V.1 Now Pashur 6583 the son 1121 of Immer 564 the priest, 3548 who [was] also chief 5057 governor 6496 in the house 1004 of the LORD, 3068 heard 8085-4 that Jeremiah 3414 prophesied 5012-8 these things. 1697

20:2 Then Pashur 6583 smote 5221-55 Jeremiah 3414 the prophet, 5030 and put 5414-4 him in the stocks 4115 that [were] in the high 5945 gate 8179 of Benjamin, 1144 which [was] by the house 1004 of the LORD. 3068

20:3 And it came to pass on the morrow, 4283 that Pashur 6583 brought forth 3318-55 Jeremiah 3414 out of the stocks. 4115 Then said 559-4 Jeremiah 3414 unto him, The LORD 3068 hath not called 7121-1 thy name 8034 Pashur, 6583 but Magormissabib. 4036

20:4 For thus saith 559-1 the LORD, 3068 Behold, I will make 5414-6 thee a terror 4032 to thyself, and to all thy friends: 157-6 and they shall fall 5307-1 by the sword 2719 of their enemies, 341-6 and thine eyes 5869 shall behold 7200-6 [it]: and I will give 5414-4 all Judah 3063 into the hand 3027 of the king 4428 of Babylon, 894 and he shall carry them captive 1540-52 into Babylon, 894 and shall slay 5221-52 them with the sword. 2719

20:5 Moreover I will deliver 5414-1 all the strength 2633 of this city, 5892 and all the labours 3018 thereof, and all the precious things 3366 thereof, and all the treasures 214 of the kings 4428 of Judah 3063 will I give 5414-4 into the hand 3027 of their enemies, 341-6 which shall spoil 962-1 them, and take 3947-1 them, and carry 935-52 them to Babylon. 894

20:6 And thou, Pashur, 6583 and all that dwell 3427-6 in thine house 1004 shall go 3212-4 into captivity: 7628 and thou shalt come 935-4 to Babylon, 894 and there thou shalt die, 4191-4 and shalt be buried 6912-11 there, thou, and all thy friends, 157-6 to whom thou hast prophesied 5012-8 lies. 8267

20:7 O LORD, 3068 thou hast deceived 6601-14 me, and I was deceived: 6601-11 thou art stronger 2388-1 than I, and hast prevailed: 3201-4 I am in derision 7814 daily, 3117 every one mocketh 3932-6 me.

20:8 For since 1767 I spake, 1696-17 I cried out, 2199-4 I cried 7121-4 violence 2555 and spoil; 7701 because the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 was made a reproach 2781 unto me, and a derision, 7047 daily. 3117

20:9 Then I said, 559-1 I will not make mention 2142-4 of him, nor speak 1696-17 any more in his name. 8034 But [his word] was in mine heart 3820 as a burning 1197-6 fire 784 shut up 6113-7 in my bones, 6106 and I was weary 3811-8 with forbearing, 3557-44 and I could 3201-4 not [stay].

20:10 For I heard 8085-1 the defaming 1681 of many, 7227 fear 4032 on every side. 5439 Report, 5046-54 [say they], and we will report 5046-55 it. All my familiars 582 7965 watched 8104-6 for my halting, 6763|6761 [saying], Peradventure he will be enticed, 6601-29 and we shall prevail 3201-4 against him, and we shall take 3947-4 our revenge 5360 on him.

20:11 But the LORD 3068 [is] with me as a mighty 1368 terrible one: 6184 therefore my persecutors 7291-6 shall stumble, 3782-11 and they shall not prevail: 3201-4 they shall be greatly 3966 ashamed; 954-1 for they shall not prosper: 7919-52 [their] everlasting 5769 confusion 3639 shall never be forgotten. 7911-11

20:12 But, O LORD 3068 of hosts, 6635 that triest 974-6 the righteous, 6662 [and] seest 7200-6 the reins 3629 and the heart, 3820 let me see 7200-4 thy vengeance 5360 on them: for unto thee have I opened 1540-14 my cause. 7379

20:13 Sing 7891-3 unto the LORD, 3068 praise 1984-16 ye the LORD: 3068 for he hath delivered 5337-52 the soul 5315 of the poor 34 from the hand 3027 of evildoers. 7489-56

20:14 Cursed 779-7 [be] the day 3117 wherein I was born: 3205-27 let not the day 3117 wherein my mother 517 bare 3205- 1 me be blessed. 1288-7

20:15 Cursed 779-7 [be] the man 376 who brought tidings 1319- 14 to my father, 1 saying, 559-2 A man 2145 child 1121 is born 3205-27 unto thee; making him very 8055-15 glad. 8055-14

20:16 And let that man 376 be as the cities 5892 which the LORD 3068 overthrew, 2015-1 and repented 5162-8 not: and let him hear 8085-1 the cry 2201 in the morning, 1242 and the shouting 8643 at noontide; 6256 6672

20:17 Because he slew 4191-31 me not from the womb; 7358 or that my mother 517 might have been my grave, 6913 and her womb 7358 [to be] always 5769 great 2030 [with me].

20:18 Wherefore came I forth 3318-1 out of the womb 7358 to see 7200-2 labour 5999 and sorrow, 3015 that my days 3117 should be consumed 3615-4 with shame? 1322


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