V.1 And the LORD 3068 said 559-4 unto Moses, 4872 Hew 6458-3 thee two 8147 tables 3871 of stone 68 like unto the first: 7223 and I will write 3789-1 upon [these] tables 3871 the words 1697 that were in the first 7223 tables, 3871 which thou brakest. 7665-14

34:2 And be ready 3559-12 in the morning, 1242 and come up 5927-1 in the morning 1242 unto mount 2022 Sinai, 5514 and present 5324-8 thyself there to me in the top 7218 of the mount. 2022

34:3 And no man 376 shall come up 5927-4 with thee, neither 408 let any man 376 be seen 7200-11 throughout all the mount; 2022 neither 408 let the flocks 6629 nor herds 1241 feed 7462-4 before 4136 that mount. 2022

34:4 And he hewed 6458-4 two 8147 tables 3871 of stone 68 like unto the first; 7223 and Moses 4872 rose up early 7925- 55 in the morning, 1242 and went up 5927-4 unto mount 2022 Sinai, 5514 as the LORD 3068 had commanded 6680-14 him, and took 3947-4 in his hand 3027 the two 8147 tables 3871 of stone. 68

34:5 And the LORD 3068 descended 3381-4 in the cloud, 6051 and stood 3320-101 with him there, and proclaimed 7121-4 the name 8034 of the LORD. 3068

34:6 And the LORD 3068 passed by 5674-4 before him, 6440 and proclaimed, 7121-4 The LORD, 3068 The LORD 3068 God, 410 merciful 7349 and gracious, 2587 longsuffering, 750 639 and abundant 7227 in goodness 2617 and truth, 571

34:7 Keeping 5341-6 mercy 2617 for thousands, 505 forgiving 5375-6 iniquity 5771 and transgression 6588 and sin, 2403 and that will by no means 5352-15 clear 5352-17 [the guilty]; visiting 6485-6 the iniquity 5771 of the fathers 1 upon the children, 1121 and upon the children's 1121 children, 1121 unto the third 8029 and to the fourth 7256 [generation].

34:8 And Moses 4872 made haste, 4116-17 and bowed his head 6915-4 toward the earth, 776 and worshipped. 7812-101

34:9 And he said, 559-4 If now I have found 4672-1 grace 2580 in thy sight, 5869 O Lord, 136 let my Lord, 136 I pray thee, go 3212-4 among 7130 us; for it [is] a stiffnecked 7186 6203 people; 5971 and pardon 5545-1 our iniquity 5771 and our sin, 2403 and take us for thine inheritance. 5157-1

34:10 And he said, 559-4 Behold, I make 3772-6 a covenant: 1285 before all thy people 5971 I will do 6213-4 marvels, 6381-12 such as have not been done 1254-8 in all the earth, 776 nor in any nation: 1471 and all the people 5971 among 7130 which thou [art] shall see 7200-1 the work 4639 of the LORD: 3068 for it [is] a terrible 3372-12 thing that I will do 6213-6 with thee.

34:11 Observe 8104-3 thou that which I command 6680-18 thee this day: 3117 behold, I drive out 1644-6 before 6440 thee the Amorite, 567 and the Canaanite, 3669 and the Hittite, 2850 and the Perizzite, 6522 and the Hivite, 2340 and the Jebusite. 2983

34:12 Take heed 8104-10 to thyself, lest thou make 3772-4 a covenant 1285 with the inhabitants 3427-6 of the land 776 whither thou goest, 935-6 lest it be for a snare 4170 in the midst 7130 of thee:

34:13 But ye shall destroy 5422-4 their altars, 4196 break 7665-17 their images, 4676 and cut down 3772-4 their groves: 842

34:14 For thou shalt worship 7812-101 no other 312 god: 410 for the LORD, 3068 whose name 8034 [is] Jealous, 7067 [is] a jealous 7067 God: 410

34:15 Lest thou make 3772-4 a covenant 1285 with the inhabitants 3427-6 of the land, 776 and they go a whoring 2181-1 after 310 their gods, 430 and do sacrifice 2076-1 unto their gods, 430 and [one] call 7121-1 thee, and thou eat 398- 1 of his sacrifice; 2077

34:16 And thou take 3947-1 of their daughters 1323 unto thy sons, 1121 and their daughters 1323 go a whoring 2181-1 after 310 their gods, 430 and make thy sons 1121 go a whoring 2181- 52 after 310 their gods. 430

