V.1 Song 7892 [or] Psalm 4210 for the sons 1121 of Korah, 7141 to the chief Musician 5329-18 upon Mahalath 4257 Leannoth, 6031-15 Maschil 4905|7919-56 of Heman 1968 the Ezrahite.> 250 O LORD 3068 God 430 of my salvation, 3444 I have cried 6817-1 day 3117 [and] night 3915 before thee:

88:2 Let my prayer 8605 come 935-4 before 6440 thee: incline 5186-54 thine ear 241 unto my cry; 7440

88:3 For my soul 5315 is full 7646-1 of troubles: 7451 and my life 2416 draweth nigh 5060-52 unto the grave. 7585

88:4 I am counted 2803-8 with them that go down 3381-6 into the pit: 953 I am as a man 1397 [that hath] no strength: 353

88:5 Free 2670 among the dead, 4191-5 like the slain 2491 that lie 7901-6 in the grave, 6913 whom thou rememberest 2142-1 no more: and they are cut off 1504-8 from thy hand. 3027

88:6 Thou hast laid 7896-1 me in the lowest 8482 pit, 953 in darkness, 4285 in the deeps. 4688

88:7 Thy wrath 2534 lieth hard 5564-1 upon me, and thou hast afflicted 6031-14 [me] with all thy waves. 4867 Selah. 5542

88:8 Thou hast put away mine acquaintance 3045-30 far 7368-52 from me; thou hast made 7896-1 me an abomination 8441 unto them: [I am] shut up, 3607-7 and I cannot come forth. 3318-4

88:9 Mine eye 5869 mourneth 1669-1 by reason of affliction: 6040 LORD, 3068 I have called 7121-1 daily 3117 upon thee, I have stretched out 7849-14 my hands 3709 unto thee.

88:10 Wilt thou shew 6213-4 wonders 6382 to the dead? 4191-5 shall the dead 7496 arise 6965-4 [and] praise 3034-55 thee? Selah. 5542

88:11 Shall thy lovingkindness 2617 be declared 5608-29 in the grave? 6913 [or] thy faithfulness 530 in destruction? 11

88:12 Shall thy wonders 6382 be known 3045-11 in the dark? 2822 and thy righteousness 6666 in the land 776 of forgetfulness? 5388

88:13 But unto thee have I cried, 7768-14 O LORD; 3068 and in the morning 1242 shall my prayer 8605 prevent 6923-17 thee.

88:14 LORD, 3068 why castest thou off 2186-4 my soul? 5315 [why] hidest 5641-55 thou thy face 6440 from me?

88:15 I [am] afflicted 6041 and ready to die 1478-6 from [my] youth 5290 up: [while] I suffer 5375-1 thy terrors 367 I am distracted. 6323-4

88:16 Thy fierce wrath 2740 goeth over 5674-1 me; thy terrors 1161 have cut me off. 6789-40

88:17 They came round about 5437-1 me daily 3117 like water; 4325 they compassed 5362-52 me about together. 3162

88:18 Lover 157-6 and friend 7453 hast thou put far 7368-52 from me, [and] mine acquaintance 3045-30 into darkness. 4285


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