V.1 And the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto me, saying, 559-2

21:2 Son 1121 of man, 120 set 7760-3 thy face 6440 toward Jerusalem, 3389 and drop 5197-54 [thy word] toward the holy places, 4720 and prophesy 5012-10 against the land 127 of Israel, 3478

21:3 And say 559-1 to the land 127 of Israel, 3478 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD; 3068 Behold, I [am] against thee, and will draw forth 3318-52 my sword 2719 out of his sheath, 8593 and will cut off 3772-52 from thee the righteous 6662 and the wicked. 7563

21:4 Seeing then 3282 that I will cut off 3772-52 from thee the righteous 6662 and the wicked, 7563 therefore shall my sword 2719 go forth 3318-4 out of his sheath 8593 against all flesh 1320 from the south 5045 to the north: 6828

21:5 That all flesh 1320 may know 3045-1 that I the LORD 3068 have drawn forth 3318-52 my sword 2719 out of his sheath: 8593 it shall not return 7725-4 any more.

21:6 Sigh 584-10 therefore, thou son 1121 of man, 120 with the breaking 7670 of [thy] loins; 4975 and with bitterness 4814 sigh 584-11 before their eyes. 5869

21:7 And it shall be, when they say 559-4 unto thee, Wherefore sighest 584-12 thou? that thou shalt answer, 559-1 For the tidings; 8052 because it cometh: 935-6 and every heart 3820 shall melt, 4549-8 and all hands 3027 shall be feeble, 7503-1 and every spirit 7307 shall faint, 3543-14 and all knees 1290 shall be weak 3212-4 [as] water: 4325 behold, it cometh, 935-6 and shall be brought to pass, 1961-8 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069

21:8 Again the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto me, saying, 559-2

21:9 Son 1121 of man, 120 prophesy, 5012-10 and say, 559-1 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD; 3068 Say, 559-3 A sword, 2719 a sword 2719 is sharpened, 2300-90 and also furbished: 4803-7

21:10 It is sharpened 2300-90 to make a sore 2874 slaughter; 2873-2 it is furbished 4803-30 that it may glitter: 1300 should we then 176 make mirth? 7797-4 it contemneth 3988-6 the rod 7626 of my son, 1121 [as] every tree. 6086

21:11 And he hath given 5414-4 it to be furbished, 4803-2 that it may be handled: 3709 8610-2 this sword 2719 is sharpened, 2300-90 and it is furbished, 4803-30 to give 5414- 2 it into the hand 3027 of the slayer. 2026-6

21:12 Cry 2199-3 and howl, 3213-54 son 1121 of man: 120 for it shall be upon my people, 5971 it [shall be] upon all the princes 5387 of Israel: 3478 terrors 4048-7 by reason of 413 the sword 2719 shall be upon my people: 5971 smite 5606-3 therefore upon [thy] thigh. 3409

21:13 Because [it is] a trial, 974-27 and what if [the sword] contemn 3988-6 even the rod? 7626 it shall be no [more], saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069

21:14 Thou therefore, son 1121 of man, 120 prophesy, 5012-10 and smite 5221-54 [thine] hands 3709 together, 3709 and let the sword 2719 be doubled 3717-11 the third 7992 time, the sword 2719 of the slain: 2491 it [is] the sword 2719 of the great 1419 [men that are] slain, 2491 which entereth into their privy chambers. 2314-6

21:15 I have set 5414-1 the point 19 of the sword 2719 against all their gates, 8179 that [their] heart 3820 may faint, 4127-2 and [their] ruins 4383 be multiplied: 7235-53 ah! 253 [it is] made 6213-7 bright, 1300 [it is] wrapped up 4593 for the slaughter. 2874

21:16 Go thee one way or other, 258-100 [either] on 7760-54 the right hand, 3231-54 [or] on the left, 8041-54 whithersoever 575 thy face 6440 [is] set. 3259-94

21:17 I will also smite 5221-55 mine hands 3709 together, 3709 and I will cause my fury 2534 to rest: 5117-52 I the LORD 3068 have said 1696-14 [it].

