V.1 Then the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 came to Jehu 3058 the son 1121 of Hanani 2607 against Baasha, 1201 saying, 559-2

16:2 Forasmuch as I exalted 7311-52 thee out of the dust, 6083 and made 5414-4 thee prince 5057 over my people 5971 Israel; 3478 and thou hast walked 3212-4 in the way 1870 of Jeroboam, 3379 and hast made my people 5971 Israel 3478 to sin, 2398-55 to provoke me to anger 3707-53 with their sins; 2403

16:3 Behold, I will take away 1197-56 the posterity 310 of Baasha, 1201 and the posterity 310 of his house; 1004 and will make 5414-1 thy house 1004 like the house 1004 of Jeroboam 3379 the son 1121 of Nebat. 5028

16:4 Him that dieth 4191-5 of Baasha 1201 in the city 5892 shall the dogs 3611 eat; 398-4 and him that dieth 4191-5 of his in the fields 7704 shall the fowls 5775 of the air 8064 eat. 398-4

16:5 Now the rest 3499 of the acts 1697 of Baasha, 1201 and what he did, 6213-1 and his might, 1369 [are] they not written 3789-7 in the book 5612 of the chronicles 1697 3117 of the kings 4428 of Israel? 3478

16:6 So Baasha 1201 slept 7901-4 with his fathers, 1 and was buried 6912-11 in Tirzah: 8656 and Elah 425 his son 1121 reigned 4427-4 in his stead.

16:7 And also by the hand 3027 of the prophet 5030 Jehu 3058 the son 1121 of Hanani 2607 came the word 1697 of the LORD 3068 against Baasha, 1201 and against his house, 1004 even for all the evil 7451 that he did 6213-1 in the sight 5869 of the LORD, 3068 in provoking him to anger 3707-53 with the work 4639 of his hands, 3027 in being like the house 1004 of Jeroboam; 3379 and because he killed 5221-52 him.

16:8 In the twenty 6242 8141 and sixth 8337 year 8141 of Asa 609 king 4428 of Judah 3063 began Elah 425 the son 1121 of Baasha 1201 to reign 4427-1 over Israel 3478 in Tirzah, 8656 two years. 8141

16:9 And his servant 5650 Zimri, 2174 captain 8269 of half 4276 [his] chariots, 7393 conspired 7194-4 against him, as he was in Tirzah, 8656 drinking 8354-6 himself drunk 7910 in the house 1004 of Arza 777 steward of [his] house 1004 in Tirzah. 8656

16:10 And Zimri 2174 went in 935-4 and smote 5221-55 him, and killed 4191-55 him, in the twenty 6242 and seventh 7651 year 8141 of Asa 609 king 4428 of Judah, 3063 and reigned 4427-4 in his stead.

16:11 And it came to pass, when he began to reign, 4427-2 as soon as he sat 3427-2 on his throne, 3678 [that] he slew 5221-52 all the house 1004 of Baasha: 1201 he left 7604-52 him not one that pisseth 8366-56 against a wall, 7023 neither of his kinsfolks, 1350-6 nor of his friends. 7453

16:12 Thus did Zimri 2174 destroy 8045-55 all the house 1004 of Baasha, 1201 according to the word 1697 of the LORD, 3068 which he spake 1696-14 against Baasha 1201 by 3027 Jehu 3058 the prophet, 5030

16:13 For all the sins 2403 of Baasha, 1201 and the sins 2403 of Elah 425 his son, 1121 by which they sinned, 2398-1 and by which they made Israel 3478 to sin, 2398-52 in provoking the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel 3478 to anger 3707-53 with their vanities. 1892

16:14 Now the rest 3499 of the acts 1697 of Elah, 425 and all that he did, 6213-1 [are] they not written 3789-7 in the book 5612 of the chronicles 1697 3117 of the kings 4428 of Israel? 3478

16:15 In the twenty 6242 8141 and seventh 7651 year 8141 of Asa 609 king 4428 of Judah 3063 did Zimri 2174 reign 4427-1 seven 7651 days 3117 in Tirzah. 8656 And the people 5971 [were] encamped 2583-6 against Gibbethon, 1405 which [belonged] to the Philistines. 6430

16:16 And the people 5971 [that were] encamped 2583-6 heard 8085-4 say, 559-2 Zimri 2174 hath conspired, 7194-1 and hath also slain 5221-52 the king: 4428 wherefore all Israel 3478 made Omri, 6018 the captain 8269 of the host, 6635 king 4427- 55 over Israel 3478 that day 3117 in the camp. 4264

16:17 And Omri 6018 went up 5927-4 from Gibbethon, 1405 and all Israel 3478 with him, and they besieged 6696-4 Tirzah. 8656

