V.1 They say, 559-2 If a man 376 put away 7971-17 his wife, 802 and she go 1980-1 from him, and become another 312 man's, 376 shall he return 7725-4 unto her again? shall not that land 776 be greatly 2610-2 polluted? 2610-4 but thou hast played the harlot 2181-1 with many 7227 lovers; 7453 yet return again 7725-2 to me, saith 5002-7 the LORD. 3068

3:2 Lift up 5375-3 thine eyes 5869 unto the high places, 8205 and see 7200-3 where 375 thou hast not been lien 7693- 27|7901-27-q with. In the ways 1870 hast thou sat 3427-1 for them, as the Arabian 6163 in the wilderness; 4057 and thou hast polluted 2610-55 the land 776 with thy whoredoms 2184 and with thy wickedness. 7451

3:3 Therefore the showers 7241 have been withholden, 4513-11 and there hath been no latter rain; 4456 and thou hadst a whore's 2181-6 802 forehead, 4696 thou refusedst 3985-14 to be ashamed. 3637-9

3:4 Wilt thou not from this time cry 7121-1 unto me, My father, 1 thou [art] the guide 441 of my youth? 5271

3:5 Will he reserve 5201-4 [his anger] for ever? 5769 will he keep 8104-4 [it] to the end? 5331 Behold, thou hast spoken 1696-14 and done 6213-4 evil things 7451 as thou couldest. 3201-4

3:6 The LORD 3068 said 559-4 also unto me in the days 3117 of Josiah 2977 the king, 4428 Hast thou seen 7200-1 [that] which backsliding 4878 Israel 3478 hath done? 6213-1 she is gone up 1980-6 upon every high 1364 mountain 2022 and under 8478 every green 7488 tree, 6086 and there hath played the harlot. 2181-4

3:7 And I said 559-4 after 310 she had done 6213-2 all these [things], Turn 7725-4 thou unto me. But she returned 7725-1 not. And her treacherous 901 sister 269 Judah 3063 saw 7200-4 [it].

3:8 And I saw, 7200-4 when for all the causes 182 whereby backsliding 4878 Israel 3478 committed adultery 5003-14 I had put her away, 7971-14 and given 5414-4 her a bill 5612 of divorce; 3748 yet her treacherous 898-6 sister 269 Judah 3063 feared 3372-1 not, but went 3212-4 and played the harlot 2181-4 also.

3:9 And it came to pass through the lightness 6963 of her whoredom, 2184 that she defiled 2610-4 the land, 776 and committed adultery 5003-4 with stones 68 and with stocks. 6086

3:10 And yet for all this her treacherous 901 sister 269 Judah 3063 hath not turned 7725-1 unto me with her whole heart, 3820 but feignedly, 8267 saith 5002-7 the LORD. 3068

3:11 And the LORD 3068 said 559-4 unto me, The backsliding 4878 Israel 3478 hath justified 6663-14 herself 5315 more than treacherous 898-6 Judah. 3063

3:12 Go 1980-2 and proclaim 7121-1 these words 1697 toward the north, 6828 and say, 559-1 Return, 7725-3 thou backsliding 4878 Israel, 3478 saith 5002-7 the LORD; 3068 [and] I will not cause mine anger 6440 to fall 5307-55 upon you: for I [am] merciful, 2623 saith 5002-7 the LORD, 3068 [and] I will not keep 5201-4 [anger] for ever. 5769

3:13 Only acknowledge 3045-3 thine iniquity, 5771 that thou hast transgressed 6586-1 against the LORD 3068 thy God, 430 and hast scattered 6340-17 thy ways 1870 to the strangers 2114-5 under every green 7488 tree, 6086 and ye have not obeyed 8085-1 my voice, 6963 saith 5002-7 the LORD. 3068

3:14 Turn, 7725-3 O backsliding 7726 children, 1121 saith 5002-7 the LORD; 3068 for I am married 1166-1 unto you: and I will take 3947-1 you one 259 of a city, 5892 and two 8147 of a family, 4940 and I will bring 935-52 you to Zion: 6726

3:15 And I will give 5414-1 you pastors 7462-6 according to mine heart, 3820 which shall feed 7462-1 you with knowledge 1844 and understanding. 7919-53

3:16 And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied 7235-4 and increased 6509-1 in the land, 776 in those days, 3117 saith 5002-7 the LORD, 3068 they shall say 559-4 no more, The ark 727 of the covenant 1285 of the LORD: 3068 neither shall it come 5927-4 to mind: 3820 neither shall they remember 2142-4 it; neither shall they visit 6485-4 [it]; neither shall [that] be done 6213-11 any more.

3:17 At that time 6256 they shall call 7121-4 Jerusalem 3389 the throne 3678 of the LORD; 3068 and all the nations 1471 shall be gathered 6960-8 unto it, to the name 8034 of the LORD, 3068 to Jerusalem: 3389 neither shall they walk 3212-4 any more after 310 the imagination 8307 of their evil 7451 heart. 3820

3:18 In those days 3117 the house 1004 of Judah 3063 shall walk 3212-4 with the house 1004 of Israel, 3478 and they shall come 935-4 together 3162 out of the land 776 of the north 6828 to the land 776 that I have given for an inheritance 5157-52 unto your fathers. 1

3:19 But I said, 559-1 How shall I put 7896-4 thee among the children, 1121 and give 5414-4 thee a pleasant 2532 land, 776 a goodly 6643 heritage 5159 of the hosts 6635 of nations? 1471 and I said, 559-4 Thou shalt call 7121-4 me, My father; 1 and shalt not turn away 7725-4 from 310 me.

3:20 Surely 403 [as] a wife 802 treacherously 898-1 departeth from her husband, 7453 so have ye dealt treacherously 898-1 with me, O house 1004 of Israel, 3478 saith 5002-7 the LORD. 3068

3:21 A voice 6963 was heard 8085-8 upon the high places, 8205 weeping 1065 [and] supplications 8469 of the children 1121 of Israel: 3478 for they have perverted 5753-52 their way, 1870 [and] they have forgotten 7911-1 the LORD 3068 their God. 430

3:22 Return, 7725-3 ye backsliding 7726 children, 1121 [and] I will heal 7495-4 your backslidings. 4878 Behold, we come 857-1 unto thee; for thou [art] the LORD 3068 our God. 430

3:23 Truly 403 in vain 8267 [is salvation hoped for] from the hills, 1389 [and from] the multitude 1995 of mountains: 2022 truly 403 in the LORD 3068 our God 430 [is] the salvation 8668 of Israel. 3478

3:24 For shame 1322 hath devoured 398-1 the labour 3018 of our fathers 1 from our youth; 5271 their flocks 6629 and their herds, 1241 their sons 1121 and their daughters. 1323

3:25 We lie down 7901-4 in our shame, 1322 and our confusion 3639 covereth 3680-17 us: for we have sinned 2398-1 against the LORD 3068 our God, 430 we and our fathers, 1 from our youth 5271 even unto this day, 3117 and have not obeyed 8085- 1 the voice 6963 of the LORD 3068 our God. 430


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