V.1 The word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto me again, saying, 559-2

18:2 What mean ye, that ye use 4911-6 this proverb 4912 concerning the land 127 of Israel, 3478 saying, 559-2 The fathers 1 have eaten 398-4 sour grapes, 1155 and the children's 1121 teeth 8127 are set on edge? 6949-4

18:3 [As] I live, 2416 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD, 3069 ye shall not have [occasion] any more to use 4911-2 this proverb 4912 in Israel. 3478

18:4 Behold, all souls 5315 are mine; as the soul 5315 of the father, 1 so also the soul 5315 of the son 1121 is mine: the soul 5315 that sinneth, 2398-6 it shall die. 4191-4

18:5 But if a man 376 be just, 6662 and do 6213-1 that which is lawful 4941 and right, 6666

18:6 [And] hath not eaten 398-1 upon the mountains, 2022 neither hath lifted up 5375-1 his eyes 5869 to the idols 1544 of the house 1004 of Israel, 3478 neither hath defiled 2930- 14 his neighbour's 7453 wife, 802 neither hath come near 7126-4 to a menstruous 5079 woman, 802

18:7 And hath not oppressed 3238-55 any, 376 [but] hath restored 7725-55 to the debtor 2326 his pledge, 2258 hath spoiled 1497-4 none by violence, 1500 hath given 5414-4 his bread 3899 to the hungry, 7457 and hath covered 3680-17 the naked 5903 with a garment; 899

18:8 He [that] hath not given 5414-4 forth upon usury, 5392 neither hath taken 3947-4 any increase, 8636 [that] hath withdrawn 7725-55 his hand 3027 from iniquity, 5766 hath executed 6213-4 true 571 judgment 4941 between man 376 and man, 376

18:9 Hath walked 1980-17 in my statutes, 2708 and hath kept 8104-1 my judgments, 4941 to deal 6213-2 truly; 571 he [is] just, 6662 he shall surely 2421-2 live, 2421-4 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069

18:10 If he beget 3205-52 a son 1121 [that is] a robber, 6530 a shedder 8210-6 of blood, 1818 and [that] doeth 6213-1 the like 251 to [any] one 259 of these [things],

18:11 And that doeth 6213-1 not any of those [duties], but even hath eaten 398-1 upon the mountains, 2022 and defiled 2930-14 his neighbour's 7453 wife, 802

18:12 Hath oppressed 3238-52 the poor 6041 and needy, 34 hath spoiled 1497-1 by violence, 1500 hath not restored 7725-55 the pledge, 2258 and hath lifted up 5375-1 his eyes 5869 to the idols, 1544 hath committed 6213-1 abomination, 8441

18:13 Hath given 5414-1 forth upon usury, 5392 and hath taken 3947-1 increase: 8636 shall he then live? 2425-1 he shall not live: 2421-4 he hath done 6213-1 all these abominations; 8441 he shall surely 4191-2 die; 4191-93 his blood 1818 shall be upon him.

18:14 Now, lo, [if] he beget 3205-52 a son, 1121 that seeth 7200-4 all his father's 1 sins 2403 which he hath done, 6213- 1 and considereth, 7200-4 and doeth 6213-4 not such like, 2004

18:15 [That] hath not eaten 398-1 upon the mountains, 2022 neither hath lifted up 5375-1 his eyes 5869 to the idols 1544 of the house 1004 of Israel, 3478 hath not defiled 2930-14 his neighbour's 7453 wife, 802

18:16 Neither hath oppressed 3238-52 any, 376 hath not withholden 2254-1 the pledge, 2258 neither hath spoiled 1497- 1 by violence, 1500 [but] hath given 5414-1 his bread 3899 to the hungry, 7457 and hath covered 3680-14 the naked 5903 with a garment, 899

18:17 [That] hath taken off 7725-52 his hand 3027 from the poor, 6041 [that] hath not received 3947-1 usury 5392 nor increase, 8636 hath executed 6213-1 my judgments, 4941 hath walked 1980-1 in my statutes; 2708 he shall not die 4191-4 for the iniquity 5771 of his father, 1 he shall surely 2421-2 live. 2421-4

