V.1 Ho, 1945 every one that thirsteth, 6771 come 3212-3 ye to the waters, 4325 and he that hath no money; 3701 come 3212-3 ye, buy, 7666-3 and eat; 398-3 yea, come, 3212-3 buy 7666-3 wine 3196 and milk 2461 without money 3701 and without price. 4242

55:2 Wherefore do ye spend 8254-4 money 3701 for [that which is] not 3808 bread? 3899 and your labour 3018 for [that which] satisfieth 7654 not? 3808 hearken 8085-3 diligently 8085-2 unto me, and eat 398-3 ye [that which is] good, 2896 and let your soul 5315 delight 6026-101 itself in fatness. 1880

55:3 Incline 5186-54 your ear, 241 and come 3212-3 unto me: hear, 8085-3 and your soul 5315 shall live; 2421-4 and I will make 3772-4 an everlasting 5769 covenant 1285 with you, [even] the sure 539-12 mercies 2617 of David. 1732

55:4 Behold, I have given 5414-1 him [for] a witness 5707 to the people, 3816 a leader 5057 and commander 6680-18 to the people. 3816

55:5 Behold, thou shalt call 7121-4 a nation 1471 [that] thou knowest 3045-4 not, and nations 1471 [that] knew 3045-1 not thee shall run 7323-4 unto thee because of the LORD 3068 thy God, 430 and for the Holy One 6918 of Israel; 3478 for he hath glorified 6286-14 thee.

55:6 Seek 1875-3 ye the LORD 3068 while he may be found, 4672-9 call 7121-3 ye upon him while he is near: 7138

55:7 Let the wicked 7563 forsake 5800-4 his way, 1870 and the unrighteous 205 man 376 his thoughts: 4284 and let him return 7725-4 unto the LORD, 3068 and he will have mercy 7355-17 upon him; and to our God, 430 for he will abundantly 7235-55 pardon. 5545-2

55:8 For my thoughts 4284 [are] not your thoughts, 4284 neither [are] your ways 1870 my ways, 1870 saith 5002-7 the LORD. 3068

55:9 For [as] the heavens 8064 are higher 1361-1 than the earth, 776 so are my ways 1870 higher 1361-1 than your ways, 1870 and my thoughts 4284 than your thoughts. 4284

55:10 For as the rain 1653 cometh down, 3381-4 and the snow 7950 from heaven, 8064 and returneth 7725-4 not thither, but watereth 7301-52 the earth, 776 and maketh it bring forth 3205-52 and bud, 6779-52 that it may give 5414-1 seed 2233 to the sower, 2232-6 and bread 3899 to the eater: 398-6

55:11 So shall my word 1697 be that goeth forth 3318-4 out of my mouth: 6310 it shall not return 7725-4 unto me void, 7387 but it shall accomplish 6213-1 that which I please, 2654-1 and it shall prosper 6743-52 [in the thing] whereto I sent 7971-1 it.

55:12 For ye shall go out 3318-4 with joy, 8057 and be led forth 2986-93 with peace: 7965 the mountains 2022 and the hills 1389 shall break forth 6476-4 before 6440 you into singing, 7440 and all the trees 6086 of the field 7704 shall clap 4222-4 [their] hands. 3709

55:13 Instead of the thorn 5285 shall come up 5927-4 the fir tree, 1265 and instead of the brier 5636 shall come up 5927-4 the myrtle tree: 1918 and it shall be to the LORD 3068 for a name, 8034 for an everlasting 5769 sign 226 [that] shall not be cut off. 3772-11


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