16:18 And it came to pass, when Zimri 2174 saw 7200-2 that the city 5892 was taken, 3920-8 that he went 935-4 into the palace 759 of the king's 4428 house, 1004 and burnt 8313-4 the king's 4428 house 1004 over him with fire, 784 and died, 4191-4

16:19 For his sins 2403 which he sinned 2398-1 in doing 6213- 2 evil 7451 in the sight 5869 of the LORD, 3068 in walking 3212-2 in the way 1870 of Jeroboam, 3379 and in his sin 2403 which he did, 6213-1 to make Israel 3478 to sin. 2398-53

16:20 Now the rest 3499 of the acts 1697 of Zimri, 2174 and his treason 7195 that he wrought, 7194-1 [are] they not written 3789-7 in the book 5612 of the chronicles 1697 3117 of the kings 4428 of Israel? 3478

16:21 Then were the people 5971 of Israel 3478 divided 2505- 11 into two parts: 2677 half 2677 of the people 5971 followed 1961-1 310 Tibni 8402 the son 1121 of Ginath, 1527 to make him king; 4427-53 and half 2677 followed 310 Omri. 6018

16:22 But the people 5971 that followed 310 Omri 6018 prevailed 2388-4 against 854 the people 5971 that followed 310 Tibni 8402 the son 1121 of Ginath: 1527 so Tibni 8402 died, 4191-4 and Omri 6018 reigned. 4427-4

16:23 In the thirty 7970 8141 and first 259 year 8141 of Asa 609 king 4428 of Judah 3063 began Omri 6018 to reign 4427-1 over Israel, 3478 twelve 8147 6240 years: 8141 six 8337 years 8141 reigned 4427-1 he in Tirzah. 8656

16:24 And he bought 7069-4 the hill 2022 Samaria 8111 of Shemer 8106 for two talents 3603 of silver, 3701 and built 1129-4 on the hill, 2022 and called 7121-4 the name 8034 of the city 5892 which he built, 1129-1 after the name 8034 of Shemer, 8106 owner 113 of the hill, 2022 Samaria. 8111

16:25 But Omri 6018 wrought 6213-4 evil 7451 in the eyes 5869 of the LORD, 3068 and did worse 7489-55 than all that [were] before 6440 him.

16:26 For he walked 3212-4 in all the way 1870 of Jeroboam 3379 the son 1121 of Nebat, 5028 and in his sin 2403 wherewith he made Israel 3478 to sin, 2398-52 to provoke the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel 3478 to anger 3707-53 with their vanities. 1892

16:27 Now the rest 3499 of the acts 1697 of Omri 6018 which he did, 6213-1 and his might 1369 that he shewed, 6213-1 [are] they not written 3789-7 in the book 5612 of the chronicles 1697 3117 of the kings 4428 of Israel? 3478

16:28 So Omri 6018 slept 7901-4 with his fathers, 1 and was buried 6912-11 in Samaria: 8111 and Ahab 256 his son 1121 reigned 4427-4 in his stead.

16:29 And in the thirty 7970 8141 and eighth 8083 year 8141 of Asa 609 king 4428 of Judah 3063 began Ahab 256 the son 1121 of Omri 6018 to reign 4427-1 over Israel: 3478 and Ahab 256 the son 1121 of Omri 6018 reigned 4427-4 over Israel 3478 in Samaria 8111 twenty 6242 and two 8147 years. 8141

16:30 And Ahab 256 the son 1121 of Omri 6018 did 6213-4 evil 7451 in the sight 5869 of the LORD 3068 above all that [were] before 6440 him.

16:31 And it came to pass, as if it had been a light thing 7043-8 for him to walk 3212-2 in the sins 2403 of Jeroboam 3379 the son 1121 of Nebat, 5028 that he took 3947-4 to wife 802 Jezebel 348 the daughter 1323 of Ethbaal 856 king 4428 of the Zidonians, 6722 and went 3212-4 and served 5647-4 Baal, 1168 and worshipped 7812-101 him.

16:32 And he reared up 6965-55 an altar 4196 for Baal 1168 in the house 1004 of Baal, 1168 which he had built 1129-1 in Samaria. 8111

16:33 And Ahab 256 made 6213-4 a grove; 842 and Ahab 256 did 6213-2 more 3254-55 to provoke the LORD 3068 God 430 of Israel 3478 to anger 3707-53 than all the kings 4428 of Israel 3478 that were before 6440 him.

16:34 In his days 3117 did Hiel 2419 the Bethelite 1017 build 1129-1 Jericho: 3405 he laid the foundation 3245-14 thereof in Abiram 48 his firstborn, 1060 and set up 5324-52 the gates 1817 thereof in his youngest 6810 [son] Segub, 7687 according to the word 1697 of the LORD, 3068 which he spake 1696-14 by 3027 Joshua 3091 the son 1121 of Nun. 5126


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