V.1 Moreover the spirit 7307 lifted me up, 5375-4 and brought 935-55 me unto the east 6931 gate 8179 of the LORD'S 3068 house, 1004 which looketh 6437-6 eastward: 6921 and behold at the door 6607 of the gate 8179 five 2568 and twenty 6242 men; 376 among 8432 whom I saw 7200-4 Jaazaniah 2970 the son 1121 of Azur, 5809 and Pelatiah 6410 the son 1121 of Benaiah, 1141 princes 8269 of the people. 5971

11:2 Then said 559-4 he unto me, Son 1121 of man, 120 these [are] the men 582 that devise 2803-6 mischief, 205 and give 3289-6 wicked 7451 counsel 6098 in this city: 5892

11:3 Which say, 559-6 [It is] not near; 7138 let us build 1129-2 houses: 1004 this [city is] the caldron, 5518 and we [be] the flesh. 1320

11:4 Therefore prophesy 5012-10 against them, prophesy, 5012- 10 O son 1121 of man. 120

11:5 And the Spirit 7307 of the LORD 3068 fell 5307-4 upon me, and said 559-4 unto me, Speak; 559-3 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD; 3068 Thus have ye said, 559-1 O house 1004 of Israel: 3478 for I know 3045-1 the things that come 4609 into your mind, 7307 [every one of] them.

11:6 Ye have multiplied 7235-52 your slain 2491 in this city, 5892 and ye have filled 4390-14 the streets 2351 thereof with the slain. 2491

11:7 Therefore thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 Your slain 2491 whom ye have laid 7760-1 in the midst 8432 of it, they [are] the flesh, 1320 and this [city is] the caldron: 5518 but I will bring you forth 3318-52 out of the midst 8432 of it.

11:8 Ye have feared 3372-1 the sword; 2719 and I will bring 935-55 a sword 2719 upon you, saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069

11:9 And I will bring you out 3318-52 of the midst 8432 thereof, and deliver 5414-1 you into the hands 3027 of strangers, 2114-5 and will execute 6213-1 judgments 8201 among you.

11:10 Ye shall fall 5307-4 by the sword; 2719 I will judge 8199-4 you in the border 1366 of Israel; 3478 and ye shall know 3045-1 that I [am] the LORD. 3068

11:11 This [city] shall not be your caldron, 5518 neither shall ye be the flesh 1320 in the midst 8432 thereof; [but] I will judge 8199-4 you in the border 1366 of Israel: 3478

11:12 And ye shall know 3045-1 that I [am] the LORD: 3068 for ye have not walked 1980-1 in my statutes, 2706 neither executed 6213-1 my judgments, 4941 but have done 6213-1 after the manners 4941 of the heathen 1471 that [are] round about 5439 you.

11:13 And it came to pass, when I prophesied, 5012-9 that Pelatiah 6410 the son 1121 of Benaiah 1141 died. 4191-1 Then fell I down 5307-4 upon my face, 6440 and cried 2199-4 with a loud 1419 voice, 6963 and said, 559-4 Ah 162 Lord 136 GOD! 3069 wilt thou make 6213-6 a full end 3617 of the remnant 7611 of Israel? 3478

11:14 Again the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto me, saying, 559-2

11:15 Son 1121 of man, 120 thy brethren, 251 [even] thy brethren, 251 the men 582 of thy kindred, 1353 and all the house 1004 of Israel 3478 wholly, [are] they unto whom the inhabitants 3427-6 of Jerusalem 3389 have said, 559-1 Get you far 7368-3 from the LORD: 3068 unto us is this land 776 given 5414-8 in possession. 4181

11:16 Therefore say, 559-3 Thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 Although I have cast them far off 7368-52 among the heathen, 1471 and although I have scattered 6327-52 them among the countries, 776 yet will I be to them as a little 4592 sanctuary 4720 in the countries 776 where they shall come. 935-1

11:17 Therefore say, 559-3 Thus saith 559-1 the Lord 136 GOD; 3069 I will even gather 6908-14 you from the people, 5971 and assemble 622-1 you out of the countries 776 where ye have been scattered, 6327-8 and I will give 5414-1 you the land 127 of Israel. 3478

11:18 And they shall come 935-1 thither, and they shall take away 5493-52 all the detestable things 8251 thereof and all the abominations 8441 thereof from thence.

11:19 And I will give 5414-1 them one 259 heart, 3820 and I will put 5414-4 a new 2319 spirit 7307 within 7130 you; and I will take 5493-52 the stony 68 heart 3820 out of their flesh, 1320 and will give 5414-1 them an heart 3820 of flesh: 1320

11:20 That they may walk 3212-4 in my statutes, 2708 and keep 8104-4 mine ordinances, 4941 and do 6213-1 them: and they shall be my people, 5971 and I will be their God. 430

11:21 But [as for them] whose heart 3820 walketh 1980-6 after the heart 3820 of their detestable things 8251 and their abominations, 8441 I will recompense 5414-1 their way 1870 upon their own heads, 7218 saith 5002-7 the Lord 136 GOD. 3069

11:22 Then did the cherubims 3742 lift up 5375-4 their wings, 3671 and the wheels 212 beside 5980 them; and the glory 3519 of the God 430 of Israel 3478 [was] over them above. 4605

11:23 And the glory 3519 of the LORD 3068 went up 5927-4 from the midst 8432 of the city, 5892 and stood 5975-4 upon the mountain 2022 which [is] on the east side 6924 of the city. 5892

11:24 Afterwards the spirit 7307 took me up, 5375-1 and brought 935-55 me in a vision 4758 by the Spirit 7307 of God 430 into Chaldea, 3778 to them of the captivity. 1473 So the vision 4758 that I had seen 7200-1 went up 5927-4 from me.

11:25 Then I spake 1696-17 unto them of the captivity 1473 all the things 1697 that the LORD 3068 had shewed 7200-52 me.


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