V.1 And all the congregation 5712 lifted up 5375-4 5414-4 their voice, 6963 and cried; and the people 5971 wept 1058-4 that night. 3915

14:2 And all the children 1121 of Israel 3478 murmured 3885- 11 against Moses 4872 and against Aaron: 175 and the whole congregation 5712 said 559-4 unto them, Would God that 3863 we had died 4191-1 in the land 776 of Egypt! 4714 or would God 3863 we had died 4191-1 in this wilderness! 4057

14:3 And wherefore hath the LORD 3068 brought 935-56 us unto this land, 776 to fall 5307-2 by the sword, 2719 that our wives 802 and our children 2945 should be a prey? 957 were it not better 2896 for us to return 7725-2 into Egypt? 4714

14:4 And they said 559-4 one 376 to another, 251 Let us make 5414-4 a captain, 7218 and let us return 7725-4 into Egypt. 4714

14:5 Then Moses 4872 and Aaron 175 fell 5307-4 on their faces 6440 before 6440 all the assembly 6951 of the congregation 5712 of the children 1121 of Israel. 3478

14:6 And Joshua 3091 the son 1121 of Nun, 5126 and Caleb 3612 the son 1121 of Jephunneh, 3312 [which were] of them that searched 8446-6 the land, 776 rent 7167-1 their clothes: 899

14:7 And they spake 559-4 unto all the company 5712 of the children 1121 of Israel, 3478 saying, 559-2 The land, 776 which we passed 5674-1 through to search 8446-2 it, [is] an exceeding 3966 3966 good 2896 land. 776

14:8 If the LORD 3068 delight 2654-1 in us, then he will bring 935-52 us into this land, 776 and give 5414-1 it us; a land 776 which floweth 2100-6 with milk 2461 and honey. 1706

14:9 Only rebel 4775-4 not ye against the LORD, 3068 neither fear 3372-4 ye the people 5971 of the land; 776 for they [are] bread 3899 for us: their defence 6738 is departed 5493- 1 from them, and the LORD 3068 [is] with us: fear 3372-4 them not.

14:10 But all the congregation 5712 bade 559-4 stone 7275-2 them with stones. 68 And the glory 3519 of the LORD 3068 appeared 7200-8 in the tabernacle 168 of the congregation 4150 before all the children 1121 of Israel. 3478

14:11 And the LORD 3068 said 559-4 unto Moses, 4872 How long will this people 5971 provoke 5006-17 me? and how long will it be ere 3808 they believe 539-55 me, for all the signs 226 which I have shewed 6213-1 among 7130 them?

14:12 I will smite 5221-55 them with the pestilence, 1698 and disinherit 3423-55 them, and will make 6213-4 of thee a greater 1419 nation 1471 and mightier 6099 than they.

14:13 And Moses 4872 said 559-4 unto the LORD, 3068 Then the Egyptians 4714 shall hear 8085-1 [it], (for thou broughtest up 5927-52 this people 5971 in thy might 3581 from among 7130 them;)

14:14 And they will tell 559-1 [it] to the inhabitants 3427-6 of this land: 776 [for] they have heard 8085-1 that thou LORD 3068 [art] among 7130 this people, 5971 that thou LORD 3068 art seen 7200-8 face 5869 to face, 5869 and [that] thy cloud 6051 standeth 5975-6 over them, and [that] thou goest 1980-6 before 6440 them, by day time 3119 in a pillar 5982 of a cloud, 6051 and in a pillar 5982 of fire 784 by night. 3915

14:15 Now [if] thou shalt kill 4191-52 [all] this people 5971 as one 259 man, 376 then the nations 1471 which have heard 8085-1 the fame 8088 of thee will speak, 559-1 saying, 559-2

14:16 Because the LORD 3068 was not 1115 able 3201-2 to bring 935-53 this people 5971 into the land 776 which he sware 7650-8 unto them, therefore he hath slain 7819-4 them in the wilderness. 4057

14:17 And now, I beseech thee, let the power 3581 of my Lord 136 be great, 1431-4 according 834 as thou hast spoken, 1696- 14 saying, 559-2

14:18 The LORD 3068 [is] longsuffering, 750 639 and of great 7227 mercy, 2617 forgiving 5375-6 iniquity 5771 and transgression, 6588 and by no means 5352-15 clearing 5352-17 [the guilty], visiting 6485-6 the iniquity 5771 of the fathers 1 upon the children 1121 unto the third 8029 and fourth 7256 [generation].

14:19 Pardon, 5545-3 I beseech thee, the iniquity 5771 of this people 5971 according unto the greatness 1433 of thy mercy, 2617 and as thou hast forgiven 5375-1 this people, 5971 from Egypt 4714 even until now. 2008

14:20 And the LORD 3068 said, 559-4 I have pardoned 5545-1 according to thy word: 1697

14:21 But [as] truly 199 [as] I live, 2416 all the earth 776 shall be filled 4390-11 with the glory 3519 of the LORD. 3068

14:22 Because all those men 582 which have seen 7200-6 my glory, 3519 and my miracles, 226 which I did 6213-1 in Egypt 4714 and in the wilderness, 4057 and have tempted 5254-17 me 853 now these ten 6235 times, 6471 and have not hearkened 8085-1 to my voice; 6963

14:23 Surely they shall not 518 see 7200-4 the land 776 which I sware 7650-8 unto their fathers, 1 neither shall any of them that provoked 5006-18 me see 7200-4 it:

14:24 But my servant 5650 Caleb, 3612 because 6118 he had another 312 spirit 7307 with him, and hath followed 310 me fully, 4390-17 him will I bring 935-52 into the land 776 whereinto he went; 935-1 and his seed 2233 shall possess 3423-55 it.

