V.1 And it came to pass at the end 7093 of twenty 6242 years, 8141 wherein Solomon 8010 had built 1129-1 the house 1004 of the LORD, 3068 and his own house, 1004

8:2 That the cities 5892 which Huram 2361 had restored 5414-1 to Solomon, 8010 Solomon 8010 built 1129-1 them, and caused the children 1121 of Israel 3478 to dwell 3427-55 there.

8:3 And Solomon 8010 went 3212-4 to Hamathzobah, 2574|6678|2578 and prevailed 2388-4 against it.

8:4 And he built 1129-4 Tadmor 8412 in the wilderness, 4057 and all the store 4543 cities, 5892 which he built 1129-1 in Hamath. 2574

8:5 Also he built 1129-4 Bethhoron 1032 the upper, 5945 and Bethhoron 1032 the nether, 8481 fenced 4692 cities, 5892 with walls, 2346 gates, 1817 and bars; 1280

8:6 And Baalath, 1191 and all the store 4543 cities 5892 that Solomon 8010 had, and all the chariot 7393 cities, 5892 and the cities 5892 of the horsemen, 6571 and all that 2837 Solomon 8010 desired 2836-1 to build 1129-2 in Jerusalem, 3389 and in Lebanon, 3844 and throughout all the land 776 of his dominion. 4475

8:7 [As for] all the people 5971 [that were] left 3498-12 of the Hittites, 2850 and the Amorites, 567 and the Perizzites, 6522 and the Hivites, 2340 and the Jebusites, 2983 which [were] not of Israel, 3478

8:8 [But] of their children, 1121 who were left 3498-8 after 310 them in the land, 776 whom the children 1121 of Israel 3478 consumed 3615-14 not, them did Solomon 8010 make to pay 5927-55 tribute 4522 until this day. 3117

8:9 But of the children 1121 of Israel 3478 did Solomon 8010 make 5414-1 no servants 5650 for his work; 4399 but they [were] men 582 of war, 4421 and chief 8269 of his captains, 7991 and captains 8269 of his chariots 7393 and horsemen. 6571

8:10 And these [were] the chief 8269 of king 4428 Solomon's 8010 officers, 5324-12|5333-k [even] two hundred 3967 and fifty, 2572 that bare rule 7287-6 over the people. 5971

8:11 And Solomon 8010 brought up 5927-52 the daughter 1323 of Pharaoh 6547 out of the city 5892 of David 1732 unto the house 1004 that he had built 1129-1 for her: for he said, 559-1 My wife 802 shall not dwell 3427-4 in the house 1004 of David 1732 king 4428 of Israel, 3478 because [the places are] holy, 6944 whereunto the ark 727 of the LORD 3068 hath come. 935-1

8:12 Then Solomon 8010 offered 5927-52 burnt offerings 5930 unto the LORD 3068 on the altar 4196 of the LORD, 3068 which he had built 1129-1 before 6440 the porch, 197

8:13 Even after a certain rate 1697 every day, 3117 3117 offering 5927-53 according to the commandment 4687 of Moses, 4872 on the sabbaths, 7676 and on the new moons, 2320 and on the solemn feasts, 4150 three 7969 times 6471 in the year, 8141 [even] in the feast 2282 of unleavened bread, 4682 and in the feast 2282 of weeks, 7620 and in the feast 2282 of tabernacles. 5521

8:14 And he appointed, 5975-55 according to the order 4941 of David 1732 his father, 1 the courses 4256 of the priests 3548 to their service, 5656 and the Levites 3881 to their charges, 4931 to praise 1984-15 and minister 8334-15 before the priests, 3548 as the duty 1697 of every day 3117 3117 required: the porters 7778 also by their courses 4256 at every gate: 8179 8179 for so had David 1732 the man 376 of God 430 commanded. 4687

8:15 And they departed 5493-1 not from the commandment 4687 of the king 4428 unto the priests 3548 and Levites 3881 concerning any matter, 1697 or concerning the treasures. 214

8:16 Now all the work 4399 of Solomon 8010 was prepared 3559- 11 unto the day 3117 of the foundation 4143 of the house 1004 of the LORD, 3068 and until it was finished. 3615-2 [So] the house 1004 of the LORD 3068 was perfected. 8003

8:17 Then went 1980-1 Solomon 8010 to Eziongeber, 6100 and to Eloth, 359 at the sea 3220 side 8193 in the land 776 of Edom. 123

8:18 And Huram 2361 sent 7971-4 him by the hands 3027 of his servants 5650 ships, 591|591-q and servants 5650 that had knowledge 3045-6 of the sea; 3220 and they went 935-4 with the servants 5650 of Solomon 8010 to Ophir, 211 and took 3947-4 thence four 702 hundred 3967 and fifty 2572 talents 3603 of gold, 2091 and brought 935-55 [them] to king 4428 Solomon. 8010


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