V.1 And they continued 3427-4 three 7969 years 8141 without war 4421 between Syria 758 and Israel. 3478

22:2 And it came to pass in the third 7992 year, 8141 that Jehoshaphat 3092 the king 4428 of Judah 3063 came down 3381-4 to the king 4428 of Israel. 3478

22:3 And the king 4428 of Israel 3478 said 559-4 unto his servants, 5650 Know 3045-1 ye that Ramoth 7433 in Gilead 1568 [is] ours, and we [be] still, 2814-56 [and] take 3947-2 it not out of the hand 3027 of the king 4428 of Syria? 758

22:4 And he said 559-4 unto Jehoshaphat, 3092 Wilt thou go 3212-4 with me to battle 4421 to Ramothgilead? 7433 1568 And Jehoshaphat 3092 said 559-4 to the king 4428 of Israel, 3478 I [am] as thou 3644 [art], my people 5971 as thy people, 5971 my horses 5483 as thy horses. 5483

22:5 And Jehoshaphat 3092 said 559-4 unto the king 4428 of Israel, 3478 Enquire, 1875-3 I pray thee, at the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 to day. 3117

22:6 Then the king 4428 of Israel 3478 gathered the prophets 5030 together, 6908-4 about four 702 hundred 3967 men, 376 and said 559-4 unto them, Shall I go 3212-4 against Ramothgilead 7433 1568 to battle, 4421 or shall I forbear? 2308-4 And they said, 559-4 Go up; 5927-3 for the Lord 136 shall deliver 5414-4 [it] into the hand 3027 of the king. 4428

22:7 And Jehoshaphat 3092 said, 559-4 [Is there] not here a prophet 5030 of the LORD 3068 besides, 5750 that we might enquire 1875-4 of him?

22:8 And the king 4428 of Israel 3478 said 559-4 unto Jehoshaphat, 3092 [There is] yet one 259 man, 376 Micaiah 4321 the son 1121 of Imlah, 3229 by whom we may enquire 1875- 2 of the LORD: 3068 but I hate 8130-1 him; for he doth not prophesy 5012-101 good 2896 concerning me, but evil. 7451 And Jehoshaphat 3092 said, 559-4 Let not the king 4428 say 559-4 so.

22:9 Then the king 4428 of Israel 3478 called 7121-4 an 259 officer, 5631 and said, 559-4 Hasten 4116-16 [hither] Micaiah 4321 the son 1121 of Imlah. 3229

22:10 And the king 4428 of Israel 3478 and Jehoshaphat 3092 the king 4428 of Judah 3063 sat 3427-6 each 376 on his throne, 3678 having put on 3847-30 their robes, 899 in a void place 1637 in the entrance 6607 of the gate 8179 of Samaria; 8111 and all the prophets 5030 prophesied 5012-102 before 6440 them.

22:11 And Zedekiah 6667 the son 1121 of Chenaanah 3668 made 6213-4 him horns 7161 of iron: 1270 and he said, 559-4 Thus saith 559-1 the LORD, 3068 With these shalt thou push 5055-17 the Syrians, 758 until thou have consumed 3615-15 them.

22:12 And all the prophets 5030 prophesied 5012-12 so, saying, 559-2 Go up 5927-3 to Ramothgilead, 7433 1568 and prosper: 6743-54 for the LORD 3068 shall deliver 5414-1 [it] into the king's 4428 hand. 3027

22:13 And the messenger 4397 that was gone 1980-1 to call 7121-2 Micaiah 4321 spake 1696-14 unto him, saying, 559-2 Behold now, the words 1697 of the prophets 5030 [declare] good 2896 unto the king 4428 with one 259 mouth: 6310 let thy word, 1697 I pray thee, be like the word 1697 of one 259 of them, and speak 1696-14 [that which is] good. 2896

22:14 And Micaiah 4321 said, 559-4 [As] the LORD 3068 liveth, 2416 what the LORD 3068 saith 559-4 unto me, that will I speak. 1696-17

22:15 So he came 935-4 to the king. 4428 And the king 4428 said 559-4 unto him, Micaiah, 4321 shall we go 3212-4 against Ramothgilead 7433 1568 to battle, 4421 or shall we forbear? 2308-4 And he answered 559-4 him, Go, 5927-3 and prosper: 6743-54 for the LORD 3068 shall deliver 5414-1 [it] into the hand 3027 of the king. 4428

22:16 And the king 4428 said 559-4 unto him, How many times 6471 shall I adjure 7650-56 thee that thou tell 1696-17 me nothing but [that which is] true 571 in the name 8034 of the LORD? 3068

