V.1 And again 3254-55 the anger 639 of the LORD 3068 was kindled 2734-2 against Israel, 3478 and he moved 5496-55 David 1732 against them to say, 559-2 Go, 3212-3 number 4487- 3 Israel 3478 and Judah. 3063

24:2 For the king 4428 said 559-4 to Joab 3097 the captain 8269 of the host, 2428 which [was] with him, Go now through 7751-3 all the tribes 7626 of Israel, 3478 from Dan 1835 even to Beersheba, 884 and number 6485-3 ye the people, 5971 that I may know 3045-1 the number 4557 of the people. 5971

24:3 And Joab 3097 said 559-4 unto the king, 4428 Now the LORD 3068 thy God 430 add 3254-55 unto the people, 5971 how many soever 1992 they be, an hundredfold, 3967 6471 and that the eyes 5869 of my lord 113 the king 4428 may see 7200-6 [it]: but why doth my lord 113 the king 4428 delight 2654-1 in this thing? 1697

24:4 Notwithstanding the king's 4428 word 1697 prevailed 2388-4 against Joab, 3097 and against the captains 8269 of the host. 2428 And Joab 3097 and the captains 8269 of the host 2428 went out 3318-4 from the presence 6440 of the king, 4428 to number 6485-2 the people 5971 of Israel. 3478

24:5 And they passed over 5674-4 Jordan, 3383 and pitched 2583-4 in Aroer, 6177 on the right side 3225 of the city 5892 that [lieth] in the midst 8432 of the river 5158 of Gad, 1410 and toward Jazer: 3270

24:6 Then they came 935-4 to Gilead, 1568 and to the land 776 of Tahtimhodshi; 8483 and they came 935-4 to Danjaan, 1842 and about 5439 to Zidon, 6721

24:7 And came 935-4 to the strong hold 4013 of Tyre, 6865 and to all the cities 5892 of the Hivites, 2340 and of the Canaanites: 3669 and they went out 3318-4 to the south 5045 of Judah, 3063 [even] to Beersheba. 884

24:8 So when they had gone 7751-4 through all the land, 776 they came 935-4 to Jerusalem 3389 at the end 7097 of nine 8672 months 2320 and twenty 6242 days. 3117

24:9 And Joab 3097 gave up 5414-4 the sum 4557 of the number 4662 of the people 5971 unto the king: 4428 and there were in Israel 3478 eight 8083 hundred 3967 thousand 505 valiant 2428 men 376 that drew 8025-6 the sword; 2719 and the men 376 of Judah 3063 [were] five 2568 hundred 3967 thousand 505 men. 376

24:10 And David's 1732 heart 3820 smote 5221-55 him after 310 that he had numbered 5608-1 the people. 5971 And David 1732 said 559-4 unto the LORD, 3068 I have sinned 2398-1 greatly 3966 in that I have done: 6213-1 and now, I beseech thee, O LORD, 3068 take away 5674-54 the iniquity 5771 of thy servant; 5650 for I have done very 3966 foolishly. 5528-8

24:11 For when David 1732 was up 6965-4 in the morning, 1242 the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came unto the prophet 5030 Gad, 1410 David's 1732 seer, 2374 saying, 559-2

24:12 Go 1980-2 and say 1696-14 unto David, 1732 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD, 3068 I offer 5190-6 thee three 7969 [things]; choose 977-3 thee one 259 of them, that I may 6213-4 [do it] unto thee.

24:13 So Gad 1410 came 935-4 to David, 1732 and told 5046-55 him, and said 559-4 unto him, Shall seven 7651 years 8141 of famine 7458 come 935-4 unto thee in thy land? 776 or wilt thou flee 5127-2 three 7969 months 2320 before 6440 thine enemies, 6862 while they pursue 7291-6 thee? or that there be three 7969 days' 3117 pestilence 1698 in thy land? 776 now advise, 3045-3 and see 7200-3 what answer 1697 I shall return 7725-55 to him that sent 7971-6 me.

