace 2918 of silver: 3701 and if she [be] a door, 1817 we will inclose 6696-4 her with boards 3871 of cedar. 730

8:10 I [am] a wall, 2346 and my breasts 7699 like towers: 4026 then was I in his eyes 5869 as one that found 4672-6 favour. 7965

8:11 Solomon 8010 had a vineyard 3754 at Baalhamon; 1174 he let out 5414-1 the vineyard 3754 unto keepers; 5201-6 every one 376 for the fruit 6529 thereof was to bring 935-55 a thousand 505 [pieces] of silver. 3701

8:12 My vineyard, 3754 which [is] mine, [is] before 6440 me: thou, O Solomon, 8010 [must have] a thousand, 505 and those that keep 5201-6 the fruit 6529 thereof two hundred. 3967

8:13 Thou that dwellest 3427-6 in the gardens, 1588 the companions 2270 hearken 7181-56 to thy voice: 6963 cause me to hear 8085-54 [it].

8:14 Make haste, 1272-3 my beloved, 1730 and be thou like 1819-3 to a roe 6643 or to a young 6082 hart 354 upon the mountains 2022 of spices. 1314


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