V.1 Now in the first 259 year 8141 of Cyrus 3566 king 4428 of Persia, 6539 that the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 by the mouth 6310 of Jeremiah 3414 might be fulfilled, 3615-2 the LORD 3068 stirred up 5782-52 the spirit 7307 of Cyrus 3566 king 4428 of Persia, 6539 that he made a proclamation 5674-55 6963 throughout all his kingdom, 4438 and [put it] also in writing, 4385 saying, 559-2

1:2 Thus saith 559-1 Cyrus 3566 king 4428 of Persia, 6539 The LORD 3068 God 430 of heaven 8064 hath given 5414-1 me all the kingdoms 4467 of the earth; 776 and he hath charged 6485-1 me to build 1129-2 him an house 1004 at Jerusalem, 3389 which [is] in Judah. 3063

1:3 Who [is there] among you of all his people? 5971 his God 430 be with him, and let him go up 5927-4 to Jerusalem, 3389 which [is] in Judah, 3063 and build 1129-4 the house 1004 of the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel, 3478 (he [is] the God,) 430 which [is] in Jerusalem. 3389

1:4 And whosoever remaineth 7604-12 in any place 4725 where he sojourneth, 1481-6 let the men 582 of his place 4725 help 5375-17 him with silver, 3701 and with gold, 2091 and with goods, 7399 and with beasts, 929 beside the freewill offering 5071 for the house 1004 of God 430 that [is] in Jerusalem. 3389

1:5 Then rose up 6965-4 the chief 7218 of the fathers 1 of Judah 3063 and Benjamin, 1144 and the priests, 3548 and the Levites, 3881 with all [them] whose spirit 7307 God 430 had raised, 5782-52 to go up 5927-2 to build 1129-2 the house 1004 of the LORD 3068 which [is] in Jerusalem. 3389

1:6 And all they that [were] about 5439 them strengthened 2388-14 their hands 3027 with vessels 3627 of silver, 3701 with gold, 2091 with goods, 7399 and with beasts, 929 and with precious things, 4030 beside all [that] was willingly offered. 5068-99

1:7 Also Cyrus 3566 the king 4428 brought forth 3318-52 the vessels 3627 of the house 1004 of the LORD, 3068 which Nebuchadnezzar 5019 had brought forth 3318-52 out of Jerusalem, 3389 and had put 5414-4 them in the house 1004 of his gods; 430

1:8 Even those did Cyrus 3566 king 4428 of Persia 6539 bring forth 3318-55 by the hand 3027 of Mithredath 4990 the treasurer, 1489 and numbered 5608-4 them unto Sheshbazzar, 8339 the prince 5387 of Judah. 3063

1:9 And this [is] the number 4557 of them: thirty 7970 chargers 105 of gold, 2091 a thousand 505 chargers 105 of silver, 3701 nine 8672 and twenty 6242 knives, 4252

1:10 Thirty 7970 basons 3713 of gold, 2091 silver 3701 basons 3713 of a second 4932 [sort] four 702 hundred 3967 and ten, 6235 [and] other 312 vessels 3627 a thousand. 505

1:11 All the vessels 3627 of gold 2091 and of silver 3701 [were] five 2568 thousand 505 and four 702 hundred. 3967 All [these] did Sheshbazzar 8339 bring up 5927-52 with [them of] the captivity 1473 that were brought up 5927-9 from Babylon 894 unto Jerusalem. 3389


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