V.1 Hear 8085-3 ye the word 1697 which the LORD 3068 speaketh 1696-14 unto you, O house 1004 of Israel: 3478

10:2 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD, 3068 Learn 3925-4 not the way 1870 of the heathen, 1471 and be not dismayed 2865-11 at the signs 226 of heaven; 8064 for the heathen 1471 are dismayed 2865-11 at them. 1992

10:3 For the customs 2708 of the people 5971 [are] vain: 1892 for [one] cutteth 3772-1 a tree 6086 out of the forest, 3293 the work 4639 of the hands 3027 of the workman, 2796 with the axe. 4621

10:4 They deck 3302-17 it with silver 3701 and with gold; 2091 they fasten 2388-17 it with nails 4548 and with hammers, 4717 that it move 6328-55 not.

10:5 They [are] upright 4749 as the palm tree, 8560 but speak 1696-17 not: they must needs 5375-2 be borne, 5375-11 because they cannot go. 6805-4 Be not afraid 3372-4 of them; for they cannot do evil, 7489-55 neither also [is it] in them to do good. 3190-53

10:6 Forasmuch as [there is] none like unto thee, O LORD; 3068 thou [art] great, 1419 and thy name 8034 [is] great 1419 in might. 1369

10:7 Who would not fear 3372-4 thee, O King 4428 of nations? 1471 for to thee doth it appertain: 2969-1 forasmuch as among all the wise 2450 [men] of the nations, 1471 and in all their kingdoms, 4438 [there is] none like unto thee.

10:8 But they are altogether 259 brutish 1197-4 and foolish: 3688-4 the stock 6086 [is] a doctrine 4148 of vanities. 1892

10:9 Silver 3701 spread into plates 7554-30 is brought 935-93 from Tarshish, 8659 and gold 2091 from Uphaz, 210 the work 4639 of the workman, 2796 and of the hands 3027 of the founder: 6884-6 blue 8504 and purple 713 [is] their clothing: 3830 they [are] all the work 4639 of cunning 2450 [men].

10:10 But the LORD 3068 [is] the true 571 God, 430 he [is] the living 2416 God, 430 and an everlasting 5769 king: 4428 at his wrath 7110 the earth 776 shall tremble, 7493-4 and the nations 1471 shall not be able to abide 3557-55 his indignation. 2195

10:11 Thus 1836 shall ye say 560-60 unto them, The gods 426 that have not 3809 made 5648-57 the heavens 8065 and the earth, 778 [even] they shall perish 7-60 from the earth, 772 and from under 8460 these 429 heavens. 8065

10:12 He hath made 6213-6 the earth 776 by his power, 3581 he hath established 3559-56 the world 8398 by his wisdom, 2451 and hath stretched out 5186-1 the heavens 8064 by his discretion. 8394

10:13 When he uttereth 5414-2 his voice, 6963 [there is] a multitude 1995 of waters 4325 in the heavens, 8064 and he causeth the vapours 5387 to ascend 5927-55 from the ends 7097 of the earth; 776 he maketh 6213-1 lightnings 1300 with rain, 4306 and bringeth forth 3318-55 the wind 7307 out of his treasures. 214

10:14 Every man 120 is brutish 1197-8 in [his] knowledge: 1847 every founder 6884-6 is confounded 3001-52 by the graven image: 6459 for his molten image 5262 [is] falsehood, 8267 and [there is] no breath 7307 in them.

10:15 They [are] vanity, 1892 [and] the work 4639 of errors: 8595 in the time 6256 of their visitation 6486 they shall perish. 6-4

10:16 The portion 2506 of Jacob 3290 [is] not like them: for he [is] the former 3335-6 of all [things]; and Israel 3478 [is] the rod 7626 of his inheritance: 5159 The LORD 3068 of hosts 6635 [is] his name. 8034

10:17 Gather 622-3 up thy wares 3666 out of the land, 776 O inhabitant 3427-6 of the fortress. 4692

10:18 For thus saith 559-1 the LORD, 3068 Behold, I will sling out 7049-6 the inhabitants 3427-6 of the land 776 at this once, 6471 and will distress 6887-52 them, that they may find 4672-4 [it so].

10:19 Woe 188 is me for my hurt! 7667 my wound 4347 is grievous: 2470-12 but I said, 559-1 Truly 389 this [is] a grief, 2483 and I must bear 5375-4 it.

10:20 My tabernacle 168 is spoiled, 7703-27 and all my cords 4340 are broken: 5423-8 my children 1121 are gone forth 3318- 1 of me, and they [are] not: [there is] none to stretch forth 5186-6 my tent 168 any more, and to set up 6965-56 my curtains. 3407

10:21 For the pastors 7462-6 are become brutish, 1197-8 and have not sought 1875-1 the LORD: 3068 therefore they shall not prosper, 7919-52 and all their flocks 4830 shall be scattered. 6327-8

10:22 Behold, the noise 6963 of the bruit 8052 is come, 935-6 and a great 1419 commotion 7494 out of the north 6828 country, 776 to make 7760-2 the cities 5892 of Judah 3063 desolate, 8077 [and] a den 4583 of dragons. 8577

10:23 O LORD, 3068 I know 3045-1 that the way 1870 of man 120 [is] not in himself: [it is] not in man 376 that walketh 1980-6 to direct 3559-53 his steps. 6806

10:24 O LORD, 3068 correct 3256-16 me, but with judgment; 4941 not in thine anger, 639 lest thou bring me to nothing. 4591-55

10:25 Pour out 8210-3 thy fury 2534 upon the heathen 1471 that know 3045-1 thee not, and upon the families 4940 that call 7121-1 not on thy name: 8034 for they have eaten up 398- 1 Jacob, 3290 and devoured 398-1 him, and consumed 3615-17 him, and have made his habitation 5116 desolate. 8074- 52


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