V.1 Now there cried 6817-1 a certain 259 woman 802 of the wives 802 of the sons 1121 of the prophets 5030 unto Elisha, 477 saying, 559-2 Thy servant 5650 my husband 376 is dead; 4191-1 and thou knowest 3045-1 that thy servant 5650 did fear 3373 the LORD: 3068 and the creditor 5383-6 is come 935-1 to take 3947-2 unto him my two 8147 sons 3206 to be bondmen. 5650

4:2 And Elisha 477 said 559-4 unto her, What shall I do 6213- 4 for thee? tell 5046-54 me, what hast 3426 thou in the house? 1004 And she said, 559-4 Thine handmaid 8198 hath not any thing in the house, 1004 save a pot 610 of oil. 8081

4:3 Then he said, 559-4 Go, 3212-3 borrow 7592-3 thee vessels 3627 abroad 2351 of all thy neighbours, 7934 [even] empty 7386 vessels; 3627 borrow not a few. 4591-55

4:4 And when thou art come in, 935-1 thou shalt shut 5462-1 the door 1817 upon thee and upon thy sons, 1121 and shalt pour 3332-1 out into all those vessels, 3627 and thou shalt set aside 5265-55 that which is full. 4392

4:5 So she went 3212-4 from him, and shut 5462-4 the door 1817 upon her 1157 and upon 1157 her sons, 1121 who 1992 brought 5066-56 [the vessels] to her; and she poured out. 3332-94

4:6 And it came to pass, when the vessels 3627 were full, 4390-2 that she said 559-4 unto her son, 1121 Bring 5066-54 me yet a vessel. 3627 And he said 559-4 unto her, [There is] not a vessel 3627 more. And the oil 8081 stayed. 5975-4

4:7 Then she came 935-4-k and told 5046-55 the man 376 of God. 430 And he said, 559-4 Go, 3212-3 sell 4376-3 the oil, 8081 and pay 7999-16 thy debt, 5386 and live 2421-4 thou and thy children 1121 of the rest. 3498-12

4:8 And it fell on a day, 3117 that Elisha 477 passed 5674-4 to Shunem, 7766 where [was] a great 1419 woman; 802 and she constrained 2388-55 him to eat 398-2 bread. 3899 And [so] it was, [that] as oft 1767 as he passed by, 5674-2 he turned in 5493-4 thither to eat 398-2 bread. 3899

4:9 And she said 559-4 unto her husband, 376 Behold now, I perceive 3045-1 that this [is] an holy 6918 man 376 of God, 430 which passeth by 5674-6 us continually. 8548

4:10 Let us make 6213-4 a little 6996 chamber, 5944 I pray thee, on the wall; 7023 and let us set 7760-4 for him there a bed, 4296 and a table, 7979 and a stool, 3678 and a candlestick: 4501 and it shall be, when he cometh 935-2 to us, that he shall turn in 5493-4 thither.

4:11 And it fell on a day, 3117 that he came 935-4 thither, and he turned 5493-4 into the chamber, 5944 and lay 7901-4 there.

4:12 And he said 559-4 to Gehazi 1522 his servant, 5288 Call 7121-3 this Shunammite. 7767 And when he had called 7121-4 her, she stood 5975-4 before 6440 him.

4:13 And he said 559-4 unto him, Say 559-3 now unto her, Behold, thou hast been careful 2729-1 for us with all this care; 2731 what [is] to be done 6213-2 for thee? wouldest 3426 thou be spoken 1696-15 for to the king, 4428 or to the captain 8269 of the host? 6635 And she answered, 559-4 I dwell 3427-6 among 8432 mine own people. 5971

4:14 And he said, 559-4 What then [is] to be done 6213-2 for her? And Gehazi 1522 answered, 559-4 Verily 61 she hath no child, 1121 and her husband 376 is old. 2204-1

4:15 And he said, 559-4 Call 7121-3 her. And when he had called 7121-4 her, she stood 5975-4 in the door. 6607

