V.1 Then Solomon 8010 assembled 6950-55 the elders 2205 of Israel, 3478 and all the heads 7218 of the tribes, 4294 the chief 5387 of the fathers 1 of the children 1121 of Israel, 3478 unto king 4428 Solomon 8010 in Jerusalem, 3389 that they might bring up 5927-53 the ark 727 of the covenant 1285 of the LORD 3068 out of the city 5892 of David, 1732 which [is] Zion. 6726

8:2 And all the men 376 of Israel 3478 assembled 6950-11 themselves unto king 4428 Solomon 8010 at the feast 2282 in the month 3391 Ethanim, 388|386 which [is] the seventh 7637 month. 2320

8:3 And all the elders 2205 of Israel 3478 came, 935-4 and the priests 3548 took up 5375-4 the ark. 727

8:4 And they brought up 5927-55 the ark 727 of the LORD, 3068 and the tabernacle 168 of the congregation, 4150 and all the holy 6944 vessels 3627 that [were] in the tabernacle, 168 even those did the priests 3548 and the Levites 3881 bring up. 5927-55

8:5 And king 4428 Solomon, 8010 and all the congregation 5712 of Israel, 3478 that were assembled 3259-12 unto him, [were] with him before 6440 the ark, 727 sacrificing 2076-18 sheep 6629 and oxen, 1241 that could not be told 5608-11 nor numbered 4487-11 for multitude. 7230

8:6 And the priests 3548 brought in 935-55 the ark 727 of the covenant 1285 of the LORD 3068 unto his place, 4725 into the oracle 1687 of the house, 1004 to the most 6944 holy 6944 [place, even] under the wings 3671 of the cherubims. 3742

8:7 For the cherubims 3742 spread 6566-6 forth [their] two wings 3671 over the place 4725 of the ark, 727 and the cherubims 3742 covered 5526-4 the ark 727 and the staves 905 thereof above. 4605

8:8 And they drew out 748-55 the staves, 905 that the ends 7218 of the staves 905 were seen 7200-11 out in the holy 6944 [place] before 6440 the oracle, 1687 and they were not seen 7200-11 without: 2351 and there they are unto this day. 3117

8:9 [There was] nothing in the ark 727 save 7535 the two 8147 tables 3871 of stone, 68 which Moses 4872 put 3240-52 there at Horeb, 2722 when the LORD 3068 made 3772-1 [a covenant] with the children 1121 of Israel, 3478 when they came out 3318-2 of the land 776 of Egypt. 4714

8:10 And it came to pass, when the priests 3548 were come out 3318-2 of the holy 6944 [place], that the cloud 6051 filled 4390-1 the house 1004 of the LORD, 3068

8:11 So that the priests 3548 could 3201-1 not stand 5975-2 to minister 8334-15 because 6440 of the cloud: 6051 for the glory 3519 of the LORD 3068 had filled 4390-1 the house 1004 of the LORD. 3068

8:12 Then spake 559-1 Solomon, 8010 The LORD 3068 said 559-1 that he would dwell 7931-2 in the thick darkness. 6205

8:13 I have surely 1129-2 built 1129-1 thee an house 1004 to dwell in, 2073 a settled place 4349 for thee to abide in 3427-2 for ever. 5769

8:14 And the king 4428 turned his face 6440 about, 5437-55 and blessed 1288-17 all the congregation 6951 of Israel: 3478 (and all the congregation 6951 of Israel 3478 stood;) 5975-6

8:15 And he said, 559-4 Blessed 1288-7 [be] the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel, 3478 which spake 1696-14 with his mouth 6310 unto David 1732 my father, 1 and hath with his hand 3027 fulfilled 4390-14 [it], saying, 559-2

8:16 Since the day 3117 that I brought forth 3318-52 my people 5971 Israel 3478 out of Egypt, 4714 I chose 977-1 no city 5892 out of all the tribes 7626 of Israel 3478 to build 1129-2 an house, 1004 that my name 8034 might be therein; but I chose 977-4 David 1732 to be over my people 5971 Israel. 3478

8:17 And it was in the heart 3824 of David 1732 my father 1 to build 1129-2 an house 1004 for the name 8034 of the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel. 3478

8:18 And the LORD 3068 said 559-4 unto David 1732 my father, 1 Whereas 3282 834 it was in thine heart 3824 to build 1129-2 an house 1004 unto my name, 8034 thou didst well 2895-52 that it was in thine heart. 3824

8:19 Nevertheless 7535 thou shalt not build 1129-4 the house; 1004 but thy son 1121 that shall come forth 3318-6 out of thy loins, 2504 he shall build 1129-4 the house 1004 unto my name. 8034

