V.1 And the LORD 3068 spake 1696-17 unto Moses 4872 in mount 2022 Sinai, 5514 saying, 559-2

25:2 Speak 1696-16 unto the children 1121 of Israel, 3478 and say 559-1 unto them, When ye come 935-4 into the land 776 which I give 5414-6 you, then shall the land 776 keep 7673-1 a sabbath 7676 unto the LORD. 3068

25:3 Six 8337 years 8141 thou shalt sow 2232-4 thy field, 7704 and six 8337 years 8141 thou shalt prune 2168-4 thy vineyard, 3754 and gather 622-1 in the fruit 8393 thereof;

25:4 But in the seventh 7637 year 8141 shall be a sabbath 7676 of rest 7677 unto the land, 776 a sabbath 7676 for the LORD: 3068 thou shalt neither sow 2232-4 thy field, 7704 nor prune 2168-4 thy vineyard. 3754

25:5 That which groweth of its own accord 5599 of thy harvest 7105 thou shalt not reap, 7114-4 neither gather 1219-4 the grapes 6025 of thy vine undressed: 5139 [for] it is a year 8141 of rest 7677 unto the land. 776

25:6 And the sabbath 7676 of the land 776 shall be meat 402 for you; for thee, and for thy servant, 5650 and for thy maid, 519 and for thy hired servant, 7916 and for thy stranger 8453 that sojourneth 1481-6 with thee,

25:7 And for thy cattle, 929 and for the beast 2416 that [are] in thy land, 776 shall all the increase 8393 thereof be meat. 398-2

25:8 And thou shalt number 5608-1 seven 7651 sabbaths 7676 of years 8141 unto thee, seven 7651 times 6471 seven 7651 years; 8141 and the space 3117 of the seven 7651 sabbaths 7676 of years 8141 shall be unto thee forty 705 and nine 8672 years. 8141

25:9 Then shalt thou cause the trumpet 7782 of the jubile 8643 to sound 5674-52 on the tenth 6218 [day] of the seventh 7637 month, 2320 2320 in the day 3117 of atonement 3725 shall ye make the trumpet 7782 sound 5674-55 throughout all your land. 776

25:10 And ye shall hallow 6942-14 the 8141 fiftieth 2572 year, 8141 and proclaim 7121-1 liberty 1865 throughout [all] the land 776 unto all the inhabitants 3427-6 thereof: it shall be a jubile 3104 unto you; and ye shall return 7725-1 every man 376 unto his possession, 272 and ye shall return 7725-4 every man 376 unto his family. 4940

25:11 A jubile 3104 shall that 8141 fiftieth 2572 year 8141 be unto you: ye shall not sow, 2232-4 neither reap 7114-4 that which groweth of itself 5599 in it, nor gather 1219-4 [the grapes] in it of thy vine undressed. 5139

25:12 For it [is] the jubile; 3104 it shall be holy 6944 unto you: ye shall eat 398-4 the increase 8393 thereof out of the field. 7704

25:13 In the year 8141 of this jubile 3104 ye shall return 7725-4 every man 376 unto his possession. 272

25:14 And if thou sell 4376-4 ought 4465 unto thy neighbour, 5997 or buyest 7069-2 [ought] of thy neighbour's 5997 hand, 3027 ye shall not oppress 3238-55 one 376 another: 251

25:15 According to the number 4557 of years 8141 after 310 the jubile 3104 thou shalt buy 7069-4 of thy neighbour, 5997 [and] according unto the number 4557 of years 8141 of the fruits 8393 he shall sell 4376-4 unto thee:

25:16 According 6310 to the multitude 7230 of years 8141 thou shalt increase 7235-55 the price 4736 thereof, and according 6310 to the fewness 4591-2 of years 8141 thou shalt diminish 4591-55 the price 4736 of it: for [according] to the number 4557 [of the years] of the fruits 8393 doth he sell 4376-6 unto thee.

