V.1 And it came to pass in the eleventh 259 6240 year, 8141 in the third 7992 [month], in the first 259 [day] of the month, 2320 [that] the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto me, saying, 559-2

31:2 Son 1121 of man, 120 speak 559-3 unto Pharaoh 6547 king 4428 of Egypt, 4714 and to his multitude; 1995 Whom art thou like 1819-1 in thy greatness? 1433

31:3 Behold, the Assyrian 804 [was] a cedar 730 in Lebanon 3844 with fair 3303 branches, 6057 and with a shadowing 6751- 56 shroud, 2793 and of an high 1362 stature; 6967 and his top 6788 was among the thick boughs. 5688

31:4 The waters 4325 made him great, 1431-14 the deep 8415 set him up on high 7311-31 with her rivers 5104 running 1980- 6 round about 5439 his plants, 4302 and sent out 7971-14 her little rivers 8585 unto all the trees 6086 of the field. 7704

31:5 Therefore his height 6967 was exalted 1361-1 above all the trees 6086 of the field, 7704 and his boughs 5634 were multiplied, 7235-4 and his branches 6288 became long 748-4 because of the multitude 7227 of waters, 4325 when he shot forth. 7971-15

31:6 All the fowls 5775 of heaven 8064 made their nests 7077- 14 in his boughs, 5589 and under his branches 6288 did all the beasts 2416 of the field 7704 bring forth 3205-1 their young, and under his shadow 6738 dwelt 3427-4 all great 7227 nations. 1471

31:7 Thus was he fair 3302-4 in his greatness, 1433 in the length 753 of his branches: 1808 for his root 8328 was by great 7227 waters. 4325

31:8 The cedars 730 in the garden 1588 of God 430 could not hide 6004-1 him: the fir trees 1265 were not like 1819-1 his boughs, 5589 and the chesnut trees 6196 were not like his branches; 6288 nor any tree 6086 in the garden 1588 of God 430 was like 1819-1 unto him in his beauty. 3308

31:9 I have made 6213-1 him fair 3303 by the multitude 7230 of his branches: 1808 so that all the trees 6086 of Eden, 5731 that [were] in the garden 1588 of God, 430 envied 7065- 17 him.

31:10 Therefore thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 Because thou hast lifted up 1361-1 thyself in height, 6967 and he hath shot up 5414-4 his top 6788 among the thick boughs, 5688 and his heart 3824 is lifted up 7311-1 in his height; 1363

31:11 I have therefore delivered 5414-4 him into the hand 3027 of the mighty 410 one of the heathen; 1471 he shall surely 6213-2 deal 6213-4 with him: I have driven him out 1644-14 for his wickedness. 7562

31:12 And strangers, 2114-5 the terrible 6184 of the nations, 1471 have cut him off, 3772-4 and have left 5203-4 him: upon the mountains 2022 and in all the valleys 1516 his branches 1808 are fallen, 5307-1 and his boughs 6288 are broken 7665- 11 by all the rivers 650 of the land; 776 and all the people 5971 of the earth 776 are gone down 3381-4 from his shadow, 6738 and have left 5203-4 him.

31:13 Upon his ruin 4658 shall all the fowls 5775 of the heaven 8064 remain, 7931-4 and all the beasts 2416 of the field 7704 shall be upon his branches: 6288

31:14 To the end that none of all the trees 6086 by the waters 4325 exalt 1361-4 themselves for their height, 6967 neither shoot up 5414-4 their top 6788 among the thick boughs, 5688 neither their trees 352 stand up 5975-4 in their height, 1363 all that drink 8354-6 water: 4325 for they are all delivered 5414-8 unto death, 4194 to the nether parts 8482 of the earth, 776 in the midst 8432 of the children 1121 of men, 120 with them that go down 3381-6 to the pit. 953

31:15 Thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 In the day 3117 when he went down 3381-2 to the grave 7585 I caused a mourning: 56-52 I covered 3680-14 the deep 8415 for him, and I restrained 4513-4 the floods 5104 thereof, and the great 7227 waters 4325 were stayed: 3607-11 and I caused Lebanon 3844 to mourn 6937-55 for him, and all the trees 6086 of the field 7704 fainted 5969 for him.

31:16 I made the nations 1471 to shake 7493-52 at the sound 6963 of his fall, 4658 when I cast him down 3381-53 to hell 7585 with them that descend 3381-6 into the pit: 953 and all the trees 6086 of Eden, 5731 the choice 4005 and best 2896 of Lebanon, 3844 all that drink 8354-6 water, 4325 shall be comforted 5162-11 in the nether parts 8482 of the earth. 776

31:17 They also went down 3381-1 into hell 7585 with him unto [them that be] slain 2491 with the sword; 2719 and [they that were] his arm, 2220 [that] dwelt 3427-1 under his shadow 6738 in the midst 8432 of the heathen. 1471

31:18 To whom art thou thus like 1819-1 in glory 3519 and in greatness 1433 among the trees 6086 of Eden? 5731 yet shalt thou be brought down 3381-90 with the trees 6086 of Eden 5731 unto the nether parts 8482 of the earth: 776 thou shalt lie 7901-4 in the midst 8432 of the uncircumcised 6189 with [them that be] slain 2491 by the sword. 2719 This [is] Pharaoh 6547 and all his multitude, 1995 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069


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