22:17 And he said, 559-4 I saw 7200-1 all Israel 3478 scattered 6327-12 upon the hills, 2022 as sheep 6629 that have not a shepherd: 7462-6 and the LORD 3068 said, 559-4 These have no master: 113 let them return 7725-4 every man 376 to his house 1004 in peace. 7965

22:18 And the king 4428 of Israel 3478 said 559-4 unto Jehoshaphat, 3092 Did I not tell 559-1 thee that he would prophesy 5012-101 no good 2896 concerning me, but evil? 7451

22:19 And he said, 559-4 Hear 8085-3 thou therefore the word 1697 of the LORD: 3068 I saw 7200-1 the LORD 3068 sitting 3427-6 on his throne, 3678 and all the host 6635 of heaven 8064 standing 5975-6 by him on his right hand 3225 and on his left. 8040

22:20 And the LORD 3068 said, 559-4 Who shall persuade 6601- 17 Ahab, 256 that he may go up 5927-4 and fall 5307-4 at Ramothgilead? 7433 1568 And one said 559-4 on this manner, 3541 and another said 559-6 on that manner. 3541

22:21 And there came forth 3318-4 a spirit, 7307 and stood 5975-4 before 6440 the LORD, 3068 and said, 559-4 I will persuade 6601-17 him.

22:22 And the LORD 3068 said 559-4 unto him, Wherewith? And he said, 559-4 I will go forth, 3318-4 and I will be a lying 8267 spirit 7307 in the mouth 6310 of all his prophets. 5030 And he said, 559-4 Thou shalt persuade 6601-17 [him], and prevail 3201-4 also: go forth, 3318-3 and do 6213-3 so.

22:23 Now therefore, behold, the LORD 3068 hath put 5414-1 a lying 8267 spirit 7307 in the mouth 6310 of all these thy prophets, 5030 and the LORD 3068 hath spoken 1696-14 evil 7451 concerning thee.

22:24 But Zedekiah 6667 the son 1121 of Chenaanah 3668 went near, 5066-4 and smote 5221-55 Micaiah 4321 on the cheek, 3895 and said, 559-4 Which way 335 went 5674-1 the Spirit 7307 of the LORD 3068 from me to speak 1696-15 unto thee?

22:25 And Micaiah 4321 said, 559-4 Behold, thou shalt see 7200-6 in that day, 3117 when thou shalt go 935-4 into an inner 2315 chamber 2315 to hide 2247-9 thyself.

22:26 And the king 4428 of Israel 3478 said, 559-4 Take 3947- 3 Micaiah, 4321 and carry him back 7725-54 unto Amon 526 the governor 8269 of the city, 5892 and to Joash 3101 the king's 4428 son; 1121

22:27 And say, 559-1 Thus saith 559-1 the king, 4428 Put 7760-3 this [fellow] in the prison, 1004 3608 and feed 398-54 him with bread 3899 of affliction 3906 and with water 4325 of affliction, 3906 until I come 935-2 in peace. 7965

22:28 And Micaiah 4321 said, 559-4 If thou return 7725-4 at all 7725-2 in peace, 7965 the LORD 3068 hath not spoken 1696- 14 by me. And he said, 559-4 Hearken, 8085-3 O people, 5971 every one of you.

22:29 So the king 4428 of Israel 3478 and Jehoshaphat 3092 the king 4428 of Judah 3063 went up 5927-4 to Ramothgilead. 7433 1568

22:30 And the king 4428 of Israel 3478 said 559-4 unto Jehoshaphat, 3092 I will disguise 2664-99 myself, and enter 935-2 into the battle; 4421 but put thou on 3847-3 thy robes. 899 And the king 4428 of Israel 3478 disguised 2664-101 himself, and went 935-4 into the battle. 4421

22:31 But the king 4428 of Syria 758 commanded 6680-14 his thirty 7970 and two 8147 captains 8269 that had rule over his chariots, 7393 saying, 559-2 Fight 3898-11 neither with small 6996 nor great, 1419 save only with the king 4428 of Israel. 3478

22:32 And it came to pass, when the captains 8269 of the chariots 7393 saw 7200-2 Jehoshaphat, 3092 that they said, 559-1 Surely it [is] the king 4428 of Israel. 3478 And they turned aside 5493-4 to fight 3898-9 against him: and Jehoshaphat 3092 cried out. 2199-4

22:33 And it came to pass, when the captains 8269 of the chariots 7393 perceived 7200-2 that it [was] not the king 4428 of Israel, 3478 that they turned back 7725-4 from pursuing 310 him.

