V.1 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD 3068 unto me, Go 1980-2 and get 7069-1 thee a linen 6593 girdle, 232 and put 7760-1 it upon thy loins, 4975 and put 935-55 it not in water. 4325

13:2 So I got 7069-4 a girdle 232 according to the word 1697 of the LORD, 3068 and put 7760-4 [it] on my loins. 4975

13:3 And the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto me the second time, 8145 saying, 559-2

13:4 Take 3947-3 the girdle 232 that thou hast got, 7069-1 which [is] upon thy loins, 4975 and arise, 6965-3 go 3212-3 to Euphrates, 6578 and hide 2934-3 it there in a hole 5357 of the rock. 5553

13:5 So I went, 3212-4 and hid 2934-4 it by Euphrates, 6578 as the LORD 3068 commanded 6680-14 me.

13:6 And it came to pass after 7093 many 7227 days, 3117 that the LORD 3068 said 559-4 unto me, Arise, 6965-3 go 3212-3 to Euphrates, 6578 and take 3947-3 the girdle 232 from thence, which I commanded 6680-14 thee to hide 2934-2 there.

13:7 Then I went 3212-4 to Euphrates, 6578 and digged, 2658-4 and took 3947-4 the girdle 232 from the place 4725 where I had hid 2934-1 it: and, behold, the girdle 232 was marred, 7843-8 it was profitable 6743-4 for nothing.

13:8 Then the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto me, saying, 559-2

13:9 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD, 3068 After this manner will I mar 7843-55 the pride 1347 of Judah, 3063 and the great 7227 pride 1347 of Jerusalem. 3389

13:10 This evil 7451 people, 5971 which refuse 3987 to hear 8085-2 my words, 1697 which walk 1980-6 in the imagination 8307 of their heart, 3820 and walk 3212-4 after 310 other 312 gods, 430 to serve 5647-2 them, and to worship 7812-99 them, shall even be as this girdle, 232 which is good 6743-4 for nothing.

13:11 For as the girdle 232 cleaveth 1692-4 to the loins 4975 of a man, 376 so have I caused to cleave 1692-52 unto me the whole house 1004 of Israel 3478 and the whole house 1004 of Judah, 3063 saith 5002-7 the LORD; 3068 that they might be unto me for a people, 5971 and for a name, 8034 and for a praise, 8416 and for a glory: 8597 but they would not hear. 8085-1

13:12 Therefore thou shalt speak 559-1 unto them this word; 1697 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel, 3478 Every bottle 5035 shall be filled 4390-11 with wine: 3196 and they shall say 559-1 unto thee, Do we not certainly 3045-2 know 3045-4 that every bottle 5035 shall be filled 4390-11 with wine? 3196

13:13 Then shalt thou say 559-1 unto them, Thus saith 559-1 the LORD, 3068 Behold, I will fill 4390-18 all the inhabitants 3427-6 of this land, 776 even the kings 4428 that sit 3427-6 upon David's 1732 throne, 3678 and the priests, 3548 and the prophets, 5030 and all the inhabitants 3427-6 of Jerusalem, 3389 with drunkenness. 7943

13:14 And I will dash 5310-14 them one 376 against another, 251 even the fathers 1 and the sons 1121 together, 3162 saith 5002-7 the LORD: 3068 I will not pity, 2550-4 nor spare, 2347-4 nor have mercy, 7355-17 but destroy 7843-53 them.

13:15 Hear 8085-3 ye, and give ear; 238-54 be not proud: 1361-4 for the LORD 3068 hath spoken. 1696-14

13:16 Give 5414-3 glory 3519 to the LORD 3068 your God, 430 before he cause darkness, 2821-55 and before your feet 7272 stumble 5062-101 upon the dark 5399 mountains, 2022 and, while ye look 6960-14 for light, 216 he turn 7760-1 it into the shadow of death, 6757 [and] make 7896-3|7896-4-k [it] gross darkness. 6205

13:17 But if ye will not hear 8085-4 it, my soul 5315 shall weep 1058-4 in secret places 4565 for 6440 [your] pride; 1466 and mine eye 5869 shall weep 1830-4 sore, 1830-2 and run down 3381-4 with tears, 1832 because the LORD'S 3068 flock 5739 is carried away captive. 7617-8

13:18 Say 559-3 unto the king 4428 and to the queen, 1377 Humble 8213-54 yourselves, sit down: 3427-3 for your principalities 4761 shall come down, 3381-1 [even] the crown 5850 of your glory. 8597

13:19 The cities 5892 of the south 5045 shall be shut up, 5462-27 and none shall open 6605-6 [them]: Judah 3063 shall be carried away captive 1540-90 all of it, it shall be wholly 7965 carried away captive. 1540-90

13:20 Lift up 5375-3 your eyes, 5869 and behold 7200-3 them that come 935-6 from the north: 6828 where [is] the flock 5739 [that] was given 5414-8 thee, thy beautiful 8597 flock? 6629

13:21 What wilt thou say 559-4 when he shall punish 6485-4 thee? for thou hast taught 3925-14 them [to be] captains, 441 [and] as chief 7218 over thee: shall not sorrows 2256 take thee, 270-4 as a woman 802 in travail? 3205-2

13:22 And if thou say 559-4 in thine heart, 3824 Wherefore come 7122-1 these things upon me? For the greatness 7230 of thine iniquity 5771 are thy skirts 7757 discovered, 1540-8 [and] thy heels 6119 made bare. 2554-8

13:23 Can the Ethiopian 3569 change 2015-4 his skin, 5785 or the leopard 5246 his spots? 2272 [then] may 3201-4 ye also do good, 3190-53 that are accustomed 3928 to do evil. 7489-53

13:24 Therefore will I scatter 6327-55 them as the stubble 7179 that passeth away 5674-6 by the wind 7307 of the wilderness. 4057

13:25 This [is] thy lot, 1486 the portion 4490 of thy measures 4055 from me, saith 5002-7 the LORD; 3068 because thou hast forgotten 7911-1 me, and trusted 982-4 in falsehood. 8267

13:26 Therefore will I discover 2834-1 thy skirts 7757 upon thy face, 6440 that thy shame 7036 may appear. 7200-8

13:27 I have seen 7200-1 thine adulteries, 5004 and thy neighings, 4684 the lewdness 2154 of thy whoredom, 2184 [and] thine abominations 8251 on the hills 1389 in the fields. 7704 Woe 188 unto thee, O Jerusalem! 3389 wilt thou not be made clean? 2891-4 when 310 [shall it] once 5750 [be]?


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