V.1 And the LORD 3068 spake 1696-17 unto Moses 4872 and to Aaron, 175 saying 559-2 unto them,

11:2 Speak 1696-16 unto the children 1121 of Israel, 3478 saying, 559-2 These 2063 [are] the beasts 2416 which ye shall eat 398-4 among all the beasts 929 that [are] on the earth. 776

11:3 Whatsoever parteth 6536-56 the hoof, 6541 and is clovenfooted, 8156-6 8157 6541 [and] cheweth 5927-56 the cud, 1625 among the beasts, 929 that shall ye eat. 398-4

11:4 Nevertheless 389 these shall ye not eat 398-4 of them that chew 5927-56 the cud, 1625 or of them that divide 6536- 56 the hoof: 6541 [as] the camel, 1581 because he cheweth 5927-56 the cud, 1625 but divideth 6536-56 not the hoof; 6541 he [is] unclean 2931 unto you.

11:5 And the coney, 8227 because he cheweth 5927-56 the cud, 1625 but divideth 6536-55 not the hoof; 6541 he [is] unclean 2931 unto you.

11:6 And the hare, 768 because he cheweth 5927-56 the cud, 1625 but divideth 6536-52 not the hoof; 6541 he [is] unclean 2931 unto you.

11:7 And the swine, 2386 though he divide 6536-56 the hoof, 6541 and be clovenfooted, 8156-6 8157 6541 yet he cheweth 1641-11 not the cud; 1625 he [is] unclean 2931 to you.

11:8 Of their flesh 1320 shall ye not eat, 398-4 and their carcase 5038 shall ye not touch; 5060-4 they [are] unclean 2931 to you.

11:9 These shall ye eat 398-4 of all that [are] in the waters: 4325 whatsoever hath fins 5579 and scales 7193 in the waters, 4325 in the seas, 3220 and in the rivers, 5158 them shall ye eat. 398-4

11:10 And all that have not fins 5579 and scales 7193 in the seas, 3220 and in the rivers, 5158 of all that move 8318 in the waters, 4325 and of any living 2416 thing 5315 which [is] in the waters, 4325 they [shall be] an abomination 8263 unto you:

11:11 They shall be even an abomination 8263 unto you; ye shall not eat 398-4 of their flesh, 1320 but ye shall have their carcases 5038 in abomination. 8262-17

11:12 Whatsoever hath no fins 5579 nor scales 7193 in the waters, 4325 that [shall be] an abomination 8263 unto you.

11:13 And these [are they which] ye shall have in abomination 8262-17 among 4480 the fowls; 5775 they shall not be eaten, 398-11 they [are] an abomination: 8263 the eagle, 5404 and the ossifrage, 6538 and the ospray, 5822

11:14 And the vulture, 1676 and the kite 344 after his kind; 4327

11:15 Every raven 6158 after his kind; 4327

11:16 And the owl, 1323 3284 and the night hawk, 8464 and the cuckow, 7828 and the hawk 5322 after his kind, 4327

11:17 And the little owl, 3563 and the cormorant, 7994 and the great owl, 3244

11:18 And the swan, 8580 and the pelican, 6893 and the gier eagle, 7360

11:19 And the stork, 2624 the heron 601 after her kind, 4327 and the lapwing, 1744 and the bat. 5847

11:20 All fowls 5775 that creep, 8318 going 1980-6 upon [all] four, 702 [shall be] an abomination 8263 unto you.

11:21 Yet these may ye eat 398-4 of every flying 5775 creeping thing 8318 that goeth 1980-6 upon [all] four, 702 which have legs 3767 above 4605 their feet, 7272 to leap 5425-15 withal 2004 upon the earth; 776

11:22 [Even] these of them ye may eat; 398-4 the locust 697 after his kind, 4327 and the bald locust 5556 after his kind, 4327 and the beetle 2728 after his kind, 4327 and the grasshopper 2284 after his kind. 4327

11:23 But all [other] flying 5775 creeping things, 8318 which have four 702 feet, 7272 [shall be] an abomination 8263 unto you.

11:24 And for these ye shall be unclean: 2930-101 whosoever toucheth 5060-6 the carcase 5038 of them shall be unclean 2930-4 until the even. 6153

11:25 And whosoever beareth 5375-6 [ought] of the carcase 5038 of them shall wash 3526-17 his clothes, 899 and be unclean 2930-1 until the even. 6153

11:26 [The carcases] of every beast 929 which divideth 6536- 56 the hoof, 6541 and [is] not clovenfooted, 8157 8156-6 nor cheweth 5927-56 the cud, 1625 [are] unclean 2931 unto you: every one that toucheth 5060-6 them shall be unclean. 2930-4

11:27 And whatsoever goeth 1980-6 upon his paws, 3709 among all manner of beasts 2416 that go 1980-6 on [all] four, 702 those 1992 [are] unclean 2931 unto you: whoso 3605 toucheth 5060-6 their carcase 5038 shall be unclean 2930-4 until the even. 6153

11:28 And he that beareth 5375-6 the carcase 5038 of them shall wash 3526-17 his clothes, 899 and be unclean 2930-1 until the even: 6153 they [are] unclean 2931 unto you.