4:16 And he said, 559-4 About this season, 4150 according to the time 6256 of life, 2416 thou shalt embrace 2263-6 a son. 1121 And she said, 559-4 Nay, my lord, 113 [thou] man 376 of God, 430 do not lie 3576-17 unto thine handmaid. 8198

4:17 And the woman 802 conceived, 2029-4 and bare 3205-4 a son 1121 at that season 4150 that Elisha 477 had said 1696-14 unto her, according to the time 6256 of life. 2416

4:18 And when the child 3206 was grown, 1431-4 it fell on a day, 3117 that he went out 3318-4 to his father 1 to the reapers. 7114-6

4:19 And he said 559-4 unto his father, 1 My head, 7218 my head. 7218 And he said 559-4 to a lad, 5288 Carry 5375-3 him to his mother. 517

4:20 And when he had taken 5375-4 him, and brought 935-55 him to his mother, 517 he sat 3427-4 on her knees 1290 till noon, 6672 and [then] died. 4191-4

4:21 And she went up, 5927-4 and laid 7901-55 him on the bed 4296 of the man 376 of God, 430 and shut 5462-4 [the door] upon him, and went out. 3318-4

4:22 And she called 7121-4 unto her husband, 376 and said, 559-4 Send 7971-3 me, I pray thee, one 259 of the young men, 5288 and one 259 of the asses, 860 that I may run 7323-4 to the man 376 of God, 430 and come again. 7725-4

4:23 And he said, 559-4 Wherefore wilt thou go 1980-6 to him to day? 3117 [it is] neither new moon, 2320 nor sabbath. 7676 And she said, 559-4 [It shall be] well. 7965

4:24 Then she saddled 2280-4 an ass, 860 and said 559-4 to her servant, 5288 Drive, 5090-3 and go 3212-3 forward; slack 6113-4 not [thy] riding 7392-2 for me, except I bid 559-1 thee.

4:25 So she went 3212-4 and came 935-4 unto the man 376 of God 430 to mount 2022 Carmel. 3760 And it came to pass, when the man 376 of God 430 saw 7200-2 her afar off, that he said 559-4 to Gehazi 1522 his servant, 5288 Behold, [yonder is] that 1975 Shunammite: 7767

4:26 Run 7323-3 now, I pray thee, to meet 7125-2 her, and say 559-3 unto her, [Is it] well 7965 with thee? [is it] well 7965 with thy husband? 376 [is it] well 7965 with the child? 3206 And she answered, 559-4 [It is] well. 7965

4:27 And when she came 935-4 to the man 376 of God 430 to the hill, 2022 she caught 2388-55 him by the feet: 7272 but Gehazi 1522 came near 5066-4 to thrust her away. 1920-2 And the man 376 of God 430 said, 559-4 Let her alone; 7503-54 for her soul 5315 [is] vexed 4843-1 within her: and the LORD 3068 hath hid 5956-52 [it] from me, and hath not told 5046-52 me.

4:28 Then she said, 559-4 Did I desire 7592-1 a son 1121 of my lord? 113 did I not say, 559-1 Do not deceive 7952-55 me?

4:29 Then he said 559-4 to Gehazi, 1522 Gird up 2296-3 thy loins, 4975 and take 3947-3 my staff 4938 in thine hand, 3027 and go 3212-3 thy way: if thou meet 4672-4 any man, 376 salute 1288-17 him not; and if any 376 salute 1288-17 thee, answer 6030-4 him not again: and lay 7760-1 my staff 4938 upon the face 6440 of the child. 5288

4:30 And the mother 517 of the child 5288 said, 559-4 [As] the LORD 3068 liveth, 2416 and [as] thy soul 5315 liveth, 2416 I will not leave 5800-4 thee. And he arose, 6965-4 and followed 3212-4 310 her.