34:17 Thou shalt make 6213-4 thee no molten 4541 gods. 430

34:18 The feast 2282 of unleavened bread 4682 shalt thou keep. 8104-4 Seven 7651 days 3117 thou shalt eat 398-4 unleavened bread, 4682 as I commanded 6680-14 thee, in the time 4150 of the month 2320 Abib: 24 for in the month 2320 Abib 24 thou camest out 3318-1 from Egypt. 4714

34:19 All that openeth 6363 the matrix 7358 [is] mine; and every firstling 6363 among thy cattle, 4735 [whether] ox 7794 or sheep, 7716 [that is male]. 2142-11

34:20 But the firstling 6363 of an ass 2543 thou shalt redeem 6299-4 with a lamb: 7716 and if thou redeem 6299-4 [him] not, then shalt thou break his neck. 6202-1 All the firstborn 1060 of thy sons 1121 thou shalt redeem. 6299-4 And none shall appear 7200-11 before 6440 me empty. 7387

34:21 Six 8337 days 3117 thou shalt work, 5647-4 but on the seventh 7637 day 3117 thou shalt rest: 7673-4 in earing time 2758 and in harvest 7105 thou shalt rest. 7673-4

34:22 And thou shalt observe 6213-4 the feast 2282 of weeks, 7620 of the firstfruits 1061 of wheat 2406 harvest, 7105 and the feast 2282 of ingathering 614 at the year's 8141 end. 8622

34:23 Thrice 6471 7969 in the year 8141 shall all your men children 2138 appear 7200-11 before 6440 the Lord 113 GOD, 3068 the God 430 of Israel. 3478

34:24 For I will cast out 3423-55 the nations 1471 before 6440 thee, and enlarge 7337-52 thy borders: 1366 neither shall any man 376 desire 2530-4 thy land, 776 when thou shalt go up 5927-2 to appear 7200-9 before 6440 the LORD 3068 thy God 430 thrice 6471 7969 in the year. 8141

34:25 Thou shalt not offer 7819-4 the blood 1818 of my sacrifice 2077 with leaven; 2557 neither shall the sacrifice 2077 of the feast 2282 of the passover 6453 be left 3885-4 unto the morning. 1242

34:26 The first 7225 of the firstfruits 1061 of thy land 127 thou shalt bring 935-55 unto the house 1004 of the LORD 3068 thy God. 430 Thou shalt not seethe 1310-17 a kid 1423 in his mother's 517 milk. 2461

34:27 And the LORD 3068 said 559-4 unto Moses, 4872 Write 3789-3 thou these words: 1697 for after the tenor 6310 of these words 1697 I have made 3772-1 a covenant 1285 with thee and with Israel. 3478

34:28 And he was there with the LORD 3068 forty 705 days 3117 and forty 705 nights; 3915 he did neither eat 398-1 bread, 3899 nor drink 8354-1 water. 4325 And he wrote 3789-4 upon the tables 3871 the words 1697 of the covenant, 1285 the ten 6235 commandments. 1697

34:29 And it came to pass, when Moses 4872 came down 3381-2 from mount 2022 Sinai 5514 with the two 8147 tables 3871 of testimony 5715 in Moses' 4872 hand, 3027 when he came down 3381-2 from the mount, 2022 that Moses 4872 wist 3045-1 not that the skin 5785 of his face 6440 shone 7160-1 while he talked 1696-15 with him.

34:30 And when Aaron 175 and all the children 1121 of Israel 3478 saw 7200-4 Moses, 4872 behold, the skin 5785 of his face 6440 shone; 7160-1 and they were afraid 3372-4 to come nigh 5066-2 him.

34:31 And Moses 4872 called 7121-4 unto them; and Aaron 175 and all the rulers 5387 of the congregation 5712 returned 7725-4 unto him: and Moses 4872 talked 1696-17 with them.

34:32 And afterward 310 all the children 1121 of Israel 3478 came nigh: 5066-8 and he gave them in commandment 6680-17 all that the LORD 3068 had spoken 1696-14 with him in mount 2022 Sinai. 5514

34:33 And [till] Moses 4872 had done 3615-17 speaking 1696-15 with them, he put 5414-4 a vail 4533 on his face. 6440

34:34 But when Moses 4872 went in 935-2 before 6440 the LORD 3068 to speak 1696-15 with him, he took the vail 4533 off, 5493-55 until he came out. 3318-2 And he came out, 3318-1 and spake 1696-14 unto the children 1121 of Israel 3478 [that] which he was commanded. 6680-29

34:35 And the children 1121 of Israel 3478 saw 7200-1 the face 6440 of Moses, 4872 that the skin 5785 of Moses' 4872 face 6440 shone: 7160-1 and Moses 4872 put the vail 4533 upon his face 6440 again, 7725-52 until he went in 935-2 to speak 1696-15 with him.


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