V.1 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD, 3068 Where [is] the bill 5612 of your mother's 517 divorcement, 3748 whom I have put away? 7971-14 or which of my creditors 5383-6 [is it] to whom I have sold 4376-1 you? Behold, for your iniquities 5771 have ye sold 4376-8 yourselves, and for your transgressions 6588 is your mother 517 put away. 7971-27

50:2 Wherefore, when I came, 935-1 [was there] no man? 376 when I called, 7121-1 [was there] none to answer? 6030-6 Is my hand 3027 shortened 7114-1 at all, 7114-2 that it cannot redeem? 6304 or have I no power 3581 to deliver? 5337-53 behold, at my rebuke 1606 I dry up 2717-55 the sea, 3220 I make 7760-4 the rivers 5104 a wilderness: 4057 their fish 1710 stinketh, 887-4 because [there is] no water, 4325 and dieth 4191-4 for thirst. 6772

50:3 I clothe 3847-55 the heavens 8064 with blackness, 6940 and I make 7760-4 sackcloth 8242 their covering. 3682

50:4 The Lord 136 GOD 3069 hath given 5414-1 me the tongue 3956 of the learned, 3928 that I should know 3045-2 how to speak 5790-2 a word 1697 in season to [him that is] weary: 3287 he wakeneth 5782-55 morning 1242 by morning, 1242 he wakeneth 5782-55 mine ear 241 to hear 8085-2 as the learned. 3928

50:5 The Lord 136 GOD 3069 hath opened 6605-1 mine ear, 241 and I was not rebellious, 4784-1 neither turned away 5472-8 back. 268

50:6 I gave 5414-1 my back 1460 to the smiters, 5221-56 and my cheeks 3895 to them that plucked off the hair: 4803-6 I hid 5641-52 not my face 6440 from shame 3639 and spitting. 7536

50:7 For the Lord 136 GOD 3069 will help 5826-4 me; therefore shall I not be confounded: 3637-8 therefore have I set 7760-1 my face 6440 like a flint, 2496 and I know 3045-4 that I shall not be ashamed. 954-4

50:8 [He is] near 7138 that justifieth 6663-56 me; who will contend 7378-4 with me? let us stand 5975-4 together: 3162 who [is] mine adversary? 1167 4941 let him come near 5066-4 to me.

50:9 Behold, the Lord 136 GOD 3069 will help 5826-4 me; who [is] he [that] shall condemn 7561-55 me? lo, they all shall wax old 1086-4 as a garment; 899 the moth 6211 shall eat 398- 4 them up.

50:10 Who [is] among you that feareth 3373 the LORD, 3068 that obeyeth 8085-6 the voice 6963 of his servant, 5650 that walketh 1980-1 [in] darkness, 2825 and hath no light? 5051 let him trust 982-4 in the name 8034 of the LORD, 3068 and stay 8172-11 upon his God. 430

50:11 Behold, all ye that kindle 6919-6 a fire, 784 that compass [yourselves] about 247-18 with sparks: 2131 walk 3212-3 in the light 217 of your fire, 784 and in the sparks 2131 [that] ye have kindled. 1197-14 This shall ye have of mine hand; 3027 ye shall lie down 7901-4 in sorrow. 4620


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