25:17 Ye shall not therefore oppress 3238-55 one 376 another; 5997 but thou shalt fear 3372-1 thy God: 430 for I [am] the LORD 3068 your God. 430

25:18 Wherefore ye shall do 6213-1 my statutes, 2708 and keep 8104-4 my judgments, 4941 and do 6213-1 them; and ye shall dwell 3427-1 in the land 776 in safety. 983

25:19 And the land 776 shall yield 5414-1 her fruit, 6529 and ye shall eat 398-1 your fill, 7648 and dwell 3427-1 therein in safety. 983

25:20 And if ye shall say, 559-4 What shall we eat 398-4 the seventh 7637 year? 8141 behold, we shall not sow, 2232-4 nor gather 622-4 in our increase: 8393

25:21 Then I will command 6680-14 my blessing 1293 upon you in the sixth 8345 year, 8141 and it shall bring forth 6213-1 fruit 8393 for three 7969 years. 8141

25:22 And ye shall sow 2232-1 the eighth 8066 year, 8141 and eat 398-1 [yet] of old 3465 fruit 8393 until the ninth 8671 year; 8141 until her fruits 8393 come in 935-2 ye shall eat 398-4 [of] the old 3465 [store].

25:23 The land 776 shall not be sold 4376-11 for ever: 6783 for the land 776 [is] mine; for ye [are] strangers 1616 and sojourners 8453 with me.

25:24 And in all the land 776 of your possession 272 ye shall grant 5414-4 a redemption 1353 for the land. 776

25:25 If thy brother 251 be waxen poor, 4134-4 and hath sold 4376-1 away [some] of his possession, 272 and if any of his kin 7138 come 935-1 to redeem 1350-6 it, then shall he redeem 1350-1 that which his brother 251 sold. 4465

25:26 And if the man 376 have none to redeem 1350-6 it, and himself 3027 be able 1767 5381-52 to redeem 4672-1 1353 it;

25:27 Then let him count 2803-14 the years 8141 of the sale 4465 thereof, and restore 7725-52 the overplus 5736-6 unto the man 376 to whom he sold 4376-1 it; that he may return 7725-1 unto his possession. 272

25:28 But if he 3027 be not able 1767 to restore 4672-1 7725- 53 [it] to him, then that which is sold 4465 shall remain in the hand 3027 of him that hath bought 7069-6 it until the year 8141 of jubile: 3104 and in the jubile 3104 it shall go out, 3318-1 and he shall return 7725-1 unto his possession. 272

25:29 And if a man 376 sell 4376-4 a dwelling 4186 house 1004 in a walled 2346 city, 5892 then he may redeem 1353 it within a whole 8552-2 year 8141 after it is sold; 4465 [within] a full year 3117 may he redeem 1353 it.

25:30 And if it be not redeemed 1350-11 within the space 4390-2 of a full 8549 year, 8141 then the house 1004 that [is] in the walled 2346 city 5892 shall be established 6965-1 for ever 6783 to him that bought 7069-6 it throughout his generations: 1755 it shall not go out 3318-4 in the jubile. 3104

25:31 But the houses 1004 of the villages 2691 which have no wall 2346 round about 5439 them shall be counted 2803-11 as the fields 7704 of the country: 776 they may be redeemed, 1353 and they shall go out 3318-4 in the jubile. 3104

25:32 Notwithstanding the cities 5892 of the Levites, 3881 [and] the houses 1004 of the cities 5892 of their possession, 272 may the Levites 3881 redeem 1353 at any time. 5769

25:33 And if a man purchase 1350-4 of the Levites, 3881 then the house 1004 that was sold, 4465 and the city 5892 of his possession, 272 shall go out 3318-1 in [the year of] jubile: 3104 for the houses 1004 of the cities 5892 of the Levites 3881 [are] their possession 272 among 8432 the children 1121 of Israel. 3478

25:34 But the field 7704 of the suburbs 4054 of their cities 5892 may not be sold; 4376-11 for it [is] their perpetual 5769 possession. 272

25:35 And if thy brother 251 be waxen poor, 4134-4 and fallen in decay 4131-1 with thee; 3027 then thou shalt relieve 2388- 52 him: [yea, though he be] a stranger, 1616 or a sojourner; 8453 that he may live 2416 with thee.

25:36 Take 3947-4 thou no usury 5392 of him, or increase: 8636 but fear 3372-1 thy God; 430 that thy brother 251 may live 2416 with thee.

