V.1 And the LORD 3068 spake 1696-17 unto Moses, 4872 saying, 559-2

14:2 Speak 1696-16 unto the children 1121 of Israel, 3478 that they turn 7725-4 and encamp 2583-4 before 6440 Pihahiroth, 6367 between Migdol 4024 and the sea, 3220 over against 6440 Baalzephon: 1189 before 5226 it shall ye encamp 2583-4 by the sea. 3220

14:3 For Pharaoh 6547 will say 559-1 of the children 1121 of Israel, 3478 They [are] entangled 943-12 in the land, 776 the wilderness 4057 hath shut 5462-1 them in.

14:4 And I will harden 2388-14 Pharaoh's 6547 heart, 3820 that he shall follow 7291-1 after 310 them; and I will be honoured 3513-11 upon Pharaoh, 6547 and upon all his host; 2428 that the Egyptians 4714 may know 3045-1 that I [am] the LORD. 3068 And they did 6213-4 so.

14:5 And it was told 5046-93 the king 4428 of Egypt 4714 that the people 5971 fled: 1272-1 and the heart 3824 of Pharaoh 6547 and of his servants 5650 was turned 2015-11 against the people, 5971 and they said, 559-4 Why have we done 6213-1 this, that we have let Israel 3478 go 7971-14 from serving 5647-2 us?

14:6 And he made ready 631-4 his chariot, 7393 and took 3947- 1 his people 5971 with him:

14:7 And he took 3947-4 six 8337 hundred 3967 chosen 977-7 chariots, 7393 and all the chariots 7393 of Egypt, 4714 and captains 7991 over every one of them.

14:8 And the LORD 3068 hardened 2388-17 the heart 3820 of Pharaoh 6547 king 4428 of Egypt, 4714 and he pursued 7291-4 after 310 the children 1121 of Israel: 3478 and the children 1121 of Israel 3478 went out 3318-6 with an high 7311-6 hand. 3027

14:9 But the Egyptians 4714 pursued 7291-4 after 310 them, all the horses 5483 [and] chariots 7393 of Pharaoh, 6547 and his horsemen, 6571 and his army, 2428 and overtook 5381-55 them encamping 2583-6 by the sea, 3220 beside Pihahiroth, 6367 before 6440 Baalzephon. 1189

14:10 And when Pharaoh 6547 drew nigh, 7126-52 the children 1121 of Israel 3478 lifted up 5375-4 their eyes, 5869 and, behold, the Egyptians 4714 marched 5265-6 after 310 them; and they were sore 3966 afraid: 3372-4 and the children 1121 of Israel 3478 cried out 6817-4 unto the LORD. 3068

14:11 And they said 559-4 unto Moses, 4872 Because [there were] no graves 6913 in Egypt, 4714 hast thou taken us away 3947-1 to die 4191-2 in the wilderness? 4057 wherefore hast thou dealt 6213-1 thus 2063 with us, to carry us forth 3318- 53 out of Egypt? 4714

14:12 [Is] not this the word 1697 that we did tell 1696-14 thee in Egypt, 4714 saying, 559-2 Let us alone, 2308-3 that we may serve 5647-4 the Egyptians? 4714 For [it had been] better 2896 for us to serve 5647-2 the Egyptians, 4714 than that we should die 4191-2 in the wilderness. 4057

14:13 And Moses 4872 said 559-4 unto the people, 5971 Fear 3372-4 ye not, stand still, 3320-100 and see 7200-3 the salvation 3444 of the LORD, 3068 which he will shew 6213-4 to you to day: 3117 for the Egyptians 4714 whom ye have seen 7200-1 to day, 3117 ye shall see 7200-2 them again 3254-55 no more for 5704 ever. 5769

14:14 The LORD 3068 shall fight 3898-11 for you, and ye shall hold your peace. 2790-55

14:15 And the LORD 3068 said 559-4 unto Moses, 4872 Wherefore criest 6817-4 thou unto me? speak 1696-16 unto the children 1121 of Israel, 3478 that they go forward: 5265-4

14:16 But lift thou up 7311-54 thy rod, 4294 and stretch out 5186-3 thine hand 3027 over the sea, 3220 and divide 1234-3 it: and the children 1121 of Israel 3478 shall go 935-4 on dry 3004 [ground] through the midst 8432 of the sea. 3220

