V.1 Afterward he brought me again 7725-55 unto the door 6607 of the house; 1004 and, behold, waters 4325 issued out 3318-6 from under the threshold 4670 of the house 1004 eastward: 6921 for the forefront 6440 of the house 1004 [stood toward] the east, 6921 and the waters 4325 came down 3381-6 from under from the right 3233 side 3802 of the house, 1004 at the south 5045 [side] of the altar. 4196

47:2 Then brought he me out 3318-55 of the way 1870 of the gate 8179 northward, 6828 and led me about 5437-55 the way 1870 without 2351 unto the utter 2351 gate 8179 by the way 1870 that looketh 6437-6 eastward; 6921 and, behold, there ran out 6379-18 waters 4325 on the right 3233 side. 3802

47:3 And when the man 376 that had the line 6957 in his hand 3027 went forth 3318-2 eastward, 6921 he measured 4058-4 a thousand 505 cubits, 520 and he brought 5674-55 me through the waters; 4325 the waters 4325 [were] to the ankles. 657

47:4 Again he measured 4058-4 a thousand, 505 and brought 5674-55 me through the waters; 4325 the waters 4325 [were] to the knees. 1290 Again he measured 4058-4 a thousand, 505 and brought me through; 5674-55 the waters 4325 [were] to the loins. 4975

47:5 Afterward he measured 4058-4 a thousand; 505 [and it was] a river 5158 that I could 3201-4 not pass over: 5674-2 for the waters 4325 were risen, 1342-1 waters 4325 to swim in, 7813 a river 5158 that could not be passed over. 5674-11

47:6 And he said 559-4 unto me, Son 1121 of man, 120 hast thou seen 7200-1 [this]? Then he brought 3212-55 me, and caused me to return 7725-55 to the brink 8193 of the river. 5158

47:7 Now when I had returned, 7725-2 behold, at the bank 8193 of the river 5158 [were] very 3966 many 7227 trees 6086 on the one side and on the other.

47:8 Then said 559-4 he unto me, These waters 4325 issue out 3318-6 toward the east 6930 country, 1552 and go down 3381-1 into the desert, 6160 and go 935-1 into the sea: 3220 [which being] brought forth 3318-94 into the sea, 3220 the waters 4325 shall be healed. 7495-8

47:9 And it shall come to pass, [that] every thing 5315 that liveth, 2416 which moveth, 8317-4 whithersoever the rivers 5158 shall come, 935-4 shall live: 2421-4 and there shall be a very 3966 great 7227 multitude of fish, 1710 because these waters 4325 shall come 935-1 thither: for they shall be healed; 7495-11 and every thing shall live 2425-1 whither the river 5158 cometh. 935-4

47:10 And it shall come to pass, [that] the fishers 1728 shall stand 5975-1|5975-4-k upon it from Engedi 5872 even unto Eneglaim; 5882 they shall be a [place] to spread forth 4894 nets; 2764 their fish 1710 shall be according to their kinds, 4327 as the fish 1710 of the great 1419 sea, 3220 exceeding 3966 many. 7227

47:11 But the miry places 1207 thereof and the marishes 1360 thereof shall not be healed; 7495-11 they shall be given 5414-8 to salt. 4417

47:12 And by the river 5158 upon the bank 8193 thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow 5927-4 all trees 6086 for meat, 3978 whose leaf 5929 shall not fade, 5034-4 neither shall the fruit 6529 thereof be consumed: 8552-4 it shall bring forth new fruit 1069-17 according to his months, 2320 because their waters 4325 they issued out 3318-6 of the sanctuary: 4720 and the fruit 6529 thereof shall be for meat, 3978 and the leaf 5929 thereof for medicine. 8644

47:13 Thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 This 1454 [shall be] the border, 1366 whereby ye shall inherit 5157-101 the land 776 according to the twelve 8147 6240 tribes 7626 of Israel: 3478 Joseph 3130 [shall have two] portions. 2256

47:14 And ye shall inherit 5157-1 it, one 376 as well as another: 251 [concerning] the which I lifted up 5375-1 mine hand 3027 to give 5414-2 it unto your fathers: 1 and this land 776 shall fall 5307-1 unto you for inheritance. 5159

47:15 And this [shall be] the border 1366 of the land 776 toward the north 6828 side, 6285 from the great 1419 sea, 3220 the way 1870 of Hethlon, 2855 as men go 935-2 to Zedad; 6657

47:16 Hamath, 2574 Berothah, 1268 Sibraim, 5453 which [is] between the border 1366 of Damascus 1834 and the border 1366 of Hamath; 2574 Hazarhatticon, 2691|8484|2694 which [is] by the coast 1366 of Hauran. 2362

47:17 And the border 1366 from the sea 3220 shall be Hazarenan, 2703 the border 1366 of Damascus, 1834 and the north 6828 northward, 6828 and the border 1366 of Hamath. 2574 And [this is] the north 6828 side. 6285

47:18 And the east 6921 side 6285 ye shall measure 4058-4 from 996 Hauran, 2362 and from 996 Damascus, 1834 and from 996 Gilead, 1568 and from 996 the land 776 of Israel 3478 [by] Jordan, 3383 from the border 1366 unto the east 6931 sea. 3220 And [this is] the east 6921 side. 6285

47:19 And the south 5045 side 6285 southward, 8486 from Tamar 8559 [even] to the waters 4325 of strife 4808|4809 [in] Kadesh, 6946 the river 5159 to the great 1419 sea. 3220 And [this is] the south 8486 side 6285 southward. 5045

47:20 The west 3220 side 6285 also [shall be] the great 1419 sea 3220 from the border, 1366 till a man come 935-2 over against 5227 Hamath. 2574 This [is] the west 3220 side. 6285

47:21 So shall ye divide 2505-14 this land 776 unto you according to the tribes 7626 of Israel. 3478

47:22 And it shall come to pass, [that] ye shall divide it by lot 5307-55 for an inheritance 5159 unto you, and to the strangers 1616 that sojourn 1481-6 among 8432 you, which shall beget 3205-52 children 1121 among 8432 you: and they shall be unto you as born in the country 249 among the children 1121 of Israel; 3478 they shall have 5307-4 inheritance 5159 with you among 8432 the tribes 7626 of Israel. 3478

47:23 And it shall come to pass, [that] in what tribe 7626 the stranger 1616 sojourneth, 1481-1 there shall ye give 5414-4 [him] his inheritance, 5159 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069


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