V.1 If [one] be found 4672-11 slain 2491 in the land 127 which the LORD 3068 thy God 430 giveth 5414-6 thee to possess 3423-2 it, lying 5307-6 in the field, 7704 [and] it be not known 3045-8 who hath slain 5221-52 him:

21:2 Then thy elders 2205 and thy judges 8199-6 shall come forth, 3318-1 and they shall measure 4058-1 unto the cities 5892 which [are] round about 5439 him that is slain: 2491

21:3 And it shall be, [that] the city 5892 [which is] next 7138 unto the slain man, 2491 even the elders 2205 of that city 5892 shall take 3947-1 an heifer, 1241 5697 which hath not been wrought 5647-27 with, [and] which hath not drawn 4900-1 in the yoke; 5923

21:4 And the elders 2205 of that city 5892 shall bring down 3381-52 the heifer 5697 unto a rough 386 valley, 5158 which is neither eared 5647-11 nor sown, 2232-11 and shall strike off the heifer's 5697 neck 6202-1 there in the valley: 5158

21:5 And the priests 3548 the sons 1121 of Levi 3878 shall come near; 5066-8 for them the LORD 3068 thy God 430 hath chosen 977-1 to minister 8334-15 unto him, and to bless 1288- 15 in the name 8034 of the LORD; 3068 and by their word 6310 shall every controversy 7379 and every stroke 5061 be [tried]:

21:6 And all the elders 2205 of that city, 5892 [that are] next 7138 unto the slain 2491 [man], shall wash 7364-4 their hands 3027 over the heifer 5697 that is beheaded 6202-7 in the valley: 5158

21:7 And they shall answer 6030-1 and say, 559-1 Our hands 3027 have not shed 8210-1 this blood, 1818 neither have our eyes 5869 seen 7200-1 [it].

21:8 Be merciful, 3722-16 O LORD, 3068 unto thy people 5971 Israel, 3478 whom thou hast redeemed, 6299-1 and lay 5414-4 not innocent 5355 blood 1818 unto thy people 5971 of Israel's 3478 charge. 7130 And the blood 1818 shall be forgiven 3722- 98 them.

21:9 So shalt thou put away 1197-17 the [guilt of] innocent 5355 blood 1818 from among 7130 you, when thou shalt do 6213- 4 [that which is] right 3477 in the sight 5869 of the LORD. 3068

21:10 When thou goest forth 3318-4 to war 4421 against thine enemies, 341-6 and the LORD 3068 thy God 430 hath delivered 5414-1 them into thine hands, 3027 and thou hast taken 7617-1 them captive, 7628

21:11 And seest 7200-1 among the captives 7633 a beautiful 8389 3303 woman, 802 and hast a desire 2836-1 unto her, that thou wouldest have 3947-1 her to thy wife; 802

21:12 Then thou shalt bring 935-52 her home to 8432 thine house; 1004 and she shall shave 1548-14 her head, 7218 and pare 6213-1 her nails; 6856

21:13 And she shall put 5493-52 the raiment 8071 of her captivity 7628 from off her, and shall remain 3427-1 in thine house, 1004 and bewail 1058-1 her father 1 and her mother 517 a full month: 3391 3117 and after 310 that thou shalt go in 935-4 unto her, and be her husband, 1166-1 and she shall be thy wife. 802

21:14 And it shall be, if thou have no delight 2654-1 in her, then thou shalt let her go 7971-14 whither she will; 5315 but thou shalt not sell 4376-4 her at all 4376-2 for money, 3701 thou shalt not make merchandise 6014-101 of her, because 834 thou hast humbled 6031-14 her.

21:15 If a man 376 have two 8147 wives, 802 one 259 beloved, 157-7 and another 259 hated, 8130-7 and they have born 3205-1 him children, 1121 [both] the beloved 157-7 and the hated; 8130-7 and [if] the firstborn 1060 son 1121 be hers that was hated: 8146

21:16 Then it shall be, when 3117 he maketh his sons 1121 to inherit 5157-53 [that] which he hath, [that] he may 3201-4 not make the son 1121 of the beloved 157-7 firstborn 1069-15 before 6440 the son 1121 of the hated, 8130-7 [which is indeed] the firstborn: 1060

21:17 But he shall acknowledge 5234-55 the son 1121 of the hated 8130-7 [for] the firstborn, 1060 by giving 5414-2 him a double 8147 portion 6310 of all that he hath: 4672-11 for he [is] the beginning 7225 of his strength; 202 the right 4941 of the firstborn 1062 [is] his.

21:18 If a man 376 have a stubborn 5637-6 and rebellious 4784-6 son, 1121 which will not obey 8085-6 the voice 6963 of his father, 1 or the voice 6963 of his mother, 517 and [that], when they have chastened 3256-14 him, will not hearken 8085-4 unto them:

21:19 Then shall his father 1 and his mother 517 lay hold 8610-1 on him, and bring him out 3318-52 unto the elders 2205 of his city, 5892 and unto the gate 8179 of his place; 4725

21:20 And they shall say 559-1 unto the elders 2205 of his city, 5892 This our son 1121 [is] stubborn 5637-6 and rebellious, 4784-6 he will not obey 8085-6 our voice; 6963 [he is] a glutton, 2151-6 and a drunkard. 5433-6

21:21 And all the men 582 of his city 5892 shall stone 7275-1 him with stones, 68 that he die: 4191-1 so shalt thou put evil 7451 away 1197-14 from among 7130 you; and all Israel 3478 shall hear, 8085-4 and fear. 3372-4

21:22 And if a man 376 have committed a sin 2399 worthy 4941 of death, 4194 and he be to be put to death, 4191-90 and thou hang 8518-1 him on a tree: 6086

21:23 His body 5038 shall not remain 3885-4 all night upon the tree, 6086 but thou shalt in any wise 6912-2 bury 6912-4 him that day; 3117 (for he that is hanged 8518-7 [is] accursed 7045 of God;) 430 that thy land 127 be not defiled, 2930-17 which the LORD 3068 thy God 430 giveth 5414-6 thee [for] an inheritance. 5159


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