4:31 And Gehazi 1522 passed on 5674-1 before 6440 them, and laid 7760-4 the staff 4938 upon the face 6440 of the child; 5288 but [there was] neither voice, 6963 nor hearing. 7182 Wherefore he went again 7725-4 to meet 7125-2 him, and told 5046-55 him, saying, 559-2 The child 5288 is not awaked. 6974-52

4:32 And when Elisha 477 was come 935-4 into the house, 1004 behold, the child 5288 was dead, 4191-5 [and] laid 7901-94 upon his bed. 4296

4:33 He went in 935-4 therefore, and shut 5462-4 the door 1817 upon them twain, 8147 and prayed 6419-101 unto the LORD. 3068

4:34 And he went up, 5927-4 and lay 7901-4 upon the child, 3206 and put 7760-4 his mouth 6310 upon his mouth, 6310 and his eyes 5869 upon his eyes, 5869 and his hands 3709 upon his hands: 3709 and he stretched 1457-4 himself upon the child; and the flesh 1320 of the child 3206 waxed warm. 2552-4

4:35 Then he returned, 7725-4 and walked 3212-4 in the house 1004 to 259 2008 and fro; 259 2008 and went up, 5927-4 and stretched 1457-4 himself upon him: and the child 5288 sneezed 2237-25 seven 7651 times, 6471 and the child 5288 opened 6491-4 his eyes. 5869

4:36 And he called 7121-4 Gehazi, 1522 and said, 559-4 Call 7121-3 this Shunammite. 7767 So he called 7121-4 her. And when she was come in 935-4 unto him, he said, 559-4 Take up 5375-3 thy son. 1121

4:37 Then she went in, 935-4 and fell 5307-4 at his feet, 7272 and bowed 7812-101 herself to the ground, 776 and took up 5375-4 her son, 1121 and went out. 3318-4

4:38 And Elisha 477 came again 7725-1 to Gilgal: 1537 and [there was] a dearth 7458 in the land; 776 and the sons 1121 of the prophets 5030 [were] sitting 3427-6 before 6440 him: and he said 559-4 unto his servant, 5288 Set 8239-3 on the great 1419 pot, 5518 and seethe 1310-16 pottage 5138 for the sons 1121 of the prophets. 5030

4:39 And one 259 went out 3318-4 into the field 7704 to gather 3950-15 herbs, 219 and found 4672-4 a wild 7704 vine, 1612 and gathered 3950-17 thereof wild 7704 gourds 6498 his lap 899 full, 4393 and came 935-4 and shred 6398-17 [them] into the pot 5518 of pottage: 5138 for they knew 3045-1 [them] not.

4:40 So they poured out 3332-4 for the men 582 to eat. 398-2 And it came to pass, as they were eating 398-2 of the pottage, 5138 that they cried out, 6817-1 and said, 559-4 O [thou] man 376 of God, 430 [there is] death 4194 in the pot. 5518 And they could 3201-1 not eat 398-2 [thereof].

4:41 But he said, 559-4 Then bring 3947-3 meal. 7058 And he cast 7993-55 [it] into the pot; 5518 and he said, 559-4 Pour 3332-3 out for the people, 5971 that they may eat. 398-4 And there was no harm 1697 7451 in the pot. 5518

4:42 And there came 935-6 a man 376 from Baalshalisha, 1190 and brought 935-55 the man 376 of God 430 bread 3899 of the firstfruits, 1061 twenty 6242 loaves 3899 of barley, 8184 and full ears of corn 3759 in the husk 6861 thereof. And he said, 559-4 Give 5414-3 unto the people, 5971 that they may eat. 398-4

4:43 And his servitor 8334-18 said, 559-4 What, should I set 5414-4 this before 6440 an hundred 3967 men? 376 He said 559- 4 again, Give 5414-3 the people, 5971 that they may eat: 398- 4 for thus saith 559-1 the LORD, 3068 They shall eat, 398-2 and shall leave 3498-53 [thereof].

4:44 So he set 5414-4 [it] before 6440 them, and they did eat, 398-4 and left 3498-55 [thereof], according to the word 1697 of the LORD. 3068


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