V.1 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD 3068 to his anointed, 4899 to Cyrus, 3566 whose right hand 3225 I have holden, 2388-52 to subdue 7286-2 nations 1471 before 6440 him; and I will loose 6605-17 the loins 4975 of kings, 4428 to open 6605-2 before 6440 him the two leaved gates; 1817 and the gates 8179 shall not be shut; 5462-11

45:2 I will go 3212-4 before 6440 thee, and make the crooked places 1921-7 straight: 3474-17|3474-55-k I will break in pieces 7665-17 the gates 1817 of brass, 5154 and cut in sunder 1438-17 the bars 1280 of iron: 1270

45:3 And I will give 5414-1 thee the treasures 214 of darkness, 2822 and hidden riches 4301 of secret places, 4565 that thou mayest know 3045-4 that I, the LORD, 3068 which call 7121-6 [thee] by thy name, 8034 [am] the God 430 of Israel. 3478

45:4 For Jacob 3290 my servant's 5650 sake, and Israel 3478 mine elect, 972 I have even called 7121-4 thee by thy name: 8034 I have surnamed 3655-17 thee, though thou hast not known 3045-1 me.

45:5 I [am] the LORD, 3068 and [there is] none 369 else, 5750 [there is] no 369 God 430 beside 2108 me: I girded 247-17 thee, though thou hast not known 3045-1 me:

45:6 That they may know 3045-4 from the rising 4217 of the sun, 8121 and from the west, 4628 that [there is] none 657 beside 1107 me. I [am] the LORD, 3068 and [there is] none 369 else. 5750

45:7 I form 3335-6 the light, 216 and create 1254-6 darkness: 2822 I make 6213-6 peace, 7965 and create 1254-6 evil: 7451 I the LORD 3068 do 6213-6 all these [things].

45:8 Drop down, 7491-54 ye heavens, 8064 from above, 4605 and let the skies 7834 pour down 5140-4 righteousness: 6664 let the earth 776 open, 6605-4 and let them bring forth 6509-4 salvation, 3468 and let righteousness 6666 spring up 6779-55 together; 3162 I the LORD 3068 have created 1254-1 it.

45:9 Woe 1945 unto him that striveth 7378-5 with his Maker! 3335-6 [Let] the potsherd 2789 [strive] with the potsherds 2789 of the earth. 127 Shall the clay 2563 say 559-4 to him that fashioneth 3335-6 it, What makest 6213-4 thou? or thy work, 6467 He hath no hands? 3027

45:10 Woe 1945 unto him that saith 559-6 unto [his] father, 1 What begettest 3205-55 thou? or to the woman, 802 What hast thou brought forth? 2342-4

45:11 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD, 3068 the Holy One 6918 of Israel, 3478 and his Maker, 3335-6 Ask 7592-3 me of things to come 857-6 concerning my sons, 1121 and concerning the work 6467 of my hands 3027 command 6680-17 ye me.

45:12 I have made 6213-1 the earth, 776 and created 1254-1 man 120 upon it: I, [even] my hands, 3027 have stretched out 5186-1 the heavens, 8064 and all their host 6635 have I commanded. 6680-14

45:13 I have raised him up 5782-52 in righteousness, 6664 and I will direct 3474-17 all his ways: 1870 he shall build 1129- 4 my city, 5892 and he shall let go 7971-17 my captives, 1546 not for price 4242 nor reward, 7810 saith 559-1 the LORD 3068 of hosts. 6635

45:14 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD, 3068 The labour 3018 of Egypt, 4714 and merchandise 5505 of Ethiopia 3568 and of the Sabeans, 5436 men 582 of stature, 4060 shall come over 5674-4 unto thee, and they shall be thine: they shall come 3212-4 after 310 thee; in chains 2131 they shall come over, 5674-4 and they shall fall down 7812-101 unto thee, they shall make supplication 6419-101 unto thee, [saying], Surely God 410 [is] in thee; and [there is] none else, [there is] no 657 God. 430

45:15 Verily 403 thou [art] a God 410 that hidest 5641-102 thyself, O God 430 of Israel, 3478 the Saviour. 3467-56

45:16 They shall be ashamed, 954-1 and also confounded, 3637- 8 all of them: they shall go 1980-1 to confusion 3639 together 3162 [that are] makers 2796 of idols. 6736

45:17 [But] Israel 3478 shall be saved 3467-8 in the LORD 3068 with an everlasting 5769 salvation: 8668 ye shall not be ashamed 954-4 nor confounded 3637-11 world without end. 5769 5703

45:18 For thus saith 559-1 the LORD 3068 that created 1254-6 the heavens; 8064 God 430 himself that formed 3335-6 the earth 776 and made 6213-6 it; he hath established 3559-31 it, he created 1254-1 it not in vain, 8414 he formed 3335-1 it to be inhabited: 3427-2 I [am] the LORD; 3068 and [there is] none else.

45:19 I have not spoken 1696-14 in secret, 5643 in a dark 2822 place 4725 of the earth: 776 I said 559-1 not unto the seed 2233 of Jacob, 3290 Seek 1245-16 ye me in vain: 8414 I the LORD 3068 speak 1696-6 righteousness, 6664 I declare 5046-56 things that are right. 4339

45:20 Assemble 6908-10 yourselves and come; 935-3 draw near 5066-100 together, 3162 ye [that are] escaped 6412 of the nations: 1471 they have no knowledge 3045-1 that set up 5375- 6 the wood 6086 of their graven image, 6459 and pray 6419-102 unto a god 410 [that] cannot save. 3467-55

45:21 Tell 5046-54 ye, and bring [them] near; 5066-54 yea, let them take counsel 3289-11 together: 3162 who hath declared 8085-52 this from ancient time? 6924 [who] hath told 5046-52 it from that time? [have] not I the LORD? 3068 and [there is] no God 430 else beside 2108 me; a just 6662 God 410 and a Saviour; 3467-56 [there is] none 369 beside 1107 me.

45:22 Look 6437-3 unto me, and be ye saved, 3467-10 all the ends 657 of the earth: 776 for I [am] God, 410 and [there is] none else.

45:23 I have sworn 7650-8 by myself, the word 1697 is gone out 3318-1 of my mouth 6310 [in] righteousness, 6666 and shall not return, 7725-4 That unto me every knee 1290 shall bow, 3766-4 every tongue 3956 shall swear. 7650-11

45:24 Surely, shall [one] say, 559-1 in the LORD 3068 have I righteousness 6666 and strength: 5797 [even] to him shall [men] come; 935-4 and all that are incensed 2734-12 against him shall be ashamed. 954-4

45:25 In the LORD 3068 shall all the seed 2233 of Israel 3478 be justified, 6663-4 and shall glory. 1984-101


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