14:25 (Now the Amalekites 6003 and the Canaanites 3669 dwelt 3427-6 in the valley.) 6010 To morrow 4279 turn 6437-3 you, and get 5265-3 you into the wilderness 4057 by the way 1870 of the Red 5488 sea. 3220

14:26 And the LORD 3068 spake 1696-17 unto Moses 4872 and unto Aaron, 175 saying, 559-2

14:27 How long [shall I bear with] this evil 7451 congregation, 5712 which murmur 3885-56 against me? I have heard 8085-1 the murmurings 8519 of the children 1121 of Israel, 3478 which they murmur 3885-56 against me.

14:28 Say 559-3 unto them, [As truly as] 3808 I live, 2416 saith 5002-7 the LORD, 3068 as ye have spoken 1696-14 in mine ears, 241 so will I do 6213-4 to you:

14:29 Your carcases 6297 shall fall 5307-4 in this wilderness; 4057 and all that were numbered 6485-7 of you, according to your whole number, 4557 from twenty 6242 years 8141 old 1121 and upward, 4605 which have murmured 3885-52 against me,

14:30 Doubtless ye shall not 518 come 935-4 into the land, 776 [concerning] which I sware 3027 5375-1 to make you dwell 7931-15 therein, save Caleb 3612 the son 1121 of Jephunneh, 3312 and Joshua 3091 the son 1121 of Nun. 5126

14:31 But your little ones, 2945 which ye said 559-1 should be a prey, 957 them will I bring in, 935-52 and they shall know 3045-1 the land 776 which ye have despised. 3988-1

14:32 But [as for] you, your carcases, 6297 they shall fall 5307-4 in this wilderness. 4057

14:33 And your children 1121 shall wander 7462-6 in the wilderness 4057 forty 705 years, 8141 and bear 5375-1 your whoredoms, 2184 until your carcases 6297 be wasted 8552-2 in the wilderness. 4057

14:34 After the number 4557 of the days 3117 in which ye searched 8446-1 the land, 776 [even] forty 705 days, 3117 each day 3117 8141 for a year, 3117 8141 shall ye bear 5375-4 your iniquities, 5771 [even] forty 705 years, 8141 and ye shall know 3045-1 my breach of promise. 8569

14:35 I the LORD 3068 have said, 1696-14 I will surely 518 3808 do 6213-4 it 2063 unto all this evil 7451 congregation, 5712 that are gathered together 3259-12 against me: in this wilderness 4057 they shall be consumed, 8552-11 and there they shall die. 4191-4

14:36 And the men, 582 which Moses 4872 sent 7971-1 to search 8446-2 the land, 776 who returned, 7725-4 and made all the congregation 5712 to murmur 3885-55|3885-11-k against him, by bringing up 3318-53 a slander 1681 upon the land, 776

14:37 Even those men 582 that did bring up 3318-56 the evil 7451 report 1681 upon the land, 776 died 4191-4 by the plague 4046 before 6440 the LORD. 3068

14:38 But Joshua 3091 the son 1121 of Nun, 5126 and Caleb 3612 the son 1121 of Jephunneh, 3312 [which were] of the men 1992 582 that went 1980-6 to search 8446-2 the land, 776 lived 2421-1 [still].

14:39 And Moses 4872 told 1696-17 these sayings 1697 unto all the children 1121 of Israel: 3478 and the people 5971 mourned 56-101 greatly. 3966

14:40 And they rose up early 7925-55 in the morning, 1242 and gat them up 5927-4 into the top 7218 of the mountain, 2022 saying, 559-2 Lo, 2009 we [be here], and will go up 5927-1 unto the place 4725 which the LORD 3068 hath promised: 559-1 for we have sinned. 2398-1

14:41 And Moses 4872 said, 559-4 Wherefore now do ye transgress 5674-6 the commandment 6310 of the LORD? 3068 but it shall not prosper. 6743-4

14:42 Go not up, 5927-4 for the LORD 3068 [is] not among 7130 you; that ye be not smitten 5062-11 before 6440 your enemies. 341-6

14:43 For the Amalekites 6003 and the Canaanites 3669 [are] there before 6440 you, and ye shall fall 5307-1 by the sword: 2719 because ye are turned away 7725-1 from 310 the LORD, 3068 therefore the LORD 3068 will not be with you.

14:44 But they presumed 6075-55 to go up 5927-2 unto the hill 2022 top: 7218 nevertheless the ark 727 of the covenant 1285 of the LORD, 3068 and Moses, 4872 departed 4185-1 not out 7130 of the camp. 4264

14:45 Then the Amalekites 6003 came down, 3381-4 and the Canaanites 3669 which dwelt 3427-6 in that hill, 2022 and smote 5221-55 them, and discomfited 3807-55 them, [even] unto Hormah. 2767


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