V.1 Now the children 1121 of Reuben 7205 and the children 1121 of Gad 1410 had a very 3966 great 6099 multitude 7227 of cattle: 4735 and when they saw 7200-4 the land 776 of Jazer, 3270 and the land 776 of Gilead, 1568 that, behold, the place 4725 [was] a place 4725 for cattle; 4735

32:2 The children 1121 of Gad 1410 and the children 1121 of Reuben 7205 came 935-4 and spake 559-4 unto Moses, 4872 and to Eleazar 499 the priest, 3548 and unto the princes 5387 of the congregation, 5712 saying, 559-2

32:3 Ataroth, 5852 and Dibon, 1769 and Jazer, 3270 and Nimrah, 5247 and Heshbon, 2809 and Elealeh, 500 and Shebam, 7643 and Nebo, 5015 and Beon, 1194

32:4 [Even] the country 776 which the LORD 3068 smote 5221-52 before 6440 the congregation 5712 of Israel, 3478 [is] a land 776 for cattle, 4735 and thy servants 5650 have cattle: 4735

32:5 Wherefore, said 559-4 they, if we have found 4672-1 grace 2580 in thy sight, 5869 let this land 776 be given 5414-93 unto thy servants 5650 for a possession, 272 [and] bring us not over 5674-55 Jordan. 3383

32:6 And Moses 4872 said 559-4 unto the children 1121 of Gad 1410 and to the children 1121 of Reuben, 7205 Shall your brethren 251 go 935-4 to war, 4421 and shall ye sit 3427-4 here?

32:7 And wherefore discourage 5106-55|5106-4-k ye the heart 3820 of the children 1121 of Israel 3478 from going over 5674-2 into the land 776 which the LORD 3068 hath given 5414- 1 them?

32:8 Thus did 6213-1 your fathers, 1 when I sent 7971-2 them from Kadeshbarnea 6947 to see 7200-2 the land. 776

32:9 For when they went up 5927-4 unto the valley 5158 of Eshcol, 812 and saw 7200-4 the land, 776 they discouraged 5106-55 the heart 3820 of the children 1121 of Israel, 3478 that they should not go 935-2 into the land 776 which the LORD 3068 had given 5414-1 them.

32:10 And the LORD'S 3068 anger 639 was kindled 2734-4 the same time, 3117 and he sware, 7650-11 saying, 559-2

32:11 Surely none 518 of the men 582 that came up 5927-6 out of Egypt, 4714 from twenty 6242 years 8141 old 1121 and upward, 4605 shall see 7200-4 the land 127 which I sware 7650-8 unto Abraham, 85 unto Isaac, 3327 and unto Jacob; 3290 because they have not wholly 4390-14 followed 310 me:

32:12 Save Caleb 3612 the son 1121 of Jephunneh 3312 the Kenezite, 7074 and Joshua 3091 the son 1121 of Nun: 5126 for they have wholly 4390-14 followed 310 the LORD. 3068

32:13 And the LORD'S 3068 anger 639 was kindled 2734-4 against Israel, 3478 and he made them wander 5128-55 in the wilderness 4057 forty 705 years, 8141 until all the generation, 1755 that had done 6213-6 evil 7451 in the sight 5869 of the LORD, 3068 was consumed. 8552-2

32:14 And, behold, ye are risen up 6965-1 in your fathers' 1 stead, an increase 8635 of sinful 2400 men, 582 to augment 5595-2 yet the fierce 2740 anger 639 of the LORD 3068 toward Israel. 3478

32:15 For if ye turn away 7725-4 from after 310 him, he will yet again 3254-1 leave 3240-53 them in the wilderness; 4057 and ye shall destroy 7843-14 all this people. 5971

32:16 And they came near 5066-4 unto him, and said, 559-4 We will build 1129-4 sheepfolds 1448 6629 here for our cattle, 4735 and cities 5892 for our little ones: 2945

32:17 But we ourselves 587 will go ready 2363-7 armed 2502-11 before 6440 the children 1121 of Israel, 3478 until we have brought 935-52 them unto their place: 4725 and our little ones 2945 shall dwell 3427-1 in the fenced 4013 cities 5892 because 6440 of the inhabitants 3427-6 of the land. 776

32:18 We will not return 7725-4 unto our houses, 1004 until the children 1121 of Israel 3478 have inherited 5157-99 every man 376 his inheritance. 5159

32:19 For we will not inherit 5157-4 with them on yonder side 5676 Jordan, 3383 or forward; 1973 because our inheritance 5159 is fallen 935-1 to us on this side 5676 Jordan 3383 eastward. 4217

32:20 And Moses 4872 said 559-4 unto them, If ye will do 6213-4 this thing, 1697 if ye will go armed 2502-11 before 6440 the LORD 3068 to war, 4421

