V.1 Now after 310 the death 4194 of Joshua 3091 it came to pass, that the children 1121 of Israel 3478 asked 7592-4 the LORD, 3068 saying, 559-2 Who shall go up 5927-4 for us against the Canaanites 3669 first, 8462 to fight 3898-9 against them?

1:2 And the LORD 3068 said, 559-4 Judah 3063 shall go up: 5927-4 behold, I have delivered 5414-1 the land 776 into his hand. 3027

1:3 And Judah 3063 said 559-4 unto Simeon 8095 his brother, 251 Come up 5927-3 with me into my lot, 1486 that we may fight 3898-11 against the Canaanites; 3669 and I likewise will go 1980-1 with thee into thy lot. 1486 So Simeon 8095 went 3212-4 with him.

1:4 And Judah 3063 went up; 5927-4 and the LORD 3068 delivered 5414-4 the Canaanites 3669 and the Perizzites 6522 into their hand: 3027 and they slew 5221-55 of them in Bezek 966 ten 6235 thousand 505 men. 376

1:5 And they found 4672-4 Adonibezek 137 in Bezek: 966 and they fought 3898-11 against him, and they slew 5221-55 the Canaanites 3669 and the Perizzites. 6522

1:6 But Adonibezek 137 fled; 5127-4 and they pursued 7291-4 after 310 him, and caught 270-4 him, and cut off 7112-17 his thumbs 931 3027 and his great toes. 7272

1:7 And Adonibezek 137 said, 559-4 Threescore and ten 7657 kings, 4428 having their thumbs 931 3027 and their great toes 7272 cut off, 7112-30 gathered 3950-18 [their meat] under my table: 7979 as I have done, 6213-1 so God 430 hath requited 7999-14 me. And they brought 935-55 him to Jerusalem, 3389 and there he died. 4191-4

1:8 Now the children 1121 of Judah 3063 had fought 3898-11 against Jerusalem, 3389 and had taken 3920-4 it, and smitten 5221-55 it with the edge 6310 of the sword, 2719 and set 7971-14 the city 5892 on fire. 784

1:9 And afterward 310 the children 1121 of Judah 3063 went down 3381-1 to fight 3898-9 against the Canaanites, 3669 that dwelt 3427-6 in the mountain, 2022 and in the south, 5045 and in the valley. 8219

1:10 And Judah 3063 went 3212-4 against the Canaanites 3669 that dwelt 3427-6 in Hebron: 2275 (now the name 8034 of Hebron 2275 before 6440 [was] Kirjatharba:) 7153 and they slew 5221-55 Sheshai, 8344 and Ahiman, 289 and Talmai. 8526

1:11 And from thence he went 3212-4 against the inhabitants 3427-6 of Debir: 1688 and the name 8034 of Debir 1688 before 6440 [was] Kirjathsepher: 7158

1:12 And Caleb 3612 said, 559-4 He that smiteth 5221-55 Kirjathsepher, 7158 and taketh 3920-1 it, to him will I give 5414-1 Achsah 5915 my daughter 1323 to wife. 802

1:13 And Othniel 6274 the son 1121 of Kenaz, 7073 Caleb's 3612 younger 6996 brother, 251 took 3920-4 it: and he gave 5414-4 him Achsah 5915 his daughter 1323 to wife. 802

1:14 And it came to pass, when she came 935-2 [to him], that she moved 5496-55 him to ask 7592-2 of her father 1 a field: 7704 and she lighted 6795-4 from off [her] ass; 2543 and Caleb 3612 said 559-4 unto her, What wilt thou?

1:15 And she said 559-4 unto him, Give 3051-3 me a blessing: 1293 for thou hast given 5414-1 me a south 5045 land; 776 give 5414-1 me also springs 1543 of water. 4325 And Caleb 3612 gave 5414-4 her the upper 5942 springs 1543 and the nether 8482 springs. 1543

1:16 And the children 1121 of the Kenite, 7017 Moses' 4872 father in law, 2859-6 went up 5927-1 out of the city of palm trees 5892|8558|5899 with the children 1121 of Judah 3063 into the wilderness 4057 of Judah, 3063 which [lieth] in the south 5045 of Arad; 6166 and they went 3212-4 and dwelt 3427- 4 among 854 the people. 5971

1:17 And Judah 3063 went 3212-4 with Simeon 8095 his brother, 251 and they slew 5221-55 the Canaanites 3669 that inhabited 3427-6 Zephath, 6857 and utterly destroyed 2763-55 it. And the name 8034 of the city 5892 was called 7121-4 Hormah. 2767

1:18 Also Judah 3063 took 3920-4 Gaza 5804 with the coast 1366 thereof, and Askelon 831 with the coast 1366 thereof, and Ekron 6138 with the coast 1366 thereof.