14:17 And I, behold, I will harden 2388-18 the hearts 3820 of the Egyptians, 4714 and they shall follow 935-4 310 them: and I will get me honour 3513-11 upon Pharaoh, 6547 and upon all his host, 2428 upon his chariots, 7393 and upon his horsemen. 6571

14:18 And the Egyptians 4714 shall know 3045-1 that I [am] the LORD, 3068 when I have gotten me honour 3513-9 upon Pharaoh, 6547 upon his chariots, 7393 and upon his horsemen. 6571

14:19 And the angel 4397 of God, 430 which went 1980-6 before 6440 the camp 4264 of Israel, 3478 removed 5265-4 and went 3212-4 behind 310 them; and the pillar 5982 of the cloud 6051 went 5265-4 from before their face, 6440 and stood 5975-4 behind 310 them:

14:20 And it came 935-4 between the camp 4264 of the Egyptians 4714 and the camp 4264 of Israel; 3478 and it was a cloud 6051 and darkness 2822 [to them], but it gave light 215-55 by night 3915 [to these]: so that the one 2088 came not near 7126-1 the other 2088 all the night. 3915

14:21 And Moses 4872 stretched out 5186-4 his hand 3027 over the sea; 3220 and the LORD 3068 caused the sea 3220 to go 3212-55 [back] by a strong 5794 east 6921 wind 7307 all that night, 3915 and made 7760-4 the sea 3220 dry 2724 [land], and the waters 4325 were divided. 1234-11

14:22 And the children 1121 of Israel 3478 went 935-4 into the midst 8432 of the sea 3220 upon the dry 3004 [ground]: and the waters 4325 [were] a wall 2346 unto them on their right hand, 3225 and on their left. 8040

14:23 And the Egyptians 4714 pursued, 7291-4 and went in 935- 4 after 310 them to the midst 8432 of the sea, 3220 [even] all Pharaoh's 6547 horses, 5483 his chariots, 7393 and his horsemen. 6571

14:24 And it came to pass, that in the morning 1242 watch 821 the LORD 3068 looked 8259-55 unto the host 4264 of the Egyptians 4714 through the pillar 5982 of fire 784 and of the cloud, 6051 and troubled 2000-4 the host 4264 of the Egyptians, 4714

14:25 And took off 5493-55 their chariot 4818 wheels, 212 that they drave 5090-17 them heavily: 3517 so that the Egyptians 4714 said, 559-4 Let us flee 5127-4 from the face 6440 of Israel; 3478 for the LORD 3068 fighteth 3898-12 for them against the Egyptians. 4714

14:26 And the LORD 3068 said 559-4 unto Moses, 4872 Stretch out 5186-3 thine hand 3027 over the sea, 3220 that the waters 4325 may come again 7725-4 upon the Egyptians, 4714 upon their chariots, 7393 and upon their horsemen. 6571

14:27 And Moses 4872 stretched forth 5186-4 his hand 3027 over the sea, 3220 and the sea 3220 returned 7725-4 to his strength 386 when the morning 1242 appeared; 6437-2 and the Egyptians 4714 fled 5127-5 against 7125-2 it; and the LORD 3068 overthrew 5287-17 the Egyptians 4714 in the midst 8432 of the sea. 3220

14:28 And the waters 4325 returned, 7725-4 and covered 3680- 17 the chariots, 7393 and the horsemen, 6571 [and] all the host 2428 of Pharaoh 6547 that came 935-6 into the sea 3220 after 310 them; there remained 7604-8 not so much as 5704 one 259 of them.

14:29 But the children 1121 of Israel 3478 walked 1980-1 upon dry 3004 [land] in the midst 8432 of the sea; 3220 and the waters 4325 [were] a wall 2346 unto them on their right hand, 3225 and on their left. 8040

14:30 Thus the LORD 3068 saved 3467-55 Israel 3478 that day 3117 out of the hand 3027 of the Egyptians; 4714 and Israel 3478 saw 7200-4 the Egyptians 4714 dead 4191-5 upon the sea 3220 shore. 8193

14:31 And Israel 3478 saw 7200-4 that great 1419 work 3027 which the LORD 3068 did 6213-1 upon the Egyptians: 4714 and the people 5971 feared 3372-4 the LORD, 3068 and believed 539-55 the LORD, 3068 and his servant 5650 Moses. 4872


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