11:29 These also [shall be] unclean 2931 unto you among the creeping things 8318 that creep 8317-6 upon the earth; 776 the weasel, 2467 and the mouse, 5909 and the tortoise 6632 after his kind, 4327

11:30 And the ferret, 604 and the chameleon, 3581 and the lizard, 3911 and the snail, 2546 and the mole. 8580

11:31 These [are] unclean 2931 to you among all that creep: 8318 whosoever doth touch 5060-6 them, when they be dead, 4194 shall be unclean 2930-4 until the even. 6153

11:32 And upon whatsoever [any] of them, when they are dead, 4194 doth fall, 5307-4 it shall be unclean; 2930-4 whether [it be] any vessel 3627 of wood, 6086 or raiment, 899 or skin, 5785 or sack, 8242 whatsoever vessel 3627 [it be], wherein [any] work 4399 is done, 6213-11 it must be put 935- 93 into water, 4325 and it shall be unclean 2930-1 until the even; 6153 so it shall be cleansed. 2891-1

11:33 And every earthen 2789 vessel, 3627 whereinto 8432 [any] of them falleth, 5307-4 whatsoever [is] in it 8432 shall be unclean; 2930-4 and ye shall break 7665-4 it.

11:34 Of all meat 400 which may be eaten, 398-11 [that] on which [such] water 4325 cometh 935-4 shall be unclean: 2930-4 and all drink 4945 that may be drunk 8354-11 in every [such] vessel 3627 shall be unclean. 2930-4

11:35 And every [thing] whereupon [any part] of their carcase 5038 falleth 5307-4 shall be unclean; 2930-4 [whether it be] oven, 8574 or ranges 3600 for pots, they shall be broken down: 5422-93 [for] they [are] unclean, 2931 and shall be unclean 2931 unto you.

11:36 Nevertheless a fountain 4599 or pit, 953 [wherein there is] plenty 4723 of water, 4325 shall be clean: 2889 but that which toucheth 5060-6 their carcase 5038 shall be unclean. 2930-4

11:37 And if [any part] of their carcase 5038 fall 5307-4 upon any sowing 2221 seed 2233 which is to be sown, 2232-11 it [shall be] clean. 2889

11:38 But if [any] water 4325 be put 5414-93 upon the seed, 2233 and [any part] of their carcase 5038 fall 5307-1 thereon, it [shall be] unclean 2931 unto you.

11:39 And if any beast, 929 of which ye may eat, 402 die; 4191-4 he that toucheth 5060-6 the carcase 5038 thereof shall be unclean 2930-4 until the even. 6153

11:40 And he that eateth 398-6 of the carcase 5038 of it shall wash 3526-17 his clothes, 899 and be unclean 2930-1 until the even: 6153 he also that beareth 5375-6 the carcase 5038 of it shall wash 3526-17 his clothes, 899 and be unclean 2930-1 until the even. 6153

11:41 And every creeping thing 8318 that creepeth 8317-6 upon the earth 776 [shall be] an abomination; 8263 it shall not be eaten. 398-11

11:42 Whatsoever goeth 1980-6 upon the belly, 1512 and whatsoever goeth 1980-6 upon [all] four, 702 or whatsoever hath more 7235-56 feet 7272 among all creeping things 8318 that creep 8317-6 upon the earth, 776 them ye shall not eat; 398-4 for they [are] an abomination. 8263

11:43 Ye shall not make yourselves 5315 abominable 8262-17 with any creeping thing 8318 that creepeth, 8317-6 neither shall ye make yourselves unclean 2930-101 with them, that ye should be defiled 2933-8 thereby.

11:44 For I [am] the LORD 3068 your God: 430 ye shall therefore sanctify 6942-98 yourselves, and ye shall be holy; 6918 for I [am] holy: 6918 neither shall ye defile 2930-17 yourselves 5315 with any manner of creeping thing 8318 that creepeth 7430-6 upon the earth. 776

11:45 For I [am] the LORD 3068 that bringeth you up 5927-56 out of the land 776 of Egypt, 4714 to be your God: 430 ye shall therefore be holy, 6918 for I [am] holy. 6918

11:46 This [is] the law 8451 of the beasts, 929 and of the fowl, 5775 and of every living 2416 creature 5315 that moveth 7430-6 in the waters, 4325 and of every creature 5315 that creepeth 8317-6 upon the earth: 776

11:47 To make a difference 914-53 between the unclean 2931 and the clean, 2889 and between the beast 2416 that may be eaten 398-12 and the beast 2416 that may not be eaten. 398- 11


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