32:21 And will go all of you armed 2502-7 over 5674-1 Jordan 3383 before 6440 the LORD, 3068 until he hath driven out 3423-53 his enemies 341-6 from before 6440 him,

32:22 And the land 776 be subdued 3533-8 before 6440 the LORD: 3068 then afterward 310 ye shall return, 7725-4 and be guiltless 5355 before the LORD, 3068 and before Israel; 3478 and this land 776 shall be your possession 272 before 6440 the LORD. 3068

32:23 But if ye will not do 6213-4 so, behold, ye have sinned 2398-1 against the LORD: 3068 and be sure 3045-3 your sin 2403 will find you out. 4672-4

32:24 Build 1129-3 you cities 5892 for your little ones, 2945 and folds 1448 for your sheep; 6792 and do 6213-4 that which hath proceeded 3318-6 out of your mouth. 6310

32:25 And the children 1121 of Gad 1410 and the children 1121 of Reuben 7205 spake 559-4 unto Moses, 4872 saying, 559-2 Thy servants 5650 will do 6213-4 as my lord 113 commandeth. 6680- 18

32:26 Our little ones, 2945 our wives, 802 our flocks, 4735 and all our cattle, 929 shall be there in the cities 5892 of Gilead: 1568

32:27 But thy servants 5650 will pass over, 5674-4 every man armed 2502-7 for war, 6635 before 6440 the LORD 3068 to battle, 4421 as my lord 113 saith. 1696-6

32:28 So concerning them Moses 4872 commanded 6680-17 Eleazar 499 the priest, 3548 and Joshua 3091 the son 1121 of Nun, 5126 and the chief 7218 fathers 1 of the tribes 4294 of the children 1121 of Israel: 3478

32:29 And Moses 4872 said 559-4 unto them, If the children 1121 of Gad 1410 and the children 1121 of Reuben 7205 will pass with you over 5674-4 Jordan, 3383 every man armed 2502-7 to battle, 4421 before 6440 the LORD, 3068 and the land 776 shall be subdued 3533-8 before 6440 you; then ye shall give 5414-1 them the land 776 of Gilead 1568 for a possession: 272

32:30 But if they will not pass over 5674-4 with you armed, 2502-7 they shall have possessions 270-8 among 8432 you in the land 776 of Canaan. 3667

32:31 And the children 1121 of Gad 1410 and the children 1121 of Reuben 7205 answered, 6030-4 saying, 559-2 As the LORD 3068 hath said 1696-14 unto thy servants, 5650 so will we do. 6213-4

32:32 We 5168 will pass over 5674-4 armed 2502-7 before 6440 the LORD 3068 into the land 776 of Canaan, 3667 that the possession 272 of our inheritance 5159 on this side 5676 Jordan 3383 [may be] ours.

32:33 And Moses 4872 gave 5414-4 unto them, [even] to the children 1121 of Gad, 1410 and to the children 1121 of Reuben, 7205 and unto half 2677 the tribe 7626 of Manasseh 4519 the son 1121 of Joseph, 3130 the kingdom 4467 of Sihon 5511 king 4428 of the Amorites, 567 and the kingdom 4467 of Og 5747 king 4428 of Bashan, 1316 the land, 776 with the cities 5892 thereof in the coasts, 1367 [even] the cities 5892 of the country 776 round about. 5439

32:34 And the children 1121 of Gad 1410 built 1129-4 Dibon, 1769 and Ataroth, 5852 and Aroer, 6177

32:35 And Atroth, Shophan, 5855 and Jaazer, 3270 and Jogbehah, 3011

32:36 And Bethnimrah, 1039 and Bethharan, 1028 fenced 4013 cities: 5892 and folds 1448 for sheep. 6629

32:37 And the children 1121 of Reuben 7205 built 1129-1 Heshbon, 2809 and Elealeh, 500 and Kirjathaim, 7156

32:38 And Nebo, 5015 and Baalmeon, 1186 (their names 8034 being changed,) 4142-94 and Shibmah: 7643 and gave 7121-4 other names 8034 8034 unto the cities 5892 which they builded. 1129-1

32:39 And the children 1121 of Machir 4353 the son 1121 of Manasseh 4519 went 3212-4 to Gilead, 1568 and took 3920-4 it, and dispossessed 3423-55 the Amorite 567 which [was] in it.

32:40 And Moses 4872 gave 5414-4 Gilead 1568 unto Machir 4353 the son 1121 of Manasseh; 4519 and he dwelt 3427-4 therein.

32:41 And Jair 2971 the son 1121 of Manasseh 4519 went 1980-1 and took 3920-4 the small towns 2333 thereof, and called 7121-4 them Havothjair. 2334

32:42 And Nobah 5025 went 1980-1 and took 3920-4 Kenath, 7079 and the villages 1323 thereof, and called 7121-4 it Nobah, 5025 after his own name. 8034


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