V.1 8605 of David.> 1732 Hear 8085-3 the right, 6664 O LORD, 3068 attend 7181-54 unto my cry, 7440 give ear 238-54 unto my prayer, 8605 [that goeth] not 3808 out of feigned 4820 lips. 8193

17:2 Let my sentence 4941 come forth 3318-4 from thy presence; 6440 let thine eyes 5869 behold 2372-4 the things that are equal. 4339

17:3 Thou hast proved 974-1 mine heart; 3820 thou hast visited 6485-1 [me] in the night; 3915 thou hast tried 6884-1 me, [and] shalt find 4672-4 nothing; I am purposed 2161-2 [that] my mouth 6310 shall not transgress. 5674-4

17:4 Concerning the works 6468 of men, 120 by the word 1697 of thy lips 8193 I have kept 8104-1 [me from] the paths 734 of the destroyer. 6530

17:5 Hold up 8551-2 my goings 838 in thy paths, 4570 [that] my footsteps 6471 slip 4131-8 not.

17:6 I have called 7121-1 upon thee, for thou wilt hear 6030- 4 me, O God: 410 incline 5186-54 thine ear 241 unto me, [and hear] 8085-3 my speech. 565

17:7 Shew thy marvellous 6395-54 lovingkindness, 2617 O thou that savest 3467-56 by thy right hand 3225 them which put their trust 2620-6 [in thee] from those that rise up 6965-102 [against them].

17:8 Keep 8104-3 me as the apple 380 of the eye, 1323 5869 hide 5641-55 me under the shadow 6738 of thy wings, 3671

17:9 From 6440 the wicked 7563 that 2098 oppress 7703-1 me, [from] my deadly 5315 enemies, 341-6 [who] compass me about. 5362-55

17:10 They are inclosed 5462-1 in their own fat: 2459 with their mouth 6310 they speak 1696-14 proudly. 1348

17:11 They have now compassed 5437-1 us in our steps: 838 they have set 7896-4 their eyes 5869 bowing down 5186-2 to the earth; 776

17:12 Like 1825 as a lion 738 [that] is greedy 3700-4 of his prey, 2963-2 and as it were a young lion 3715 lurking 3427-6 in secret places. 4565

17:13 Arise, 6965-3 O LORD, 3068 disappoint 6923-16 him, 6440 cast him down: 3766-54 deliver 6403-16 my soul 5315 from the wicked, 7563 [which is] thy sword: 2719

17:14 From men 4962 [which are] thy hand, 3027 O LORD, 3068 from men 4962 of the world, 2465 [which have] their portion 2506 in [this] life, 2416 and whose belly 990 thou fillest 4390-17 with thy hid 6845-7|6840-k [treasure]: they are full 7646-4 of children, 1121 and leave 3240-52 the rest 3499 of their [substance] to their babes. 5768

17:15 As for me, I will behold 2372-4 thy face 6440 in righteousness: 6664 I shall be satisfied, 7646-4 when I awake, 6974-53 with thy likeness. 8544


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