V.1 And the LORD 3068 spake 1696-17 unto Moses, 4872 saying, 559-2

10:2 Make 6213-3 thee two 8147 trumpets 2689 of silver; 3701 of a whole piece 4749 shalt thou make 6213-4 them: that thou mayest use 1961-1 them for the calling 4744 of the assembly, 5712 and for the journeying 4550 of the camps. 4264

10:3 And when they shall blow 8628-1 with them, 2004 all the assembly 5712 shall assemble 3259-8 themselves to thee at the door 6607 of the tabernacle 168 of the congregation. 4150

10:4 And if they blow 8628-4 [but] with one 259 [trumpet], then the princes, 5387 [which are] heads 7218 of the thousands 505 of Israel, 3478 shall gather 3259-8 themselves unto thee.

10:5 When ye blow 8628-1 an alarm, 8643 then the camps 4264 that lie 2583-6 on the east parts 6924 shall go forward. 5265-1

10:6 When ye blow 8628-1 an alarm 8643 the second time, 8145 then the camps 4264 that lie 2583-6 on the south side 8486 shall take their journey: 5265-1 they shall blow 8628-4 an alarm 8643 for their journeys. 4550

10:7 But when the congregation 6951 is to be gathered together, 6950-53 ye shall blow, 8628-4 but ye shall not sound an alarm. 7321-55

10:8 And the sons 1121 of Aaron, 175 the priests, 3548 shall blow 8628-4 with the trumpets; 2689 and they shall be to you for an ordinance 2708 for ever 5769 throughout your generations. 1755

10:9 And if ye go 935-4 to war 4421 in your land 776 against the enemy 6862 that oppresseth 6887-6 you, then ye shall blow an alarm 7321-52 with the trumpets; 2689 and ye shall be remembered 2142-8 before 6440 the LORD 3068 your God, 430 and ye shall be saved 3467-8 from your enemies. 341-6

10:10 Also in the day 3117 of your gladness, 8057 and in your solemn days, 4150 and in the beginnings 7218 of your months, 2320 ye shall blow 8628-1 with the trumpets 2689 over your burnt offerings, 5930 and over the sacrifices 2077 of your peace offerings; 8002 that they may be to you for a memorial 2146 before 6440 your God: 430 I [am] the LORD 3068 your God. 430

10:11 And it came to pass on the twentieth 6242 [day] of the second 8145 month, 2320 2320 in the second 8145 year, 8141 that the cloud 6051 was taken up 5927-8 from off the tabernacle 4908 of the testimony. 5715

10:12 And the children 1121 of Israel 3478 took 5265-4 their journeys 4550 out of the wilderness 4057 of Sinai; 5514 and the cloud 6051 rested 7931-4 in the wilderness 4057 of Paran. 6290

10:13 And they first 7223 took their journey 5265-4 according to the commandment 6310 of the LORD 3068 by the hand 3027 of Moses. 4872

10:14 In the first 7223 [place] went 5265-4 the standard 1714 of the camp 4264 of the children 1121 of Judah 3063 according to their armies: 6635 and over his host 6635 [was] Nahshon 5177 the son 1121 of Amminadab. 5992

10:15 And over the host 6635 of the tribe 4294 of the children 1121 of Issachar 3485 [was] Nethaneel 5417 the son 1121 of Zuar. 6686

10:16 And over the host 6635 of the tribe 4294 of the children 1121 of Zebulun 2074 [was] Eliab 446 the son 1121 of Helon. 2497

10:17 And the tabernacle 4908 was taken down; 3381-90 and the sons 1121 of Gershon 1648 and the sons 1121 of Merari 4847 set forward, 5265-1 bearing 5375-6 the tabernacle. 4908

10:18 And the standard 1714 of the camp 4264 of Reuben 7205 set forward 5265-1 according to their armies: 6635 and over his host 6635 [was] Elizur 468 the son 1121 of Shedeur. 7707

10:19 And over the host 6635 of the tribe 4294 of the children 1121 of Simeon 8095 [was] Shelumiel 8017 the son 1121 of Zurishaddai. 6701

10:20 And over the host 6635 of the tribe 4294 of the children 1121 of Gad 1410 [was] Eliasaph 460 the son 1121 of Deuel. 1845

10:21 And the Kohathites 6956 set forward, 5265-1 bearing 5375-6 the sanctuary: 4720 and [the other] did set up 6965-52 the tabernacle 4908 against they came. 935-2

10:22 And the standard 1714 of the camp 4264 of the children 1121 of Ephraim 669 set forward 5265-1 according to their armies: 6635 and over his host 6635 [was] Elishama 476 the son 1121 of Ammihud. 5989

10:23 And over the host 6635 of the tribe 4294 of the children 1121 of Manasseh 4519 [was] Gamaliel 1583 the son 1121 of Pedahzur. 6301

10:24 And over the host 6635 of the tribe 4294 of the children 1121 of Benjamin 1144 [was] Abidan 27 the son 1121 of Gideoni. 1441

10:25 And the standard 1714 of the camp 4264 of the children 1121 of Dan 1835 set forward, 5265-1 [which was] the rereward 622-18 of all the camps 4264 throughout their hosts: 6635 and over his host 6635 [was] Ahiezer 295 the son 1121 of Ammishaddai. 5996

10:26 And over the host 6635 of the tribe 4294 of the children 1121 of Asher 836 [was] Pagiel 6295 the son 1121 of Ocran. 5918

10:27 And over the host 6635 of the tribe 4294 of the children 1121 of Naphtali 5321 [was] Ahira 299 the son 1121 of Enan. 5881

10:28 Thus 428 [were] the journeyings 4550 of the children 1121 of Israel 3478 according to their armies, 6635 when they set forward. 5265-4

10:29 And Moses 4872 said 559-4 unto Hobab, 2246 the son 1121 of Raguel 7467 the Midianite, 4084 Moses' 4872 father in law, 2859-6 We are journeying 5265-6 unto the place 4725 of which the LORD 3068 said, 559-1 I will give 5414-4 it you: come 3212-3 thou with us, and we will do thee good: 2895-52 for the LORD 3068 hath spoken 1696-14 good 2896 concerning Israel. 3478

10:30 And he said 559-4 unto him, I will not go; 3212-4 but I will depart 3212-4 to mine own land, 776 and to my kindred. 4138

10:31 And he said, 559-4 Leave 5800-4 us not, I pray thee; forasmuch as 3651 thou knowest 3045-1 how we are to encamp 2583-2 in the wilderness, 4057 and thou mayest be to us instead of eyes. 5869

10:32 And it shall be, if thou go 3212-4 with us, yea, it shall be, that what goodness 2896 the LORD 3068 shall do 3190-55 unto us, the same will we do 2895-52 unto thee.

10:33 And they departed 5265-4 from the mount 2022 of the LORD 3068 three 7969 days' 3117 journey: 1870 and the ark 727 of the covenant 1285 of the LORD 3068 went 5265-6 before 6440 them in the three 7969 days' 3117 journey, 1870 to search out 8446-2 a resting place 4496 for them.

10:34 And the cloud 6051 of the LORD 3068 [was] upon them by day, 3119 when they went out 5265-2 of the camp. 4264

10:35 And it came to pass, when the ark 727 set forward, 5265-2 that Moses 4872 said, 559-4 Rise up, 6965-3 LORD, 3068 and let thine enemies 341-6 be scattered; 6327-4 and let them that hate 8130-18 thee flee 5127-4 before 6440 thee.

10:36 And when it rested, 5117-2 he said, 559-4 Return, 7725- 3 O LORD, 3068 unto the many 7233 thousands 505 of Israel. 3478


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