V.1 As snow 7950 in summer, 7019 and as rain 4306 in harvest, 7105 so honour 3519 is not seemly 5000 for a fool. 3684

26:2 As the bird 6833 by wandering, 5110-2 as the swallow 1866 by flying, 5774-2 so the curse 7045 causeless 2600 shall not come. 935-4

26:3 A whip 7752 for the horse, 5483 a bridle 4964 for the ass, 2543 and a rod 7626 for the fool's 3684 back. 1460

26:4 Answer 6030-4 not a fool 3684 according to his folly, 200 lest thou also be like 7737-4 unto him.

26:5 Answer 6030-3 a fool 3684 according to his folly, 200 lest he be wise 2450 in his own conceit. 5869

26:6 He that sendeth 7971-6 a message 1697 by the hand 3027 of a fool 3684 cutteth off 7096-18 the feet, 7272 [and] drinketh 8354-6 damage. 2555

26:7 The legs 7785 of the lame 6455 are not equal: 1809-1 so [is] a parable 4912 in the mouth 6310 of fools. 3684

26:8 As he that bindeth 6872|6887-2 a stone 68 in a sling, 4773 so [is] he that giveth 5414-6 honour 3519 to a fool. 3684

26:9 [As] a thorn 2336 goeth up 5927-1 into the hand 3027 of a drunkard, 7910 so [is] a parable 4912 in the mouth 6310 of fools. 3684

26:10 The great 7227 [God] that formed 2342-35 all [things] both rewardeth 7936-6 the fool, 3684 and rewardeth 7936-6 transgressors. 5674-6

26:11 As a dog 3611 returneth 7725-1 to his vomit, 6892 [so] a fool 3684 returneth 8138-6 to his folly. 200

26:12 Seest 7200-1 thou a man 376 wise 2450 in his own conceit? 5869 [there is] more hope 8615 of a fool 3684 than of him.

26:13 The slothful 6102 [man] saith, 559-1 [There is] a lion 7826 in the way; 1870 a lion 738 [is] in the streets. 7339

26:14 [As] the door 1817 turneth 5437-11 upon his hinges, 6735 so [doth] the slothful 6102 upon his bed. 4296

26:15 The slothful 6102 hideth 2934-1 his hand 3027 in [his] bosom; 6747 it grieveth 3811-8 him to bring it again 7725-53 to his mouth. 6310

26:16 The sluggard 6102 [is] wiser 2450 in his own conceit 5869 than seven 7651 men that can render 7725-56 a reason. 2940

26:17 He that passeth by, 5674-6 [and] meddleth 5674-102 with strife 7379 [belonging] not to him, [is like] one that taketh 2388-56 a dog 3611 by the ears. 241

26:18 As a mad 3856-119 [man] who casteth 3384-6 firebrands, 2131 arrows, 2671 and death, 4194

26:19 So [is] the man 376 [that] deceiveth 7411-14 his neighbour, 7453 and saith, 559-1 Am not I in sport? 7832-18

26:20 Where no 657 wood 6086 is, [there] the fire 784 goeth out: 3518-4 so where [there is] no talebearer, 5372 the strife 4066 ceaseth. 8367-4

26:21 [As] coals 6352 [are] to burning coals, 1513 and wood 6086 to fire; 784 so [is] a contentious 4079|4066-k man 376 to kindle 2787-44 strife. 7379

26:22 The words 1697 of a talebearer 5372 [are] as wounds, 3859-102 and they go down 3381-1 into the innermost parts 2315 of the belly. 990

26:23 Burning 1814-5 lips 8193 and a wicked 7451 heart 3820 [are like] a potsherd 2789 covered 6823-30 with silver 3701 dross. 5509

26:24 He that hateth 8130-6 dissembleth 5234-11 with his lips, 8193 and layeth up 7896-4 deceit 4820 within 7130 him;

26:25 When he speaketh 6963 fair, 2603-17 believe 539-55 him not: for [there are] seven 7651 abominations 8441 in his heart. 3820

26:26 [Whose] hatred 8135 is covered 3680-101 by deceit, 4860 his wickedness 7451 shall be shewed 1540-11 before the [whole] congregation. 6951

26:27 Whoso diggeth 3738-6 a pit 7845 shall fall 5307-4 therein: and he that rolleth 1556-6 a stone, 68 it will return 7725-4 upon him.

26:28 A lying 8267 tongue 3956 hateth 8130-4 [those that are] afflicted 1790 by it; and a flattering 2509 mouth 6310 worketh 6213-4 ruin. 4072


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