V.1 I will stand 5975-4 upon my watch, 4931 and set 3320-101 me upon the tower, 4692 and will watch 6822-17 to see 7200-2 what he will say 1696-17 unto me, and what I shall answer 7725-55 when I am reproved. 8433

2:2 And the LORD 3068 answered 6030-4 me, and said, 559-4 Write 3789-3 the vision, 2377 and make [it] plain 874-16 upon tables, 3871 that he may run 7323-4 that readeth 7121-6 it.

2:3 For the vision 2377 [is] yet for an appointed time, 4150 but at the end 7093 it shall speak, 6315-55 and not lie: 3576-17 though it tarry, 4102-118 wait 2442-16 for it; because it will surely 935-2 come, 935-4 it will not tarry. 309-17

2:4 Behold, his soul 5315 [which] is lifted up 6075-27 is not upright 3474-1 in him: but the just 6662 shall live 2421-4 by his faith. 530

2:5 Yea also, because he transgresseth 898-6 by wine, 3196 [he is] a proud 3093 man, 1397 neither keepeth at home, 5115- 4 who enlargeth 7337-52 his desire 5315 as hell, 7585 and [is] as death, 4194 and cannot be satisfied, 7646-4 but gathereth 622-4 unto him all nations, 1471 and heapeth 6908-4 unto him all people: 5971

2:6 Shall not all these take up 5375-4 a parable 4912 against him, and a taunting 4426 proverb 2420 against him, and say, 559-4 Woe 1945 to him that increaseth 7235-56 [that which is] not his! how long? and to him that ladeth 3513-56 himself with thick clay! 5671

2:7 Shall they not rise up 6965-4 suddenly 6621 that shall bite 5391-6 thee, and awake 3364-4 that shall vex 2111-47 thee, and thou shalt be for booties 4933 unto them?

2:8 Because thou hast spoiled 7997-1 many 7227 nations, 1471 all the remnant 3499 of the people 5971 shall spoil 7997-4 thee; because of men's 120 blood, 1818 and [for] the violence 2555 of the land, 776 of the city, 7151 and of all that dwell 3427-6 therein.

2:9 Woe 1945 to him that coveteth 1214-6 an evil 7451 covetousness 1215 to his house, 1004 that he may set 7760-2 his nest 7064 on high, 4791 that he may be delivered 5337-9 from the power 3709 of evil! 7451

2:10 Thou hast consulted 3289-1 shame 1322 to thy house 1004 by cutting off 7096-2 many 7227 people, 5971 and hast sinned 2398-6 [against] thy soul. 5315

2:11 For the stone 68 shall cry out 2199-4 of the wall, 7023 and the beam 3714 out of the timber 6086 shall answer 6030-4 it.

2:12 Woe 1945 to him that buildeth 1129-6 a town 5892 with blood, 1818 and stablisheth 3559-31 a city 7151 by iniquity! 5766

2:13 Behold, [is it] not of the LORD 3068 of hosts 6635 that the people 5971 shall labour 3021-4 in the very 1767 fire, 784 and the people 3816 shall weary 3286-4 themselves for very 1767 vanity? 7385

2:14 For the earth 776 shall be filled 4390-11 with the knowledge 3045-2 of the glory 3519 of the LORD, 3068 as the waters 4325 cover 3680-17 the sea. 3220

2:15 Woe 1945 unto him that giveth his neighbour 7453 drink, 8248-56 that puttest 5596-18 thy bottle 2573 to [him], and makest [him] drunken 7937-15 also, that thou mayest look 5027-53 on their nakedness! 4589

2:16 Thou art filled 7646-1 with shame 7036 for glory: 3519 drink 8354-3 thou also, and let thy foreskin be uncovered: 6188-10 the cup 3563 of the LORD'S 3068 right hand 3225 shall be turned 5437-11 unto thee, and shameful spewing 7022 [shall be] on thy glory. 3519

2:17 For the violence 2555 of Lebanon 3844 shall cover 3680- 17 thee, and the spoil 7701 of beasts, 929 [which] made them afraid, 2865-55 because of men's 120 blood, 1818 and for the violence 2555 of the land, 776 of the city, 7151 and of all that dwell 3427-6 therein.

2:18 What profiteth 3276-52 the graven image 6459 that the maker 3335-6 thereof hath graven 6458-1 it; the molten image, 4541 and a teacher 3384-56 of lies, 8267 that the maker 3335- 6 of his work 3336 trusteth 982-1 therein, to make 6213-2 dumb 483 idols? 457

2:19 Woe 1945 unto him that saith 559-6 to the wood, 6086 Awake; 6974-54 to the dumb 1748 stone, 68 Arise, 5782-3 it shall teach! 3384-55 Behold, it [is] laid over 8610-7 with gold 2091 and silver, 3701 and [there is] no breath 7307 at all in the midst 7130 of it.

2:20 But the LORD 3068 [is] in his holy 6944 temple: 1964 let all the earth 776 keep silence 2013-16 before 6440 him.


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