V.1 But it came to pass, that when Sanballat 5571 heard 8085- 1 that we builded 1129-6 the wall, 2346 he was wroth, 2734-4 and took great 7235-53 indignation, 3707-4 and mocked 3932-55 the Jews. 3064

4:2 And he spake 559-4 before 6440 his brethren 251 and the army 2428 of Samaria, 8111 and said, 559-4 What do 6213-6 these feeble 537 Jews? 3064 will they fortify 5800-4 themselves? will they sacrifice? 2076-4 will they make an end 3615-17 in a day? 3117 will they revive 2421-17 the stones 68 out of the heaps 6194 of the rubbish 6083 which are burned? 8313-7

4:3 Now Tobiah 2900 the Ammonite 5984 [was] by him, 681 and he said, 559-4 Even that which they build, 1129-6 if a fox 7776 go up, 5927-4 he shall even break down 6555-1 their stone 68 wall. 2346

4:4 Hear, 8085-3 O our God; 430 for we are despised: 939 and turn 7725-54 their reproach 2781 upon their own head, 7218 and give 5414-3 them for a prey 961 in the land 776 of captivity: 7633

4:5 And cover 3680-17 not their iniquity, 5771 and let not their sin 2403 be blotted out 4229-11 from before 6440 thee: for they have provoked [thee] to anger 3707-52 before the builders. 1129-6

4:6 So built 1129-4 we the wall; 2346 and all the wall 2346 was joined together 7194-11 unto the half 2677 thereof: for the people 5971 had a mind 3820 to work. 6213-2

4:7 But it came to pass, [that] when Sanballat, 5571 and Tobiah, 2900 and the Arabians, 6163 and the Ammonites, 5984 and the Ashdodites, 796 heard 8085-1 that the walls 2346 of Jerusalem 3389 were made up, 724 5927-1 [and] that the breaches 6555-7 began 2490-52 to be stopped, 5640-9 then they were very 3966 wroth, 2734-4

4:8 And conspired 7194-4 all of them together 3162 to come 935-2 [and] to fight 3898-9 against Jerusalem, 3389 and to hinder 6213-2 8442 it.

4:9 Nevertheless we made our prayer 6419-101 unto our God, 430 and set 5975-55 a watch 4929 against them day 3119 and night, 3915 because 6440 of them.

4:10 And Judah 3063 said, 559-4 The strength 3581 of the bearers of burdens 5449 is decayed, 3782-1 and [there is] much 7235-53 rubbish; 6083 so that we are not able 3201-4 to build 1129-2 the wall. 2346

4:11 And our adversaries 6862 said, 559-4 They shall not know, 3045-4 neither see, 7200-4 till we come 935-4 in the midst among 8432 them, and slay 2026-1 them, and cause the work 4399 to cease. 7673-52

4:12 And it came to pass, that when the Jews 3064 which dwelt 3427-6 by them 681 came, 935-1 they said 559-4 unto us ten 6235 times, 6471 From all places 4725 whence ye shall return 7725-4 unto us [they will be upon you].

4:13 Therefore set 5975-55 I in the lower 8482 places 4725 behind 310 the wall, 2346 [and] on the higher places, 6706|6708-k I even set 5975-55 the people 5971 after their families 4940 with their swords, 2719 their spears, 7420 and their bows. 7198

4:14 And I looked, 7200-4 and rose up, 6965-4 and said 559-4 unto the nobles, 2715 and to the rulers, 5461 and to the rest 3499 of the people, 5971 Be not ye afraid 3372-4 of them: 6440 remember 2142-3 the Lord, 136 [which is] great 1419 and terrible, 3372-12 and fight 3898-10 for your brethren, 251 your sons, 1121 and your daughters, 1323 your wives, 802 and your houses. 1004

4:15 And it came to pass, when our enemies 341-6 heard 8085-1 that it was known 3045-8 unto us, and God 430 had brought their counsel 6098 to nought, 6565-55 that we returned 7725-4 all of us to the wall, 2346 every one 376 unto his work. 4399

4:16 And it came to pass from that time 3117 forth, [that] the half 2677 of my servants 5288 wrought 6213-6 in the work, 4399 and the other half 2677 of them held 2388-56 both the spears, 7420 the shields, 4043 and the bows, 7198 and the habergeons; 8302 and the rulers 8269 [were] behind 310 all the house 1004 of Judah. 3063

4:17 They which builded 1129-6 on the wall, 2346 and they that bare 5375-6 burdens, 5447 with those that laded, 6006-6 [every one] with one 259 of his hands 3027 wrought 6213-6 in the work, 4399 and with the other 259 [hand] held 2388-56 a weapon. 7973

4:18 For the builders, 1129-6 every one 376 had his sword 2719 girded 631-7 by his side, 4975 and [so] builded. 1129-6 And he that sounded 8628-6 the trumpet 7782 [was] by me. 681

4:19 And I said 559-4 unto the nobles, 2715 and to the rulers, 5461 and to the rest 3499 of the people, 5971 The work 4399 [is] great 7235-53 and large, 7342 and we are separated 6504-12 upon the wall, 2346 one 376 far 7350 from another. 251

4:20 In what place 4725 [therefore] ye hear 8085-4 the sound 6963 of the trumpet, 7782 resort 6908-11 ye thither unto us: our God 430 shall fight 3898-11 for us.

4:21 So we laboured 6213-6 in the work: 4399 and half 2677 of them held 2388-56 the spears 7420 from the rising 5927-2 of the morning 7837 till the stars 3556 appeared. 3318-2

4:22 Likewise at the same time 6256 said 559-1 I unto the people, 5971 Let every one 376 with his servant 5288 lodge 3885-4 within 8432 Jerusalem, 3389 that in the night 3915 they may be a guard 4929 to us, and labour 4399 on the day. 3117

4:23 So neither I, nor my brethren, 251 nor my servants, 5288 nor the men 582 of the guard 4929 which followed 310 me, none of us 587 put off 6584-6 our clothes, 899 [saving that] every one 376 put them off 7973 for washing. 4325


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