V.1 Woe 1945 to them that go down 3381-6 to Egypt 4714 for help; 5833 and stay 8172-11 on horses, 5483 and trust 982-4 in chariots, 7393 because [they are] many; 7227 and in horsemen, 6571 because they are very 3966 strong; 6105-1 but they look 8159-1 not unto the Holy One 6918 of Israel, 3478 neither seek 1875-1 the LORD! 3068

31:2 Yet he also [is] wise, 2450 and will bring 935-55 evil, 7451 and will not call back 5493-52 his words: 1697 but will arise 6965-1 against the house 1004 of the evildoers, 7489-56 and against the help 5833 of them that work 6466-6 iniquity. 205

31:3 Now the Egyptians 4714 [are] men, 120 and not God; 410 and their horses 5483 flesh, 1320 and not spirit. 7307 When the LORD 3068 shall stretch out 5186-55 his hand, 3027 both he that helpeth 5826-6 shall fall, 3782-1 and he that is holpen 5826-7 shall fall down, 5307-1 and they all shall fail 3615-4 together. 3162

31:4 For thus hath the LORD 3068 spoken 559-1 unto me, Like as the lion 738 and the young lion 3715 roaring 1897-4 on his prey, 2964 when a multitude 4393 of shepherds 7462-6 is called forth 7121-11 against him, [he] will not be afraid 2865-11 of their voice, 6963 nor abase 6031-4 himself for the noise 1995 of them: so shall the LORD 3068 of hosts 6635 come down 3381-4 to fight 6633-2 for mount 2022 Zion, 6726 and for the hill 1389 thereof.

31:5 As birds 6833 flying, 5774-6 so will the LORD 3068 of hosts 6635 defend 1598-55 Jerusalem; 3389 defending 1598-2 also he will deliver 5337-52 [it; and] passing over 6452-2 he will preserve 4422-52 it.

31:6 Turn 7725-3 ye unto [him from] whom the children 1121 of Israel 3478 have deeply 6009-52 revolted. 5627

31:7 For in that day 3117 every man 376 shall cast away 3988- 4 his idols 457 of silver, 3701 and his idols 457 of gold, 2091 which your own hands 3027 have made 6213-1 unto you [for] a sin. 2399

31:8 Then shall the Assyrian 804 fall 5307-1 with the sword, 2719 not of a mighty man; 376 and the sword, 2719 not of a mean man, 120 shall devour 398-4 him: but he shall flee 5127- 1 from 6440 the sword, 2719 and his young men 970 shall be discomfited. 4522

31:9 And he shall pass over 5674-4 to his strong hold 5553 for fear, 4032 and his princes 8269 shall be afraid 2865-1 of the ensign, 5251 saith 5002-7 the LORD, 3068 whose fire 217 [is] in Zion, 6726 and his furnace 8574 in Jerusalem. 3389


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