8:20 And the LORD 3068 hath performed 6965-55 his word 1697 that he spake, 1696-14 and I am risen up 6965-4 in the room of David 1732 my father, 1 and sit 3427-4 on the throne 3678 of Israel, 3478 as the LORD 3068 promised, 1696-14 and have built 1129-4 an house 1004 for the name 8034 of the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel. 3478

8:21 And I have set 7760-4 there a place 4725 for the ark, 727 wherein [is] the covenant 1285 of the LORD, 3068 which he made 3772-1 with our fathers, 1 when he brought them out 3318-53 of the land 776 of Egypt. 4714

8:22 And Solomon 8010 stood 5975-4 before 6440 the altar 4196 of the LORD 3068 in the presence of 5048 all the congregation 6951 of Israel, 3478 and spread forth 6566-4 his hands 3709 toward heaven: 8064

8:23 And he said, 559-4 LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel, 3478 [there is] no God 430 like thee, in heaven 8064 above, 4605 or on earth 776 beneath, who keepest 8104-6 covenant 1285 and mercy 2617 with thy servants 5650 that walk 1980-6 before 6440 thee with all their heart: 3820

8:24 Who hast kept 8104-1 with thy servant 5650 David 1732 my father 1 that thou promisedst 1696-14 him: thou spakest 1696- 17 also with thy mouth, 6310 and hast fulfilled 4390-14 [it] with thine hand, 3027 as [it is] this day. 3117

8:25 Therefore now, LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel, 3478 keep 8104-3 with thy servant 5650 David 1732 my father 1 that thou promisedst 1696-14 him, saying, 559-2 There shall not fail 3772-11 thee a man 376 in my sight 6440 to sit 3427-6 on the throne 3678 of Israel; 3478 so 7535 that thy children 1121 take heed 8104-4 to their way, 1870 that they walk 3212-2 before 6440 me as thou hast walked 1980-1 before 6440 me.

8:26 And now, O God 430 of Israel, 3478 let thy word, 1697 I pray thee, be verified, 539-11 which thou spakest 1696-14 unto thy servant 5650 David 1732 my father. 1

8:27 But will God 430 indeed 552 dwell 3427-4 on the earth? 776 behold, the heaven 8064 and heaven 8064 of heavens 8064 cannot contain 3557-46 thee; how much less 637 this house 1004 that I have builded? 1129-1

8:28 Yet have thou respect 6437-1 unto the prayer 8605 of thy servant, 5650 and to his supplication, 8467 O LORD 3068 my God, 430 to hearken 8085-2 unto the cry 7440 and to the prayer, 8605 which thy servant 5650 prayeth 6419-102 before 6440 thee to day: 3117

8:29 That thine eyes 5869 may be open 6605-7 toward this house 1004 night 3915 and day, 3117 [even] toward the place 4725 of which thou hast said, 559-1 My name 8034 shall be there: that thou mayest hearken 8085-2 unto the prayer 8605 which thy servant 5650 shall make 6419-101 toward this place. 4725

8:30 And hearken 8085-1 thou to the supplication 8467 of thy servant, 5650 and of thy people 5971 Israel, 3478 when they shall pray 6419-101 toward this place: 4725 and hear 8085-4 thou in heaven 8064 thy dwelling 3427-2 place: 4725 and when thou hearest, 8085-1 forgive. 5545-1

8:31 If any man 376 trespass 2398-4 against his neighbour, 7453 and an oath 423 be laid 5375-1 upon him to cause him to swear, 422-53 and the oath 423 come 935-1 before 6440 thine altar 4196 in this house: 1004

8:32 Then hear 8085-4 thou in heaven, 8064 and do, 6213-1 and judge 8199-1 thy servants, 5650 condemning 7561-53 the wicked, 7563 to bring 5414-2 his way 1870 upon his head; 7218 and justifying 6663-53 the righteous, 6662 to give 5414-2 him according to his righteousness. 6666

8:33 When thy people 5971 Israel 3478 be smitten down 5062-9 before 6440 the enemy, 341-6 because they have sinned 2398-4 against thee, and shall turn 7725-1 again to thee, and confess 3034-52 thy name, 8034 and pray, 6419-98 and make supplication 2603-98 unto thee in this house: 1004

8:34 Then hear 8085-4 thou in heaven, 8064 and forgive 5545-1 the sin 2403 of thy people 5971 Israel, 3478 and bring them again 7725-52 unto the land 127 which thou gavest 5414-1 unto their fathers. 1

8:35 When heaven 8064 is shut up, 6113-9 and there is no rain, 4306 because they have sinned 2398-4 against thee; if they pray 6419-98 toward this place, 4725 and confess 3034-52 thy name, 8034 and turn 7725-4 from their sin, 2403 when thou afflictest 6031-55 them:

8:36 Then hear 8085-4 thou in heaven, 8064 and forgive 5545-1 the sin 2403 of thy servants, 5650 and of thy people 5971 Israel, 3478 that thou teach 3384-55 them the good 2896 way 1870 wherein they should walk, 3212-4 and give 5414-1 rain 4306 upon thy land, 776 which thou hast given 5414-1 to thy people 5971 for an inheritance. 5159

8:37 If there be in the land 776 famine, 7458 if there be pestilence, 1698 blasting, 7711 mildew, 3420 locust, 697 [or] if there be caterpiller; 2625 if their enemy 341-6 besiege 6887-55 them in the land 776 of their cities; 8179 whatsoever plague, 5061 whatsoever sickness 4245 [there be];

8:38 What prayer 8605 and supplication 8467 soever be [made] by any man, 120 [or] by all thy people 5971 Israel, 3478 which shall know 3045-4 every man 376 the plague 5061 of his own heart, 3824 and spread forth 6566-1 his hands 3709 toward this house: 1004

8:39 Then hear 8085-4 thou in heaven 8064 thy dwelling 3427-2 place, 4349 and forgive, 5545-1 and do, 6213-1 and give 5414- 1 to every man 376 according to his ways, 1870 whose heart 3824 thou knowest; 3045-4 (for thou, [even] thou only, knowest 3045-1 the hearts 3824 of all the children 1121 of men;) 120

8:40 That they may fear 3372-4 thee all the days 3117 that they live 2416 in 6440 the land 127 which thou gavest 5414-1 unto our fathers. 1

8:41 Moreover concerning a stranger, 5237 that [is] not of thy people 5971 Israel, 3478 but cometh 935-1 out of a far 7350 country 776 for thy name's 8034 sake; 4616

8:42 (For they shall hear 8085-4 of thy great 1419 name, 8034 and of thy strong 2389 hand, 3027 and of thy stretched out 5186-7 arm;) 2220 when he shall come 935-1 and pray 6419-98 toward this house; 1004

8:43 Hear 8085-4 thou in heaven 8064 thy dwelling 3427-2 place, 4349 and do 6213-1 according to all that the stranger 5237 calleth 7121-4 to thee for: that all people 5971 of the earth 776 may know 3045-4 thy name, 8034 to fear 3372-2 thee, as [do] thy people 5971 Israel; 3478 and that they may know 3045-2 that this house, 1004 which I have builded, 1129-1 is called 7121-8 by thy name. 8034

8:44 If thy people 5971 go out 3318-4 to battle 4421 against their enemy, 341-6 whithersoever 1870 thou shalt send 7971-4 them, and shall pray 6419-98 unto the LORD 3068 toward 1870 the city 5892 which thou hast chosen, 977-1 and [toward] the house 1004 that I have built 1129-1 for thy name: 8034

8:45 Then hear 8085-1 thou in heaven 8064 their prayer 8605 and their supplication, 8467 and maintain 6213-1 their cause. 4941

8:46 If they sin 2398-4 against thee, (for [there is] no man 120 that sinneth 2398-4 not,) and thou be angry 599-1 with them, and deliver 5414-1 them to 6440 the enemy, 341-6 so that they carry them away 7617-1 captives 7617-6 unto the land 776 of the enemy, 341-6 far 7350 or near; 7138

8:47 [Yet] if they shall bethink 7725-52 3820 themselves in the land 776 whither they were carried captives, 7617-8 and repent, 7725-1 and make supplication 2603-98 unto thee in the land 776 of them that carried them captives, 7617-6 saying, 559-2 We have sinned, 2398-1 and have done perversely, 5753- 52 we have committed wickedness; 7561-1

8:48 And [so] return 7725-1 unto thee with all their heart, 3824 and with all their soul, 5315 in the land 776 of their enemies, 341-6 which led them away captive, 7617-1 and pray 6419-98 unto thee toward 1870 their land, 776 which thou gavest 5414-1 unto their fathers, 1 the city 5892 which thou hast chosen, 977-1 and the house 1004 which I have built 1129-1 for thy name: 8034

8:49 Then hear 8085-1 thou their prayer 8605 and their supplication 8467 in heaven 8064 thy dwelling 3427-2 place, 4349 and maintain 6213-1 their cause, 4941

8:50 And forgive 5545-1 thy people 5971 that have sinned 2398-1 against thee, and all their transgressions 6588 wherein they have transgressed 6586-1 against thee, and give 5414-1 them compassion 7356 before 6440 them who carried them captive, 7617-6 that they may have compassion 7355-14 on them:

8:51 For they [be] thy people, 5971 and thine inheritance, 5159 which thou broughtest forth 3318-52 out of Egypt, 4714 from the midst 8432 of the furnace 3564 of iron: 1270

8:52 That thine eyes 5869 may be open 6605-7 unto the supplication 8467 of thy servant, 5650 and unto the supplication 8467 of thy people 5971 Israel, 3478 to hearken 8085-2 unto them in all that they call 7121-2 for unto thee.

