V.1 The burden 4853 of Nineveh. 5210 The book 5612 of the vision 2377 of Nahum 5151 the Elkoshite. 512

1:2 God 410 [is] jealous, 7072 and the LORD 3068 revengeth; 5358-6 the LORD 3068 revengeth, 5358-6 and [is] furious; 1167 2534 the LORD 3068 will take vengeance 5358-6 on his adversaries, 6862 and he reserveth 5201-6 [wrath] for his enemies. 341-6

1:3 The LORD 3068 [is] slow 750 to anger, 639 and great 1419 in power, 3581 and will not at all 5352-15 acquit 5352-17 [the wicked]: the LORD 3068 hath his way 1870 in the whirlwind 5492 and in the storm, 8183 and the clouds 6051 [are] the dust 80 of his feet. 7272

1:4 He rebuketh 1605-6 the sea, 3220 and maketh it dry, 3001- 17 and drieth up 2717-52 all the rivers: 5104 Bashan 1316 languisheth, 535-49 and Carmel, 3760 and the flower 6525 of Lebanon 3844 languisheth. 535-49

1:5 The mountains 2022 quake 7493-1 at him, and the hills 1389 melt, 4127-110 and the earth 776 is burned 5375-4 at his presence, 6440 yea, the world, 8398 and all that dwell 3427-6 therein.

1:6 Who can stand 5975-4 before 6440 his indignation? 2195 and who can abide 6965-4 in the fierceness 2740 of his anger? 639 his fury 2534 is poured out 5413-8 like fire, 784 and the rocks 6697 are thrown down 5422-8 by him.

1:7 The LORD 3068 [is] good, 2896 a strong hold 4581 in the day 3117 of trouble; 6869 and he knoweth 3045-6 them that trust 2620-6 in him.

1:8 But with an overrunning 5674-6 flood 7858 he will make 6213-4 an utter end 3617 of the place 4725 thereof, and darkness 2822 shall pursue 7291-17 his enemies. 341-6

1:9 What do ye imagine 2803-17 against the LORD? 3068 he will make 6213-6 an utter end: 3617 affliction 6869 shall not rise up 6965-4 the second time. 6471

1:10 For while [they be] folden together 5440-7 [as] thorns, 5518 and while they are drunken 5433-7 [as] drunkards, 5435 they shall be devoured 398-27 as stubble 7179 fully 4392 dry. 3002

1:11 There is [one] come out 3318-1 of thee, that imagineth 2803-6 evil 7451 against the LORD, 3068 a wicked 1100 counsellor. 3289-6

1:12 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD; 3068 Though [they be] quiet, 8003 and likewise many, 7227 yet thus shall they be cut down, 1494-8 when he shall pass through. 5674-1 Though I have afflicted 6031-14 thee, I will afflict 6031-17 thee no more.

1:13 For now will I break 7665-4 his yoke 4132 from off thee, and will burst 5423-17 thy bonds 4147 in sunder.

1:14 And the LORD 3068 hath given a commandment 6680-14 concerning thee, [that] no more of thy name 8034 be sown: 2232-11 out of the house 1004 of thy gods 430 will I cut off 3772-55 the graven image 6459 and the molten image: 4541 I will make 7760-4 thy grave; 6913 for thou art vile. 7043-1

1:15 Behold upon the mountains 2022 the feet 7272 of him that bringeth good tidings, 1319-18 that publisheth 8085-56 peace! 7965 O Judah, 3063 keep 2287-3 thy solemn feasts, 2282 perform 7999-16 thy vows: 5088 for the wicked 1100 shall no more 3254-55 pass 5674-2 through thee; he is utterly cut off. 3772-8


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