21:18 The word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto me again, saying, 559-2

21:19 Also, thou son 1121 of man, 120 appoint 7760-3 thee two 8147 ways, 1870 that the sword 2719 of the king 4428 of Babylon 894 may come: 935-2 both twain 8147 shall come forth 3318-4 out of one 259 land: 776 and choose 1254-16 thou a place, 3027 choose 1254-16 [it] at the head 7218 of the way 1870 to the city. 5892

21:20 Appoint 7760-4 a way, 1870 that the sword 2719 may come 935-2 to Rabbath 7237 of the Ammonites, 1121 5983 and to Judah 3063 in Jerusalem 3389 the defenced. 1219-7

21:21 For the king 4428 of Babylon 894 stood 5975-1 at the parting 517 of the way, 1870 at the head 7218 of the two 8147 ways, 1870 to use 7080-2 divination: 7081 he made [his] arrows 2671 bright, 7043-43 he consulted 7592-1 with images, 8655 he looked 7200-1 in the liver. 3516

21:22 At his right hand 3225 was the divination 7081 for Jerusalem, 3389 to appoint 7760-2 captains, 3733 to open 6605-2 the mouth 6310 in the slaughter, 7524 to lift up 7311- 53 the voice 6963 with shouting, 8643 to appoint 7760-2 [battering] rams 3733 against the gates, 8179 to cast 8210-2 a mount, 5550 [and] to build 1129-2 a fort. 1785

21:23 And it shall be unto them as a false 7723 divination 7080-2 in their sight, 5869 to them that have sworn 7650-7 oaths: 7621 but he will call to remembrance 2142-56 the iniquity, 5771 that they may be taken. 8610-9

21:24 Therefore thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 Because ye have made your iniquity 5771 to be remembered, 2142-53 in that your transgressions 6588 are discovered, 1540-9 so that in all your doings 5949 your sins 2403 do appear; 7200-9 because, [I say], that ye are come to remembrance, 2142-9 ye shall be taken 8610-11 with the hand. 3709

21:25 And thou, profane 2491 wicked 7563 prince 5387 of Israel, 3478 whose day 3117 is come, 935-1 when 6256 iniquity 5771 [shall have] an end, 7093

21:26 Thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 Remove 5493-54 the diadem, 4701 and take off 7311-54 the crown: 5850 this 2063 [shall] not [be] the same: 2063 exalt 1361-53 [him that is] low, 8217 and abase 8213-53 [him that is] high. 1364

21:27 I will overturn, 7760-4 5754 overturn, 5754 overturn, 5754 it: and it shall be 1961 no 3808 [more], until he come 935-2 whose right 4941 it is; and I will give 5414-1 it [him].

21:28 And thou, son 1121 of man, 120 prophesy 5012-10 and say, 559-1 Thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD 3069 concerning the Ammonites, 1121 5983 and concerning their reproach; 2781 even say 559-1 thou, The sword, 2719 the sword 2719 [is] drawn: 6605-7 for the slaughter 2874 [it is] furbished, 4803- 7 to consume 398-53 because of the glittering: 1300

21:29 Whiles they see 2372-2 vanity 7723 unto thee, whiles they divine 7080-2 a lie 3577 unto thee, to bring 5414-2 thee upon the necks 6677 of [them that are] slain, 2491 of the wicked, 7563 whose day 3117 is come, 935-1 when 6256 their iniquity 5771 [shall have] an end. 7093

21:30 Shall I cause [it] to return 7725-54 into his sheath? 8593 I will judge 8199-4 thee in the place 4725 where thou wast created, 1254-8 in the land 776 of thy nativity. 4351

21:31 And I will pour out 8210-1 mine indignation 2195 upon thee, I will blow 6315-55 against thee in the fire 784 of my wrath, 5678 and deliver 5414-1 thee into the hand 3027 of brutish 1197-6 men, 582 [and] skilful 2796 to destroy. 4889

21:32 Thou shalt be for fuel 402 to the fire; 784 thy blood 1818 shall be in the midst 8432 of the land; 776 thou shalt be no [more] remembered: 2142-11 for I the LORD 3068 have spoken 1696-14 [it].


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