8:53 For thou didst separate 914-52 them from among all the people 5971 of the earth, 776 [to be] thine inheritance, 5159 as thou spakest 1696-14 by the hand 3027 of Moses 4872 thy servant, 5650 when thou broughtest our fathers 1 out 3318-53 of Egypt, 4714 O Lord 136 GOD. 3069

8:54 And it was [so], that when Solomon 8010 had made an end 3615-15 of praying 6419-99 all this prayer 8605 and supplication 8467 unto the LORD, 3068 he arose 6965-1 from before 6440 the altar 4196 of the LORD, 3068 from kneeling 3766-2 on his knees 1290 with his hands 3709 spread 6566-7 up to heaven. 8064

8:55 And he stood, 5975-4 and blessed 1288-17 all the congregation 6951 of Israel 3478 with a loud 1419 voice, 6963 saying, 559-2

8:56 Blessed 1288-7 [be] the LORD, 3068 that hath given 5414- 1 rest 4496 unto his people 5971 Israel, 3478 according to all that he promised: 1696-14 there hath not failed 5307-1 one 259 word 1697 of all his good 2896 promise, 1697 which he promised 1696-14 by the hand 3027 of Moses 4872 his servant. 5650

8:57 The LORD 3068 our God 430 be with us, as he was with our fathers: 1 let him not leave 5800-4 us, nor forsake 5203-4 us:

8:58 That he may incline 5186-53 our hearts 3824 unto him, to walk 3212-2 in all his ways, 1870 and to keep 8104-2 his commandments, 4687 and his statutes, 2706 and his judgments, 4941 which he commanded 6680-14 our fathers. 1

8:59 And let these my words, 1697 wherewith I have made supplication 2603-98 before 6440 the LORD, 3068 be nigh 7138 unto the LORD 3068 our God 430 day 3119 and night, 3915 that he maintain 6213-2 the cause 4941 of his servant, 5650 and the cause 4941 of his people 5971 Israel 3478 at all times, 3117 3117 as the matter 1697 shall require:

8:60 That all the people 5971 of the earth 776 may know 3045- 2 that the LORD 3068 [is] God, 430 [and that there is] none else.

8:61 Let your heart 3824 therefore be perfect 8003 with the LORD 3068 our God, 430 to walk 3212-2 in his statutes, 2706 and to keep 8104-2 his commandments, 4687 as at this day. 3117

8:62 And the king, 4428 and all Israel 3478 with him, offered 2076-6 sacrifice 2077 before 6440 the LORD. 3068

8:63 And Solomon 8010 offered 2076-4 a sacrifice 2077 of peace offerings, 8002 which he offered 2076-1 unto the LORD, 3068 two 8147 and twenty 6242 thousand 505 oxen, 1241 and an hundred 3967 and twenty 6242 thousand 505 sheep. 6629 So the king 4428 and all the children 1121 of Israel 3478 dedicated 2596-4 the house 1004 of the LORD. 3068

8:64 The same day 3117 did the king 4428 hallow 6942-14 the middle 8432 of the court 2691 that [was] before 6440 the house 1004 of the LORD: 3068 for there he offered 6213-1 burnt offerings, 5930 and meat offerings, 4503 and the fat 2459 of the peace offerings: 8002 because the brasen 5178 altar 4196 that [was] before 6440 the LORD 3068 [was] too little 6996 to receive 3557-53 the burnt offerings, 5930 and meat offerings, 4503 and the fat 2459 of the peace offerings. 8002

8:65 And at that time 6256 Solomon 8010 held 6213-4 a feast, 2282 and all Israel 3478 with him, a great 1419 congregation, 6951 from the entering in 935-2 of Hamath 2574 unto the river 5158 of Egypt, 4714 before 6440 the LORD 3068 our God, 430 seven 7651 days 3117 and seven 7651 days, 3117 [even] fourteen 702 6240 days. 3117

8:66 On the eighth 8066 day 3117 he sent the people 5971 away: 7971-14 and they blessed 1288-17 the king, 4428 and went 3212-4 unto their tents 168 joyful 8056 and glad 2896 of heart 3820 for all the goodness 2896 that the LORD 3068 had done 6213-1 for David 1732 his servant, 5650 and for Israel 3478 his people. 5971


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