V.1 Now the children 1121 of Israel 3478 after their number, 4557 [to wit], the chief 7218 fathers 1 and captains 8269 of thousands 505 and hundreds, 3967 and their officers 7860-6 that served 8334-18 the king 4428 in any matter 1697 of the courses, 4256 which came in 935-6 and went out 3318-6 month 2320 by month 2320 throughout all the months 2320 of the year, 8141 of every 259 course 4256 [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:2 Over the first 7223 course 4256 for the first 7223 month 2320 [was] Jashobeam 3434 the son 1121 of Zabdiel: 2068 and in his course 4256 [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:3 Of the children 1121 of Perez 6557 [was] the chief 7218 of all the captains 8269 of the host 6635 for the first 7223 month. 2320

27:4 And over the course 4256 of the second 8145 month 2320 [was] Dodai 1737 an Ahohite, 266 and of his course 4256 [was] Mikloth 4732 also the ruler: 5057 in his course 4256 likewise [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:5 The third 7992 captain 8269 of the host 6635 for the third 7992 month 2320 [was] Benaiah 1141 the son 1121 of Jehoiada, 3077 a chief 7218 priest: 3548 and in his course 4256 [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:6 This [is that] Benaiah, 1141 [who was] mighty 1368 [among] the thirty, 7970 and above the thirty: 7970 and in his course 4256 [was] Ammizabad 5990 his son. 1121

27:7 The fourth 7243 [captain] for the fourth 7243 month 2320 [was] Asahel 6214 the brother 251 of Joab, 3097 and Zebadiah 2069 his son 1121 after 310 him: and in his course 4256 [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:8 The fifth 2549 captain 8269 for the fifth 2549 month 2320 [was] Shamhuth 8049 the Izrahite: 3155 and in his course 4256 [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:9 The sixth 8345 [captain] for the sixth 8345 month 2320 [was] Ira 5896 the son 1121 of Ikkesh 6142 the Tekoite: 8621 and in his course 4256 [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:10 The seventh 7637 [captain] for the seventh 7637 month 2320 [was] Helez 2503 the Pelonite, 6397 of the children 1121 of Ephraim: 669 and in his course 4256 [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:11 The eighth 8066 [captain] for the eighth 8066 month 2320 [was] Sibbecai 5444 the Hushathite, 2843 of the Zarhites: 2227 and in his course 4256 [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:12 The ninth 8671 [captain] for the ninth 8671 month 2320 [was] Abiezer 44 the Anetothite, 6069 of the Benjamites: 1145 and in his course 4256 [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:13 The tenth 6224 [captain] for the tenth 6224 month 2320 [was] Maharai 4121 the Netophathite, 5200 of the Zarhites: 2227 and in his course 4256 [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:14 The eleventh 6249 6240 [captain] for the eleventh 6249 6240 month 2320 [was] Benaiah 1141 the Pirathonite, 6553 of the children 1121 of Ephraim: 669 and in his course 4256 [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:15 The twelfth 8147 6240 [captain] for the twelfth 8147 6240 month 2320 [was] Heldai 2469 the Netophathite, 5200 of Othniel: 6274 and in his course 4256 [were] twenty 6242 and four 702 thousand. 505

27:16 Furthermore over the tribes 7626 of Israel: 3478 the ruler 5057 of the Reubenites 7206 [was] Eliezer 461 the son 1121 of Zichri: 2147 of the Simeonites, 8099 Shephatiah 8203 the son 1121 of Maachah: 4601

27:17 Of the Levites, 3881 Hashabiah 2811 the son 1121 of Kemuel: 7055 of the Aaronites, 175 Zadok: 6659

27:18 Of Judah, 3063 Elihu, 453 [one] of the brethren 251 of David: 1732 of Issachar, 3485 Omri 6018 the son 1121 of Michael: 4317

27:19 Of Zebulun, 2074 Ishmaiah 3460 the son 1121 of Obadiah: 5662 of Naphtali, 5321 Jerimoth 3406 the son 1121 of Azriel: 5837

27:20 Of the children 1121 of Ephraim, 669 Hoshea 1954 the son 1121 of Azaziah: 5812 of the half 2677 tribe 7626 of Manasseh, 4519 Joel 3100 the son 1121 of Pedaiah: 6305

27:21 Of the half 2677 [tribe] of Manasseh 4519 in Gilead, 1568 Iddo 3035 the son 1121 of Zechariah: 2148 of Benjamin, 1144 Jaasiel 3300 the son 1121 of Abner: 74

27:22 Of Dan, 1835 Azareel 5832 the son 1121 of Jeroham. 3395 These [were] the princes 8269 of the tribes 7626 of Israel. 3478

27:23 But David 1732 took 5375-1 not the number 4557 of them from twenty 6242 years 8141 old 1121 and under: 4295 because the LORD 3068 had said 559-1 he would increase 7235-53 Israel 3478 like to the stars 3556 of the heavens. 8064

27:24 Joab 3097 the son 1121 of Zeruiah 6870 began 2490-52 to number, 4487-2 but he finished 3615-14 not, because there fell wrath 7110 for it 2063 against Israel; 3478 neither was the number 4557 put 5927-1 in the account 4557 of the chronicles 1697 3117 of king 4428 David. 1732

27:25 And over the king's 4428 treasures 214 [was] Azmaveth 5820 the son 1121 of Adiel: 5717 and over the storehouses 214 in the fields, 7704 in the cities, 5892 and in the villages, 3723 and in the castles, 4026 [was] Jehonathan 3083 the son 1121 of Uzziah: 5818

27:26 And over them that did 6213-6 the work 4399 of the field 7704 for tillage 5656 of the ground 127 [was] Ezri 5836 the son 1121 of Chelub: 3620

27:27 And over the vineyards 3754 [was] Shimei 8096 the Ramathite: 7435 over the increase of the vineyards 3754 for the wine 3196 cellars 214 [was] Zabdi 2067 the Shiphmite: 8225

27:28 And over the olive trees 2132 and the sycomore trees 8256 that [were] in the low plains 8219 [was] Baalhanan 1177 the Gederite: 1451 and over the cellars 214 of oil 8081 [was] Joash: 3135

27:29 And over the herds 1241 that fed 7462-6 in Sharon 8289 [was] Shitrai 7861 the Sharonite: 8290 and over the herds 1241 [that were] in the valleys 6010 [was] Shaphat 8202 the son 1121 of Adlai: 5724

27:30 Over the camels 1581 also [was] Obil 179 the Ishmaelite: 3459 and over the asses 860 [was] Jehdeiah 3165 the Meronothite: 4824

27:31 And over the flocks 6629 [was] Jaziz 3151 the Hagerite. 1905 All these [were] the rulers 8269 of the substance 7399 which [was] king 4428 David's. 1732

27:32 Also Jonathan 3083 David's 1732 uncle 1730 was a counsellor, 3289-6 a wise 995-56 man, 376 and a scribe: 5608- 6 and Jehiel 3171 the son 1121 of Hachmoni 2453 [was] with the king's 4428 sons: 1121

27:33 And Ahithophel 302 [was] the king's 4428 counsellor: 3289-6 and Hushai 2365 the Archite 757 [was] the king's 4428 companion: 7453

27:34 And after 310 Ahithophel 302 [was] Jehoiada 3077 the son 1121 of Benaiah, 1141 and Abiathar: 54 and the general 8269 of the king's 4428 army 6635 [was] Joab. 3097


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