18:18 [As for] his father, 1 because he cruelly 6233 oppressed, 6231-1 spoiled 1497-1 his brother 251 by violence, 1499 and did 6213-1 [that] which [is] not good 2896 among 8432 his people, 5971 lo, even he shall die 4191-5 in his iniquity. 5771

18:19 Yet say 559-1 ye, Why? doth not the son 1121 bear 5375- 1 the iniquity 5771 of the father? 1 When the son 1121 hath done 6213-1 that which is lawful 4941 and right, 6666 [and] hath kept 8104-1 all my statutes, 2708 and hath done 6213-4 them, he shall surely 2421-2 live. 2421-4

18:20 The soul 5315 that sinneth, 2398-6 it shall die. 4191-4 The son 1121 shall not bear 5375-4 the iniquity 5771 of the father, 1 neither shall the father 1 bear 5375-4 the iniquity 5771 of the son: 1121 the righteousness 6666 of the righteous 6662 shall be upon him, and the wickedness 7564 of the wicked 7563 shall be upon him.

18:21 But if the wicked 7563 will turn 7725-4 from all his sins 2403 that he hath committed, 6213-1 and keep 8104-1 all my statutes, 2708 and do 6213-1 that which is lawful 4941 and right, 6666 he shall surely 2421-2 live, 2421-4 he shall not die. 4191-4

18:22 All his transgressions 6588 that he hath committed, 6213-1 they shall not be mentioned 2142-11 unto him: in his righteousness 6666 that he hath done 6213-1 he shall live. 2421-4

18:23 Have I any pleasure 2654-4 at all 2654-2 that the wicked 7563 should die? 4194 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD: 3069 [and] not that he should return 7725-2 from his ways, 1870 and live? 2421-1

18:24 But when the righteous 6662 turneth away 7725-2 from his righteousness, 6666 and committeth 6213-1 iniquity, 5766 [and] doeth 6213-4 according to all the abominations 8441 that the wicked 7563 [man] doeth, 6213-1 shall he live? 2425- 1 All his righteousness 6666 that he hath done 6213-1 shall not be mentioned: 2142-11 in his trespass 4604 that he hath trespassed, 4603-1 and in his sin 2403 that he hath sinned, 2398-1 in them shall he die. 4191-4

18:25 Yet ye say, 559-1 The way 1870 of the Lord 136 is not equal. 8505-11 Hear 8085-3 now, O house 1004 of Israel; 3478 Is not my way 1870 equal? 8505-11 are not your ways 1870 unequal? 8505-11

18:26 When a righteous 6662 [man] turneth away 7725-2 from his righteousness, 6666 and committeth 6213-1 iniquity, 5766 and dieth 4191-1 in them; for his iniquity 5766 that he hath done 6213-1 shall he die. 4191-4

18:27 Again, when the wicked 7563 [man] turneth away 7725-2 from his wickedness 7564 that he hath committed, 6213-1 and doeth 6213-4 that which is lawful 4941 and right, 6666 he shall save his soul 5315 alive. 2421-17

18:28 Because he considereth, 7200-4 and turneth away 7725-4 from all his transgressions 6588 that he hath committed, 6213-1 he shall surely 2421-2 live, 2421-4 he shall not die. 4191-4

18:29 Yet saith 559-1 the house 1004 of Israel, 3478 The way 1870 of the Lord 136 is not equal. 8505-11 O house 1004 of Israel, 3478 are not my ways 1870 equal? 8505-11 are not your ways 1870 unequal? 8505-11

18:30 Therefore I will judge 8199-4 you, O house 1004 of Israel, 3478 every one 376 according to his ways, 1870 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069 Repent, 7725-3 and turn 7725-54 [yourselves] from all your transgressions; 6588 so iniquity 5771 shall not be your ruin. 4383

18:31 Cast away 7993-54 from you all your transgressions, 6588 whereby ye have transgressed; 6586-1 and make 6213-3 you a new 2319 heart 3820 and a new 2319 spirit: 7307 for why will ye die, 4191-4 O house 1004 of Israel? 3478

18:32 For I have no pleasure 2654-4 in the death 4194 of him that dieth, 4191-5 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD: 3069 wherefore turn 7725-54 [yourselves], and live 2421-3 ye.


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