V.1 Moreover the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto Jeremiah 3414 the second 8145 time, while he was yet shut up 6113-7 in the court 2691 of the prison, 4307 saying, 559-2

33:2 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD 3068 the maker 6213-6 thereof, the LORD 3068 that formed 3335-6 it, to establish 3559-53 it; the LORD 3068 [is] his name; 8034

33:3 Call 7121-3 unto me, and I will answer 6030-4 thee, and shew 5046-55 thee great 1419 and mighty things, 1219-7 which thou knowest 3045-1 not.

33:4 For thus saith 559-1 the LORD, 3068 the God 430 of Israel, 3478 concerning the houses 1004 of this city, 5892 and concerning the houses 1004 of the kings 4428 of Judah, 3063 which are thrown down 5422-7 by the mounts, 5550 and by the sword; 2719

33:5 They come 935-6 to fight 3898-9 with the Chaldeans, 3778 but [it is] to fill 4390-15 them with the dead bodies 6297 of men, 120 whom I have slain 5221-52 in mine anger 639 and in my fury, 2534 and for all whose wickedness 7451 I have hid 5641-52 my face 6440 from this city. 5892

33:6 Behold, I will bring 5927-56 it health 724 and cure, 4832 and I will cure 7495-1 them, and will reveal 1540-14 unto them the abundance 6283 of peace 7965 and truth. 571

33:7 And I will cause the captivity 7622 of Judah 3063 and the captivity 7622 of Israel 3478 to return, 7725-52 and will build 1129-1 them, as at the first. 7223

33:8 And I will cleanse 2891-14 them from all their iniquity, 5771 whereby they have sinned 2398-1 against me; and I will pardon 5545-1 all their iniquities, 5771 whereby they have sinned, 2398-1 and whereby they have transgressed 6586-1 against me.

33:9 And it shall be to me a name 8034 of joy, 8342 a praise 8416 and an honour 8597 before all the nations 1471 of the earth, 776 which shall hear 8085-4 all the good 2896 that I do 6213-6 unto them: and they shall fear 6342-1 and tremble 7264-1 for all the goodness 2896 and for all the prosperity 7965 that I procure 6213-6 unto it.

33:10 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD; 3068 Again there shall be heard 8085-11 in this place, 4725 which ye say 559-6 [shall be] desolate 2720 without man 120 and without beast, 929 [even] in the cities 5892 of Judah, 3063 and in the streets 2351 of Jerusalem, 3389 that are desolate, 8074-12 without man, 120 and without inhabitant, 3427-6 and without beast, 929

33:11 The voice 6963 of joy, 8342 and the voice 6963 of gladness, 8057 the voice 6963 of the bridegroom, 2860 and the voice 6963 of the bride, 3618 the voice 6963 of them that shall say, 559-6 Praise 3034-54 the LORD 3068 of hosts: 6635 for the LORD 3068 [is] good; 2896 for his mercy 2617 [endureth] for ever: 5769 [and] of them that shall bring 935- 56 the sacrifice of praise 8426 into the house 1004 of the LORD. 3068 For I will cause to return 7725-55 the captivity 7622 of the land, 776 as at the first, 7223 saith 559-1 the LORD. 3068

33:12 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD 3068 of hosts; 6635 Again in this place, 4725 which is desolate 2720 without man 120 and without beast, 929 and in all the cities 5892 thereof, shall be an habitation 5116 of shepherds 7462-6 causing [their] flocks 6629 to lie down. 7257-56

33:13 In the cities 5892 of the mountains, 2022 in the cities 5892 of the vale, 8219 and in the cities 5892 of the south, 5045 and in the land 776 of Benjamin, 1144 and in the places about 5439 Jerusalem, 3389 and in the cities 5892 of Judah, 3063 shall the flocks 6629 pass 5674-4 again under the hands 3027 of him that telleth 4487-6 [them], saith 559-1 the LORD. 3068

33:14 Behold, the days 3117 come, 935-6 saith 5002-7 the LORD, 3068 that I will perform 6965-52 that good 2896 thing 1697 which I have promised 1696-14 unto the house 1004 of Israel 3478 and to the house 1004 of Judah. 3063

33:15 In those days, 3117 and at that time, 6256 will I cause the Branch 6780 of righteousness 6666 to grow up 6779-55 unto David; 1732 and he shall execute 6213-1 judgment 4941 and righteousness 6666 in the land. 776

33:16 In those days 3117 shall Judah 3063 be saved, 3467-11 and Jerusalem 3389 shall dwell 7931-4 safely: 983 and this [is the name] wherewith she shall be called, 7121-4 The LORD our righteousness. 3068|6664|3072

33:17 For thus saith 559-1 the LORD; 3068 David 1732 shall never 3808 want 3772-11 a man 376 to sit 3427-6 upon the throne 3678 of the house 1004 of Israel; 3478

33:18 Neither shall the priests 3548 the Levites 3881 want 3772-11 a man 376 before 6440 me to offer 5927-56 burnt offerings, 5930 and to kindle 6999-56 meat offerings, 4503 and to do 6213-6 sacrifice 2077 continually. 3605 3117

33:19 And the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto Jeremiah, 3414 saying, 559-2

33:20 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD; 3068 If ye can break 6565-55 my covenant 1285 of the day, 3117 and my covenant 1285 of the night, 3915 and that there should not be day 3119 and night 3915 in their season; 6256

33:21 [Then] may also my covenant 1285 be broken 6565-93 with David 1732 my servant, 5650 that he should not have a son 1121 to reign 4427-6 upon his throne; 3678 and with the Levites 3881 the priests, 3548 my ministers. 8334-18

33:22 As the host 6635 of heaven 8064 cannot be numbered, 5608-11 neither the sand 2344 of the sea 3220 measured: 4058- 11 so will I multiply 7235-55 the seed 2233 of David 1732 my servant, 5650 and the Levites 3881 that minister 8334-18 unto me.

33:23 Moreover the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came to Jeremiah, 3414 saying, 559-2

33:24 Considerest 7200-1 thou not what this people 5971 have spoken, 1696-14 saying, 559-2 The two 8147 families 4940 which the LORD 3068 hath chosen, 977-1 he hath even cast them off? 3988-4 thus they have despised 5006-4 my people, 5971 that they should be no more a nation 1471 before 6440 them.

33:25 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD; 3068 If my covenant 1285 [be] not with day 3119 and night, 3915 [and if] I have not appointed 7760-1 the ordinances 2708 of heaven 8064 and earth; 776

33:26 Then 1571 will I cast away 3988-4 the seed 2233 of Jacob, 3290 and David 1732 my servant, 5650 [so] that I will not take 3947-2 [any] of his seed 2233 [to be] rulers 4910-6 over the seed 2233 of Abraham, 85 Isaac, 3446 and Jacob: 3290 for I will cause their captivity 7622 to return, 7725- 55|7725-4-k and have mercy 7355-14 on them.


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