V.1 Hear 8085-3 ye now what the LORD 3068 saith; 559-6 Arise, 6965-3 contend 7378-3 thou before the mountains, 2022 and let the hills 1389 hear 8085-4 thy voice. 6963

6:2 Hear 8085-3 ye, O mountains, 2022 the LORD'S 3068 controversy, 7379 and ye strong 386 foundations 4144 of the earth: 776 for the LORD 3068 hath a controversy 7379 with his people, 5971 and he will plead 3198-101 with Israel. 3478

6:3 O my people, 5971 what have I done 6213-1 unto thee? and wherein have I wearied 3811-52 thee? testify 6030-3 against me.

6:4 For I brought thee up 5927-52 out of the land 776 of Egypt, 4714 and redeemed 6299-1 thee out of the house 1004 of servants; 5650 and I sent 7971-4 before 6440 thee Moses, 4872 Aaron, 175 and Miriam. 4813

6:5 O my people, 5971 remember 2142-3 now what Balak 1111 king 4428 of Moab 4124 consulted, 3289-1 and what Balaam 1109 the son 1121 of Beor 1160 answered 6030-1 him from Shittim 7851 unto Gilgal; 1537 that ye may know 3045-2 the righteousness 6666 of the LORD. 3068

6:6 Wherewith shall I come before 6923-17 the LORD, 3068 [and] bow 3721-11 myself before the high 4791 God? 430 shall I come before 6923-17 him with burnt offerings, 5930 with calves 5695 of a year 8141 old? 1121

6:7 Will the LORD 3068 be pleased 7521-4 with thousands 505 of rams, 352 [or] with ten thousands 7233 of rivers 5158 of oil? 8081 shall I give 5414-4 my firstborn 1060 [for] my transgression, 6588 the fruit 6529 of my body 990 [for] the sin 2403 of my soul? 5315

6:8 He hath shewed 5046-52 thee, O man, 120 what [is] good; 2896 and what doth the LORD 3068 require 1875-6 of thee, but to do 6213-2 justly, 4941 and to love 160 mercy, 2617 and to walk 3212-2 humbly 6800-53 with thy God? 430

6:9 The LORD'S 3068 voice 6963 crieth 7121-4 unto the city, 5892 and [the man of] wisdom 8454 shall see 7200-4 thy name: 8034 hear 8085-3 ye the rod, 4294 and who hath appointed 3259-1 it.

6:10 Are there 786 yet the treasures 214 of wickedness 7562|376-q in the house 1004 of the wicked, 7563 and the scant 7332 measure 374 [that is] abominable? 2194-7

6:11 Shall I count [them] pure 2135-4 with the wicked 7562 balances, 3976 and with the bag 3599 of deceitful 4820 weights? 68

6:12 For the rich 6223 men thereof are full 4390-1 of violence, 2555 and the inhabitants 3427-6 thereof have spoken 1696-14 lies, 8267 and their tongue 3956 [is] deceitful 7423 in their mouth. 6310

6:13 Therefore also will I make [thee] sick 2470-52 in smiting 5221-53 thee, in making [thee] desolate 8074-53 because of thy sins. 2403

6:14 Thou shalt eat, 398-4 but not be satisfied; 7646-4 and thy casting down 3445 [shall be] in the midst 7130 of thee; and thou shalt take hold, 5253-55 but shalt not deliver; 6403-55 and [that] which thou deliverest 6403-17 will I give up 5414-4 to the sword. 2719

6:15 Thou shalt sow, 2232-4 but thou shalt not reap; 7114-4 thou shalt tread 1869-4 the olives, 2132 but thou shalt not anoint 5480-4 thee with oil; 8081 and sweet wine, 8492 but shalt not drink 8354-4 wine. 3196

6:16 For the statutes 2708 of Omri 6018 are kept, 8104-101 and all the works 4639 of the house 1004 of Ahab, 256 and ye walk 3212-4 in their counsels; 4156 that I should make 5414-2 thee a desolation, 8047 and the inhabitants 3427-6 thereof an hissing: 8322 therefore ye shall bear 5375-4 the reproach 2781 of my people. 5971


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