22:34 And a [certain] man 376 drew 4900-1 a bow 7198 at a venture, 8537 and smote 5221-55 the king 4428 of Israel 3478 between the joints 1694 of the harness: 8302 wherefore he said 559-4 unto the driver of his chariot, 7395 Turn 2015-3 thine hand, 3027 and carry me out 3318-54 of the host; 4264 for I am wounded. 2470-90

22:35 And the battle 4421 increased 5927-4 that day: 3117 and the king 4428 was stayed up 5975-94 in his chariot 4818 against 5227 the Syrians, 758 and died 4191-4 at even: 6153 and the blood 1818 ran out 3332-4 of the wound 4347 into the midst 2436 of the chariot. 7393

22:36 And there went 5674-4 a proclamation 7440 throughout the host 4264 about the going down 935-2 of the sun, 8121 saying, 559-2 Every man 376 to his city, 5892 and every man 376 to his own country. 776

22:37 So the king 4428 died, 4191-4 and was brought 935-4 to Samaria; 8111 and they buried 6912-4 the king 4428 in Samaria. 8111

22:38 And [one] washed 7857-4 the chariot 7393 in the pool 1295 of Samaria; 8111 and the dogs 3611 licked up 3952-4 his blood; 1818 and they washed 7364-1 his armour; 2185 according unto the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 which he spake. 1696-14

22:39 Now the rest 3499 of the acts 1697 of Ahab, 256 and all that he did, 6213-1 and the ivory 8127 house 1004 which he made, 1129-1 and all the cities 5892 that he built, 1129-1 [are] they not written 3789-7 in the book 5612 of the chronicles 1697 3117 of the kings 4428 of Israel? 3478

22:40 So Ahab 256 slept 7901-4 with his fathers; 1 and Ahaziah 274 his son 1121 reigned 4427-4 in his stead.

22:41 And Jehoshaphat 3092 the son 1121 of Asa 609 began to reign 4427-1 over Judah 3063 in the fourth 702 year 8141 of Ahab 256 king 4428 of Israel. 3478

22:42 Jehoshaphat 3092 [was] thirty 7970 and five 2568 years 8141 old 1121 when he began to reign; 4427-2 and he reigned 4427-1 twenty 6242 and five 2568 years 8141 in Jerusalem. 3389 And his mother's 517 name 8034 [was] Azubah 5806 the daughter 1323 of Shilhi. 7977

22:43 And he walked 3212-4 in all the ways 1870 of Asa 609 his father; 1 he turned not aside 5493-1 from it, doing 6213- 2 [that which was] right 3477 in the eyes 5869 of the LORD: 3068 nevertheless the high places 1116 were not taken away; 5493-1 [for] the people 5971 offered 2076-18 and burnt incense 6999-18 yet in the high places. 1116

22:44 And Jehoshaphat 3092 made peace 7999-55 with the king 4428 of Israel. 3478

22:45 Now the rest 3499 of the acts 1697 of Jehoshaphat, 3092 and his might 1369 that he shewed, 6213-1 and how he warred, 3898-8 [are] they not written 3789-7 in the book 5612 of the chronicles 1697 3117 of the kings 4428 of Judah? 3063

22:46 And the remnant 3499 of the sodomites, 6945 which remained 7604-8 in the days 3117 of his father 1 Asa, 609 he took out 1197-14 of the land. 776

22:47 [There was] then no king 4428 in Edom: 123 a deputy 5324-12 [was] king. 4428

22:48 Jehoshaphat 3092 made 6213-1|6240-k ships 591 of Tharshish 8659 to go 3212-2 to Ophir 211 for gold: 2091 but they went 1980-1 not; for the ships 591 were broken 7665-8 at Eziongeber. 6100

22:49 Then said 559-1 Ahaziah 274 the son 1121 of Ahab 256 unto Jehoshaphat, 3092 Let my servants 5650 go 3212-4 with thy servants 5650 in the ships. 591 But Jehoshaphat 3092 would 14-1 not.

22:50 And Jehoshaphat 3092 slept 7901-4 with his fathers, 1 and was buried 6912-11 with his fathers 1 in the city 5892 of David 1732 his father: 1 and Jehoram 3088 his son 1121 reigned 4427-4 in his stead.

22:51 Ahaziah 274 the son 1121 of Ahab 256 began to reign 4427-1 over Israel 3478 in Samaria 8111 the seventeenth 7651 6240 year 8141 of Jehoshaphat 3092 king 4428 of Judah, 3063 and reigned 4427-4 two years 8141 over Israel. 3478

22:52 And he did 6213-4 evil 7451 in the sight 5869 of the LORD, 3068 and walked 3212-4 in the way 1870 of his father, 1 and in the way 1870 of his mother, 517 and in the way 1870 of Jeroboam 3379 the son 1121 of Nebat, 5028 who made Israel 3478 to sin: 2398-52

22:53 For he served 5647-4 Baal, 1168 and worshipped 7812-101 him, and provoked to anger 3707-55 the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel, 3478 according to all that his father 1 had done. 6213-1


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