25:37 Thou shalt not give 5414-4 him thy money 3701 upon usury, 5392 nor lend 5414-4 him thy victuals 400 for increase. 4768

25:38 I [am] the LORD 3068 your God, 430 which brought you forth 3318-52 out of the land 776 of Egypt, 4714 to give 5414-2 you the land 776 of Canaan, 3667 [and] to be your God. 430

25:39 And if thy brother 251 [that dwelleth] by thee be waxen poor, 4134-4 and be sold 4376-8 unto thee; thou shalt not compel 5647-4 him to serve 5656 as a bondservant: 5650

25:40 [But] as an hired servant, 7916 [and] as a sojourner, 8453 he shall be with thee, [and] shall serve 5647-4 thee unto the year 8141 of jubile: 3104

25:41 And [then] shall he depart 3318-1 from thee, [both] he and his children 1121 with him, and shall return 7725-1 unto his own family, 4940 and unto the possession 272 of his fathers 1 shall he return. 7725-4

25:42 For they [are] my servants, 5650 which I brought forth 3318-52 out of the land 776 of Egypt: 4714 they shall not be sold 4376-11 as 4466 bondmen. 5650

25:43 Thou shalt not rule 7287-4 over him with rigour; 6531 but shalt fear 3372-1 thy God. 430

25:44 Both thy bondmen, 5650 and thy bondmaids, 519 which thou shalt have, [shall be] of the heathen 1471 that are round about 5439 you; of them shall ye buy 7069-4 bondmen 5650 and bondmaids. 519

25:45 Moreover of the children 1121 of the strangers 8453 that do sojourn 1481-6 among you, of them shall ye buy, 7069- 4 and of their families 4940 that [are] with you, which they begat 3205-52 in your land: 776 and they shall be your possession. 272

25:46 And ye shall take them as an inheritance 5157-98 for your children 1121 after 310 you, to inherit 3423-2 [them for] a possession; 272 they shall be your bondmen 5647-4 for ever: 5769 but over your brethren 251 the children 1121 of Israel, 3478 ye shall not rule 7287-4 one 376 over another 251 with rigour. 6531

25:47 And if a sojourner 1616 or stranger 8453 wax rich 3027 5381-55 by thee, and thy brother 251 [that dwelleth] by him wax poor, 4134-6 and sell 4376-8 himself unto the stranger 1616 [or] sojourner 8453 by thee, or to the stock 6133 of the stranger's 1616 family: 4940

25:48 After 310 that he is sold 4376-8 he may be redeemed 1353 again; one 259 of his brethren 251 may redeem 1350-4 him:

25:49 Either his uncle, 1730 or his uncle's 1730 son, 1121 may redeem 1350-4 him, or [any] that is nigh 7607 of kin 1320 unto him of his family 4940 may redeem 1350-4 him; or if he be able, 3027 5381-52 he may redeem 1350-8 himself.

25:50 And he shall reckon 2803-14 with him that bought 7069-6 him from the year 8141 that he was sold 4376-9 to him unto the year 8141 of jubile: 3104 and the price 3701 of his sale 4465 shall be according unto the number 4557 of years, 8141 according to the time 3117 of an hired servant 7916 shall it be with him.

25:51 If [there be] yet many 7227 years 8141 [behind], according 6310 unto them he shall give again 7725-55 the price of his redemption 1353 out of the money 3701 that he was bought 4736 for.

25:52 And if there remain 7604-8 but few 4592 years 8141 unto the year 8141 of jubile, 3104 then he shall count 2803-14 with him, [and] according 6310 unto his years 8141 shall he give him again 7725-55 the price of his redemption. 1353

25:53 [And] as a yearly 8141 8141 hired servant 7916 shall he be with him: [and the other] shall not rule 7287-4 with rigour 6531 over him in thy sight. 5869

25:54 And if he be not redeemed 1350-11 in these [years], then he shall go out 3318-1 in the year 8141 of jubile, 3104 [both] he, and his children 1121 with him.

25:55 For unto me the children 1121 of Israel 3478 [are] servants; 5650 they [are] my servants 5650 whom I brought forth 3318-52 out of the land 776 of Egypt: 4714 I [am] the LORD 3068 your God. 430


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