24:14 And David 1732 said 559-4 unto Gad, 1410 I am in a great 3966 strait: 6887-1 let us fall 5307-4 now into the hand 3027 of the LORD; 3068 for his mercies 7356 [are] great: 7227 and let me not fall 5307-4 into the hand 3027 of man. 120

24:15 So the LORD 3068 sent 5414-4 a pestilence 1698 upon Israel 3478 from the morning 1242 even to the time 6256 appointed: 4150 and there died 4191-4 of the people 5971 from Dan 1835 even to Beersheba 884 seventy 7657 thousand 505 men. 376

24:16 And when the angel 4397 stretched out 7971-4 his hand 3027 upon Jerusalem 3389 to destroy 7843-15 it, the LORD 3068 repented 5162-11 him of the evil, 7451 and said 559-4 to the angel 4397 that destroyed 7843-56 the people, 5971 It is enough: 7227 stay 7503-54 now thine hand. 3027 And the angel 4397 of the LORD 3068 was by the threshingplace 1637 of Araunah 728 the Jebusite. 2983

24:17 And David 1732 spake 559-4 unto the LORD 3068 when he saw 7200-2 the angel 4397 that smote 5221-56 the people, 5971 and said, 559-4 Lo, I have sinned, 2398-1 and I have done wickedly: 5753-52 but these sheep, 6629 what have they done? 6213-1 let thine hand, 3027 I pray thee, be against me, and against my father's 1 house. 1004

24:18 And Gad 1410 came 935-4 that day 3117 to David, 1732 and said 559-4 unto him, Go up, 5927-3 rear 6965-54 an altar 4196 unto the LORD 3068 in the threshingfloor 1637 of Araunah 728 the Jebusite. 2983

24:19 And David, 1732 according to the saying 1697 of Gad, 1410 went up 5927-4 as the LORD 3068 commanded. 6680-14

24:20 And Araunah 728 looked, 8259-55 and saw 7200-4 the king 4428 and his servants 5650 coming on 5674-6 toward him: and Araunah 728 went out, 3318-4 and bowed 7812-101 himself before the king 4428 on his face 639 upon the ground. 776

24:21 And Araunah 728 said, 559-4 Wherefore is my lord 113 the king 4428 come 935-1 to his servant? 5650 And David 1732 said, 559-4 To buy 7069-2 the threshingfloor 1637 of thee, to build 1129-2 an altar 4196 unto the LORD, 3068 that the plague 4046 may be stayed 6113-11 from the people. 5971

24:22 And Araunah 728 said 559-4 unto David, 1732 Let my lord 113 the king 4428 take 3947-4 and offer up 5927-55 what [seemeth] good 2896 unto him: 5869 behold, 7200-3 [here be] oxen 1241 for burnt sacrifice, 5930 and threshing instruments 4173 and [other] instruments 3627 of the oxen 1241 for wood. 6086

24:23 All these [things] did Araunah, 728 [as] a king, 4428 give 5414-1 unto the king. 4428 And Araunah 728 said 559-4 unto the king, 4428 The LORD 3068 thy God 430 accept 7521-4 thee.

24:24 And the king 4428 said 559-4 unto Araunah, 728 Nay; but I will surely 7069-2 buy 7069-4 [it] of thee at a price: 4242 neither will I offer 5927-55 burnt offerings 5930 unto the LORD 3068 my God 430 of that which doth cost me nothing. 2600 So David 1732 bought 7069-4 the threshingfloor 1637 and the oxen 1241 for fifty 2572 shekels 8255 of silver. 3701

24:25 And David 1732 built 1129-4 there an altar 4196 unto the LORD, 3068 and offered 5927-55 burnt offerings 5930 and peace offerings. 8002 So the LORD 3068 was intreated 6279-11 for the land, 776 and the plague 4046 was stayed 6113-11 from Israel. 3478


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