1:19 And the LORD 3068 was with Judah; 3063 and he drave out 3423-55 [the inhabitants of] the mountain; 2022 but could not 3808 drive out 3423-53 the inhabitants 3427-6 of the valley, 6010 because they had chariots 7393 of iron. 1270

1:20 And they gave 5414-4 Hebron 2275 unto Caleb, 3612 as Moses 4872 said: 1696-14 and he expelled 3423-55 thence the three 7969 sons 1121 of Anak. 6061

1:21 And the children 1121 of Benjamin 1144 did not drive out 3423-52 the Jebusites 2983 that inhabited 3427-6 Jerusalem; 3389 but the Jebusites 2983 dwell 3427-4 with the children 1121 of Benjamin 1144 in Jerusalem 3389 unto this day. 3117

1:22 And the house 1004 of Joseph, 3130 they also went up 5927-4 against Bethel: 1008 and the LORD 3068 [was] with them.

1:23 And the house 1004 of Joseph 3130 sent to descry 8446-55 Bethel. 1008 (Now the name 8034 of the city 5892 before 6440 [was] Luz.) 3870

1:24 And the spies 8104-6 saw 7200-4 a man 376 come forth 3318-6 out of the city, 5892 and they said 559-4 unto him, Shew 7200-54 us, we pray thee, the entrance 3996 into the city, 5892 and we will shew 6213-1 thee mercy. 2617

1:25 And when he shewed 7200-55 them the entrance 3996 into the city, 5892 they smote 5221-55 the city 5892 with the edge 6310 of the sword; 2719 but they let go 7971-14 the man 376 and all his family. 4940

1:26 And the man 376 went 3212-4 into the land 776 of the Hittites, 2850 and built 1129-4 a city, 5892 and called 7121- 4 the name 8034 thereof Luz: 3870 which [is] the name 8034 thereof unto this day. 3117

1:27 Neither did Manasseh 4519 drive out 3423-52 [the inhabitants of] Bethshean 1052 and her towns, 1323 nor Taanach 8590 and her towns, 1323 nor the inhabitants 3427-6 of Dor 1756 and her towns, 1323 nor the inhabitants 3427-6 of Ibleam 2991 and her towns, 1323 nor the inhabitants 3427-6 of Megiddo 4023 and her towns: 1323 but the Canaanites 3669 would 2974-55 dwell 3427-2 in that land. 776

1:28 And it came to pass, when Israel 3478 was strong, 2388-1 that they put 7760-4 the Canaanites 3669 to tribute, 4522 and did not utterly 3423-53 drive them out. 3423-52

1:29 Neither did Ephraim 669 drive out 3423-52 the Canaanites 3669 that dwelt 3427-6 in Gezer; 1507 but the Canaanites 3669 dwelt 3427-4 in Gezer 1507 among 7130 them.

1:30 Neither did Zebulun 2074 drive out 3423-52 the inhabitants 3427-6 of Kitron, 7003 nor the inhabitants 3427-6 of Nahalol; 5096 but the Canaanites 3669 dwelt 3427-4 among 7130 them, and became tributaries. 4522

1:31 Neither did Asher 836 drive out 3423-52 the inhabitants 3427-6 of Accho, 5910 nor the inhabitants 3427-6 of Zidon, 6721 nor of Ahlab, 303 nor of Achzib, 392 nor of Helbah, 2462 nor of Aphik, 663 nor of Rehob: 7340

1:32 But the Asherites 843 dwelt 3427-4 among 7130 the Canaanites, 3669 the inhabitants 3427-6 of the land: 776 for they did not drive them out. 3423-52

1:33 Neither did Naphtali 5321 drive out 3423-52 the inhabitants 3427-6 of Bethshemesh, 1053 nor the inhabitants 3427-6 of Bethanath; 1043 but he dwelt 3427-4 among 7130 the Canaanites, 3669 the inhabitants 3427-6 of the land: 776 nevertheless the inhabitants 3427-6 of Bethshemesh 1053 and of Bethanath 1043 became tributaries 4522 unto them.

1:34 And the Amorites 567 forced 3905-4 the children 1121 of Dan 1835 into the mountain: 2022 for they would not suffer 5414-1 them to come down 3381-2 to the valley: 6010

1:35 But the Amorites 567 would 2974-55 dwell 3427-2 in mount 2022 Heres 2776 in Aijalon, 357 and in Shaalbim: 8169 yet the hand 3027 of the house 1004 of Joseph 3130 prevailed, 3513-4 so that they became tributaries. 4522

1:36 And the coast 1366 of the Amorites 567 [was] from the going up to Akrabbim, 4608|6137|4610 from the rock, 5553 and upward. 4605


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